
Kingdom: A New Era

In this captivating tale, a man from the modern era finds himself reborn into the world of the Kingdom Manga / Anime. With a burning desire to etch his name into history, he embarks on a journey to achieve greatness in this ancient realm. Follow his path as he seeks to revolutionize the Middle Kingdom, introducing innovative strategies and tactics that could change the course of history. Will he rise from obscurity to become a legendary figure, shaping a new era amidst the turmoil of the Warring States period? Join him on this thrilling adventure where ambition meets destiny in the Kingdom of Qin. The original work belongs to Creator of Kingdom Manga ******************************************************************* I am new to English language , My writing is sloppy , I am using AI to rewrite some senetences for any gramatical errors.

Night_master · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Chapter -30 Rou Clan

From the gathered information in the message, there is a clan known as Rou who claim to possess an extraordinary ability called regeneration, allowing them to heal rapidly within a short period. It is even rumored that some among them have the power to heal severed bones. However, the entire clan has disappeared, with the last known sighting of a small group residing in the northern mountains of Zhao.

After an extensive investigation by Hui, it was discovered that they have been enslaved by a Qin minister and are being held captive in an underground compound. It is reported that other ministers visit this location to satisfy their sadistic urges by inflicting torture upon the members of the Rou clan.

"Fucking bastards," Lin muttered angrily at the ministers abusing their powers, his fists clenched in frustration. He rode his horse swiftly towards the northeastern part of Qin where it borders Zhao, his determination palpable. The Lin family shared his anger towards the situation.

With 50 troops accompanying him and another 50 stationed at his newly acquired land as part of his recent promotion, they reached the designated location.

Upon arrival, they secured their horses in a safe spot within a jungle, leaving a group of 10 guards to watch over them. Disguised in commoner's attire over their armor, they stealthily infiltrated the town and began scouting the minister's compound.

As night descended, an eerie silence enveloped the area, with 40 shadows moving swiftly in the darkness, ready to take action against the corrupt ministers.


In the underground complex under court yard of the minister palace,

Within the compound, a group of two hundred clan members were chained to the walls with cruel, sharp knives embedded in their bodies, leaving painful red marks. Even the females among them had been subjected to torture, evident from their naked and wounded forms.

Their eyes held a sense of hopelessness as they endured their harrowing ordeal, their wounds slowly healing.

Amidst the suffering, all eyes turned towards an old lady in the center who was chained to a boulder and nearing death's door.

Despite her dire situation, she looked skyward and began to sing, her voice echoing through the darkness, a beacon of resilience in the face of unimaginable cruelty.

In shadows deep, where sorrow creeps,

Our clan once proud, now bowed and weak.

An evil hand, a tyrant's grip,

Our spirits crushed, our hearts now weep.

But hear our song,

O world so bleak,

Of ancient tales and destinies we seek.

For in our hearts, a prophecy gleams,

A hero brave to shatter these dreams.

So raise your voices,

voices strong, Sing of battles fought, of rights and wrongs.

For in this song, a truth unwinds, A hero comes, a hope defined.

O ancient tune, O clan so true, Hold fast your hope, the prophecy's due.

For in our hearts, the future gleams, A hero born from our hopeful dreams.

Now heed my words, with courage bold, Follow the hero, brave and untold.

In unity strong, let's rise and soar, To reclaim our glory, like once before.

So raise your voices, voices high, To the hero's call, let our spirits fly.

For in this journey, our fate is sealed, To greatness bound, on victory's field.

With hearts ablaze and dreams in sight, March with the hero, towards the light.

Together we stand, no more in fear, For our destiny's dawn is drawing near.

She gazed at the clan members with determination and hope in her eyes. "He is coming, he will bring us our freedom. Follow him, and together, raise our clan to glory, my family. This is my final request to you all," she shouted, her voice filled with conviction. With a bow to the ground, she then sat down, leaning against the boulder, her life ebbing away.

As the clan members wept and mourned loudly, two brothers who appeared to have endured severe torture stood at the end of the compound.

One of them spoke with resolve, "Heed my plea, my family. We will avenge this injustice and rid ourselves of these oppressors. I swear on my life, I will ensure we receive the justice we deserve. Whether her words prove true or not, we will eliminate these bastards." Their voices echoed with a fierce determination to seek retribution for their suffering.

Meanwhile, above ground, the guards were swiftly overpowered one by one, with the minister who had enslaved the Rou clan captured within seconds. They descended into the underground compound, following the sounds of loud mourning. As they entered, they were met with a heart-wrenching scene that left them shocked.

Lin wasted no time in instructing his unit to untie the clan members, providing them with clothes and food. After some time, as the freed clan members consumed the nourishment with anger and hunger, two individuals approached Lin with a look of bloodlust in their eyes.

Recognizing them as the leaders of the clan, Lin inquired about the whereabouts of the children and elderly within the clan.

The brothers' expressions darkened as they somberly revealed the grim fate of the children, who had been sold as playthings to the ministers and subsequently killed.

The elderly members, unable to withstand the torment, had chosen to end their own lives. The weight of sorrow and loss hung heavily in the air as the tragic truth unfolded before them.

A surge of bloodlust came from Lin, but this time directed at the minister. Despite the minister's warning of kingdom repercussions, Lin approached him, untied him, and promptly hurled him to the ground.

With a swift kick, he sent the minister reeling towards the enraged clan members. "Do as you wish with him. Satisfy your hunger for justice. We have other ministers to deal with in town," Lin declared, his voice resolute.

The clan members encircled the minister, their jaws clenched in determination as they unleashed their pent-up fury upon him. The sounds of agonizing wails echoed throughout the underground chamber as the minister faced the consequences of his cruel actions.

As dawn broke, a grisly scene unfolded in the town square. The ministers who had participated in the torture of the Rou clan were now bound to poles in the center of the town.

Their bodies bore signs of extreme torture—missing eyes, limbs, and various body parts. The gruesome display served as a chilling reminder of the retribution meted out to those who had inflicted such unspeakable suffering.

In the jungle, Lin turned to the Rou clan members, "I will handle the aftermath of this situation. You may rest now." As he spoke, the two brothers knelt before Lin. "As foreseen by the seer of our clan, we are committed to following you and achieving glory. Please accept us as your comrades," they implored.

Lin gazed at them with a smile, "In truth, I have come to recruit you. Since you are eager to join, I will welcome your two hundred people into our unit."

Addressing the clan, Lin's voice rang out fiercely, "I care not where you hail from, nor do I dwell on your past. Leave behind the shadows of yesterday and let us forge a new history in the Middle Kingdom." The clan members, moved by his words, expressed their gratitude by kneeling in unison. "We will follow you to the end," they declared with unwavering resolve, ready to embark on a new chapter under Lin's leadership.