
Kingdom: A New Era

In this captivating tale, a man from the modern era finds himself reborn into the world of the Kingdom Manga / Anime. With a burning desire to etch his name into history, he embarks on a journey to achieve greatness in this ancient realm. Follow his path as he seeks to revolutionize the Middle Kingdom, introducing innovative strategies and tactics that could change the course of history. Will he rise from obscurity to become a legendary figure, shaping a new era amidst the turmoil of the Warring States period? Join him on this thrilling adventure where ambition meets destiny in the Kingdom of Qin. The original work belongs to Creator of Kingdom Manga ******************************************************************* I am new to English language , My writing is sloppy , I am using AI to rewrite some senetences for any gramatical errors.

Night_master · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
38 Chs

Chapter -19 Fame

As Fuuki fell to Shin and the morale of the Zhao soldiers plummeted, a soldier dashed towards the camp, sweating profusely. "Urgent report, urgent report!!!" he exclaimed.

The general instructed him to deliver the news. The soldier bowed with closed fists. "General Shoumou has been slain, along with three thousand of our soldiers," he reported with a deadpan expression.

General Chousou was taken aback by the sudden news, his expression one of shock and disbelief. "Who could have done this? Did other forces suffer heavy casualties?" he asked anxiously.

"No, sir. It was a one-sided slaughter, and the one responsible..." The soldier's expression turned grave as he looked at the general.

"Ley Lin of the Storm Eagles, a special 100 men unit under Ouki's army".


The revised paragraph with corrected grammar:

The news quickly spread across the entire battlefield, further boosting the morale of the Qin forces.

In the Qin camp, Ouki surveyed the battlefield. "He certainly creates great chaos, doesn't he, Toru?"

"Yes, sir. I couldn't believe the news myself," Toru replied.

"Where is he now, Toru?"

"They've disappeared, my lord."

"Heh... he has some surprises in store, it seems. I'm waiting, Little Lin. Show me what you'll do in this battle."


As the sun went down, the Qin forces began to recall their troops. In the Hi Shin Unit, amidst the celebration of Shin's victory over an enemy general, Bihei glanced at his comrades and raised a question.

"Guys, did you hear about the special unit like ours that took down another general named Shoumou, known for his strength?" he asked.

"Not only that, they defeated three thousand soldiers along with him," added another man.

"The most impressive part is that they didn't suffer a single casualty," chimed in Taku Kei.

"What?!" Bihei exclaimed in shock. "Who is he?"

"He's the one who smashed the chariots on Dakan Plain," replied Kyou Kai. "Oh, that kid. I remember him. I can't believe it's the same kid. Hey Shin, looks like you've got yourself a rival," Bihei remarked, looking at Shin. Shin listened to the conversation, recalling what had happened during the battle on Dakan Plain.

On the other side, the Zhao army camp was also strategizing for the next day. As midnight approached, the noise died down on both sides.

However, in a secluded spot in the jungle near the Zhao army camp, a group of individuals dressed in black and covering their noses with cloth surveyed the scene.

Lin gazed at the moon and pointed in a specific direction.

"Get ready, everyone. We have some big fishes to catch."