
Kingdom: A New Era

In this captivating tale, a man from the modern era finds himself reborn into the world of the Kingdom Manga / Anime. With a burning desire to etch his name into history, he embarks on a journey to achieve greatness in this ancient realm. Follow his path as he seeks to revolutionize the Middle Kingdom, introducing innovative strategies and tactics that could change the course of history. Will he rise from obscurity to become a legendary figure, shaping a new era amidst the turmoil of the Warring States period? Join him on this thrilling adventure where ambition meets destiny in the Kingdom of Qin. The original work belongs to Creator of Kingdom Manga ******************************************************************* I am new to English language , My writing is sloppy , I am using AI to rewrite some senetences for any gramatical errors.

Night_master · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Chapter -31 Karna

As they made their way back to their territory, Lin sent a message to Zhi, Mei, and Ying regarding the success of their mission and instructed them to recruit another clan located in the south known for their remarkable eyesight, currently held captive by bandits. Leading Rou clan were the two brothers, Rou Ki and Rou Mi. Rou Ki, a tall and spiky-haired man with a fierce demeanor, contrasted with Rou Mi, a shorter individual with shoulder-length hair, brown eyes, and a friendly smile.

While they leisurely marched towards Qin, they came upon a small skirmish unfolding outside a village. A group of 300 individuals clad in formidable armor advanced, accompanied by an archery unit, towards a defenseless force of 100 armed with basic wooden spears and worn iron blades.

Leading the smaller unit was a leader with brown skin, a strikingly handsome face, and intense blue eyes fixed fiercely on the approaching enemy.

Observing the situation, Lin turned to Jun, "It's evident that the well-prepared group of 300 is engaging the outnumbered 100; it appears to be an invading force against locals defending their homeland. Such skirmishes are not uncommon along border regions," Jun remarked, providing further context to the unfolding conflict.

As the group observed the battle from a vantage point, the 100-man army swiftly engaged the larger force of 300, preventing the archers from releasing their arrows due to the close proximity of both groups.

While the odds seemed stacked against the smaller army, they deftly split into two groups, flanking the enemy and creating a pathway for their leader and a select group to penetrate the enemy lines.

The leader and his contingent swiftly maneuvered through the opening, swiftly neutralizing the defenseless archers before turning their attention to the smaller unit guarding the flanks of the larger force.

With a tactical surprise attack from behind, they overwhelmed the defenders, systematically defeating them. Moving on to the left side, the leader and his remaining forces launched a full-on assault, swiftly turning the tide of the battle.

As the skirmish reached its conclusion, the once formidable unit of 300 dwindled down to a mere 50 individuals who surrendered to the victorious smaller force.

The leader, magnanimous in victory, released the defeated soldiers with a stern warning against any future incursions into the village. A display of strategic prowess and swift action had turned the tables in a remarkable victory.

Lin and his group stood in awe, witnessing the remarkable display of leadership as the small unit outmaneuvered and triumphed over the larger force through straightforward tactics, devoid of any deceit or trickery.

Despite being outnumbered and armed with minimal weaponry, the small unit achieved victory with minimal casualties, only a few sustaining deep wounds without any fatalities.

Impressed by the leader's exceptional performance, Lin was determined to recruit him into his own unit. The leader's strategic prowess and ability to secure triumph through sheer skill and courage had left a lasting impression on Lin.

Upon reaching the village, Lin's group intercepted a contingent on its way there. The leader of the fatigued small unit and his troops stood before the newcomers, appearing fierce and ready for any confrontation. However, to their surprise, the leader of the approaching group dismounted his horse and approached them with a respectful demeanor.

"My name is Leylin, leader of the Storm Eagles, and I am impressed by your command. I wish to recruit you to join my unit," Leylin stated, extending an offer of alliance.

In response, the small unit's leader eyed Leylin warily. "How can we trust you? What if you are just another deceiver sent by that merchant to capture us as slaves?" he questioned, his tone cautious.

Unfazed by the skepticism, Lin inquired, "And what should I call you, then?"

"My name is not your concern. If you truly are Leylin of the renowned Storm Eagles, prove it," the small unit's leader challenged.

Acknowledging the doubt, Leylin proposed a solution, "I'll refrain from engaging in battle today due to your exhaustion. Instead, I'll have one of my soldiers face off against you. If our soldier emerges victorious, you'll see that we are indeed different from the merchant's lackeys. The decision rests with you."

After deliberation within the small unit, the leader accepted the duel challenge. The leader stepped onto the stage, and from Leylin's group, the formidable Xin was nominated to represent them in the duel. With tension mounting, the duel between the two skilled combatants commenced, setting the stage for a test of strength and strategy.

Introductions were exchanged, with Xin from the Storm Eagles presenting himself as a soldier subordinate in the unit, offering a respectful bow and a clenched fist. The opposing warrior, Karna, simply stated, "My name is Karna, a lone warrior," reciprocating the gesture with a nod and a closed fist. The duel commenced, showcasing the contrasting armaments and styles of the combatants.

Xin wielded dual-layered armor and a sturdy metal spear, while Karna opted for a wooden spear with a metal tip and no armor, displaying a confidence matched by his swift movements. Despite Xin's initial powerful strikes, Karna's agile defense and swift counterattacks proved to be a formidable match, overwhelming Xin's offensive approach with precision and finesse.

As the battle unfolded, Xin realized Karna's adept ability to anticipate and counter his every move, leaving him struggling to keep up with the warrior's fluid movements.

With each exchange, Karna's calculated maneuvers left Xin on the defensive, unable to predict the next strike. In a decisive move, Karna capitalized on his insights into Xin's strategy, swiftly subduing him and ultimately casting him out of the dueling ring.

Standing victorious, Karna approached Xin, the tip of his spear poised but not threatening. "I have emerged as the victor, yet your strength and skill have earned my respect, great warrior. Your name shall be remembered," Karna acknowledged with a nod of appreciation, acknowledging Xin's prowess in combat. The onlookers, Jun and Lin, observed in awe as the duel unfolded.

Karna turned to Lin, acknowledging the skill displayed in the duel. "While I emerged victorious, your abilities are uncommon and do not align with those typically associated with a mere merchant's lackeys. Nevertheless, trust is not easily granted," Karna remarked, his gaze unwavering.

"I, too, have not been bested, showcasing the prowess of my renowned unit in army battles. Let us make a wager. Tomorrow, I shall face you in a army battle to prove the worth of my Storm Eagles. Should I emerge victorious, you will pledge your allegiance to me. However, if I do not prevail, you may request any reward from us, and I shall honor it. What say you to this arrangement?" Lin proposed confidently.

Karna considered the terms and ultimately agreed, "Very well, I accept the challenge. We shall meet tomorrow for our duel. Rest assured, you will be provided with supplies and shelter in this village until then," he stated before departing. Lin and his group were taken aback by Karna's unexpected gesture of hospitality towards his adversaries, leaving them with a sense of respect.