
Kingdom: A New Era

In this captivating tale, a man from the modern era finds himself reborn into the world of the Kingdom Manga / Anime. With a burning desire to etch his name into history, he embarks on a journey to achieve greatness in this ancient realm. Follow his path as he seeks to revolutionize the Middle Kingdom, introducing innovative strategies and tactics that could change the course of history. Will he rise from obscurity to become a legendary figure, shaping a new era amidst the turmoil of the Warring States period? Join him on this thrilling adventure where ambition meets destiny in the Kingdom of Qin. The original work belongs to Creator of Kingdom Manga ******************************************************************* I am new to English language , My writing is sloppy , I am using AI to rewrite some senetences for any gramatical errors.

Night_master · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

chapter - 6 Dakan plains

The Ley family reported their names to the officer at the headquarters camp, providing petty excuses for their late arrival, and were assigned to the Baku Koshin unit—a unit known for its toughness according to rumors among other soldiers.

As they approached the front lines, Ley Lin noticed a familiar figure—an idiot with servent clothes and rubbing his idioticy to others. It was none other than Shin, who had returned to the front lines after meeting with Commander Heki. Meanwhile, Ley Lin's group was positioned somewhat distantly from Shin but much closer to the backside of the hill occupied by the Wei forces.

Ley Lin instructed his group to wear light armor under their clothes and another layer of light armor on top for added protection. This layered approach allowed them to move swiftly without hindrance from the armor.

The soldiers of the fourth army found themselves somewhat confused about their role and the purpose of the battle unfolding around them. As usual, the general attempted to organize them, but their confusion persisted until Heki, known for his plot armor, took the stage. He informed them that Gan Castle had fallen and emphasized the urgency of stopping the Wei general. After delivering a morale-boosting speech, Heki returned to his position, and the battlefield shifted into action.

The formation was simple: peasants were positioned on the frontline as cannon fodder, while Wei soldiers formed a defensive line using shields to impede the enemy's advance. Upon the order to charge, the army began to move forward cautiously. However, Shin, characterized by his reckless bravery, charged ahead impulsively. Despite the perceived recklessness of his action, Shin's bold move inspired others to follow suit, igniting a fierce charge as he created a path for them to penetrate the enemy's defenses.

As Ley Lin's group advanced steadily into the enemy lines, they observed the chaotic scene around them with soldiers charging forward in a frenzy. Ley Lin turned to Xin and issued a command, "Xin, collect the spears from the fallen soldiers."

Xin swiftly complied, gathering spears left behind by fallen combatants as they continued to press forward. Breaking through the enemy line proved to be surprisingly straightforward, and they proceeded along the predetermined route.

Suddenly, a rumbling noise reached their ears, causing Ley Lin to smile knowingly. "Be ready, everyone," he remarked.

The ground continued to tremble as the source of the noise approached. 

As the chariots of Wei thundered onto the scene, their formation mercilessly crushing Qin soldiers beneath their wheels while archers on board picked off many more. Four chariots veered dangerously close to Ley Lin's group, causing panic among nearby soldiers who frantically warned them and some mocked them for standing still and not running.

At a distance, a man with prominent buck teeth peered at Ley Lin's group from behind a shield of corpses. "Tou, look at them—idiots! The chariots will crush them," he remarked cynically.

"Stop it, Hei. They may be young and inexperienced; we shouldn't wish harm upon them," replied Bi Tou, assessing the situation with more empathy.

As the chariots closed in on Ley Lin's group, he maintained his composure and issued a cold order, "Xin, Mei—shoot your spears and arrows at the joints of the chariots."

Xin and Mei swiftly executed Ley Lin's command, targeting the vulnerable parts of the chariots with precision. Within moments, four chariots collapsed before them. Ley Lin skillfully dispatched the soldiers on the chariots with his arrows, while Jun and Ying threw spears, adding to the chaos of battle.

Once the dust settled, Ley Lin's group carefully approached the fallen horses. Ying applied calming herbs to tame them, and soon the group mounted the horses and galloped off in their pre-decided direction. The unexpected turn of events left bystanders in shock—those who had expected the young group to be crushed by the deadly chariots now witnessed them commandeering the horses.

At a distance, the man with prominent buck teeth and a young girl draped in a scarf observed the scene incredulously. "What in the world just happened? Did they not only survive the deadly chariots but also commandeer the horses? Tou, they're not just strong—they're clever," remarked the man, his surprise evident. The young girl, initially dancing, paused to gaze in the direction of Ley Lin's group, her expression reflecting astonishment at their unexpected feat on the battlefield.

The group reached the back side of the hill swiftly, waiting with anticipation. Xin, eager to take action, suggested charging up the hill with their horses to attack the enemy headquarters directly. However, Jun cautioned against this reckless approach.

"Calm down, Xin. Look carefully at the hill. It's surrounded by many soldiers. Charging directly would be suicidal," Jun explained.

Xin persisted, "Then how do we reach there?"

Ley Lin considered their options, gazing in the direction of the Baku Koshin unit. "In contests of strength, the muscle heads often reveal themselves first, disregarding consequences. Let's wait for the opportunity and before that lets change our armors first".