
Kingdom: A New Era

In this captivating tale, a man from the modern era finds himself reborn into the world of the Kingdom Manga / Anime. With a burning desire to etch his name into history, he embarks on a journey to achieve greatness in this ancient realm. Follow his path as he seeks to revolutionize the Middle Kingdom, introducing innovative strategies and tactics that could change the course of history. Will he rise from obscurity to become a legendary figure, shaping a new era amidst the turmoil of the Warring States period? Join him on this thrilling adventure where ambition meets destiny in the Kingdom of Qin. The original work belongs to Creator of Kingdom Manga ******************************************************************* I am new to English language , My writing is sloppy , I am using AI to rewrite some senetences for any gramatical errors.

Night_master · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Chapter -32 Karna(2)

Karna belonged to a mysterious and now-vanished tribe that had once migrated from the western lands of Qin. Tragedy struck when the village they had established within Qin's borders fell victim to ruthless bandits, engulfed in flames. To safeguard Karna's life amidst the chaos, his family placed him in a wooden box along with some meager belongings, including a name tag, and set it afloat in a river, praying for divine protection as they sacrificed themselves to divert the attention of the assailants.

The meandering river carried the wooden box along its currents until it reached the hands of an elderly couple who, devoid of children of their own, embraced Karna as a gift from the heavens. They fervently thanked the gods for this unexpected blessing, raising Karna with an abundance of unwavering love and care.

Every evening, they shared moral tales and life lessons with Karna, instilling in him the values of compassion and righteousness. As Karna blossomed into a robust, dashing young man, he dedicated himself to supporting the elderly couple, undertaking various odd jobs to provide for their needs.

Karna's altruistic nature and benevolent spirit endeared him to the villagers, who held him in high regard for his kindness and selflessness.

By the time Karna reached the tender age of ten, the elderly couple found themselves on their deathbeds, their lives drawing to a close. In a poignant display of filial devotion, Karna wholeheartedly cared for them until they peacefully passed away.

Karna embarked on a journey through various towns, striving to ensure justice prevailed in every corner he visited. Along his path, he encountered a streetwise and resourceful companion named Mei Rik, a cunning street thief destined to cross paths with Karna.

When fate intervened and Mei Rik found himself in the clutches of a relentless soldier seeking his capture, it was Karna's unwavering compassion and kindness that spared Mei Rik's life, forging a deep bond of friendship between them.

Together, they ventured on a journey, extending aid and assistance to those in need and establishing a steadfast camaraderie.

However, their companionship faced a sudden and dire challenge when they were ambushed by soldiers from the Yin clan, a noble family with a young lady who sought to claim Karna as her slave.

In a treacherous turn of events, Mei Rik betrayed Karna, selling him to the Yin clan in exchange for a substantial bounty of gold, land, and promises.

Surrounded and outnumbered, Mei Rik attempted to distance himself from the impending danger, only to find himself trapped by the very individuals he aligned with.

As the situation grew increasingly perilous, Karna bravely charged at their assailants, breaking through their ranks to reach Mei Rik's side. With unwavering determination, Karna seized Mei Rik and utilized his sheer strength to push through the encircling foes, leading them into a frantic escape deep into the dense foliage of the jungle.

In the midst of the chaotic confrontation, a new threat emerged as a group of ten assailants approached from the front, drawing Karna into a fierce battle. However, amidst the skirmish, an archer positioned behind them took aim at Karna, poised to strike.

Sensing the imminent danger, Mei Rik, driven by a surge of determination, with gritted teeth, shouted a warning to Karna and swiftly positioned himself in front to intercept the arrow meant for his companion.

Witnessing Mei Rik's valiant sacrifice, Karna's heart swelled with a mix of emotions, from fury to profound gratitude. Reacting swiftly, he swiftly dispatched the group of assailants before swiftly turning his attention to the treacherous archer.

With a swift and precise throw of his spear, the archer met his end. Rushing to Mei Rik's side, Karna carefully removed the arrow, staunching the bleeding with a makeshift bandage in a desperate bid to save his friend's life.

With Mei Rik's life hanging in the balance, Karna hoisted him onto his back like a wounded comrade, determined to seek urgent medical assistance. Running with urgency and determination, Karna set off through the wilderness, his pace fueled by the urgency of the situation and his unwavering resolve to find help for his injured friend.

In a heartbreaking moment, Mei Rik's tear-filled eyes locked onto his friend, Karna, as he struggled to speak through his anguish. "why are doing this idiot , damn it i sold you , i literllay SOLD YOU cough to a noble for …cough… MONEY , you idiot why are saving me you unselfish fool , just leave me here and escape for your self , damn you blue eyed compasionate idiot …cough , caugh ...…." his voice strained with regret and the weight of his betrayal. "You kind moron, just leave me... save yourself," he implored, his words a painful mixture of despair and gratitude, his voice fading amidst labored coughs.

Despite the plea of his friend's failing voice, Karna's determined focus remained fixed on finding help for Mei Rik. The dense forest offered no signs of respite or aid, no roads or settlements in sight. With a heart heavy with sorrow and urgency, Karna's frantic search led him to the soothing presence of a river.

Following its winding path downstream, Karna sought a glimmer of hope in the tranquil waters, each step a poignant reminder of the life slipping away from his dearest friend.

From the shadows of his dwindling existence, Mei Rik watched his loyal companion's tireless efforts, his eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and acceptance. Summoning his weakening strength for a final farewell, he turned to Karna with a spirit weighed down by remorse and fondness.

"Karna, listen to me , you are a dim wit moron... this acursed shit world does not deserve someone like you, they hunt the kind hearted people like you" he murmured, his voice touched by a deep sorrow. "But I see a bright future for you, a path where genuine friends await to guide a kind-hearted warrior like you in this dog shit world. Follow them, Karna, i am forever with you , for all I wish for your well-being," his parting request a bittersweet echo of hope in a world filled with darkness.

As the echoes of his final words faded, the forest bore witness to the quiet passing of Mei Rik, leaving Karna standing amidst a serenity tainted by loss.

karna buried his friend in down below a giant tree , he placed a rock as a symbol and ribute for him for the first time in his life he cried real hard.

And he started his journey in this piece of shit world doing good deeds.