
Kingdom: A New Era

In this captivating tale, a man from the modern era finds himself reborn into the world of the Kingdom Manga / Anime. With a burning desire to etch his name into history, he embarks on a journey to achieve greatness in this ancient realm. Follow his path as he seeks to revolutionize the Middle Kingdom, introducing innovative strategies and tactics that could change the course of history. Will he rise from obscurity to become a legendary figure, shaping a new era amidst the turmoil of the Warring States period? Join him on this thrilling adventure where ambition meets destiny in the Kingdom of Qin. The original work belongs to Creator of Kingdom Manga ******************************************************************* I am new to English language , My writing is sloppy , I am using AI to rewrite some senetences for any gramatical errors.

Night_master · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Chapter - 5 Keiyou campaign

As summer approached and war loomed on the horizon, Qin announced its intention to capture the city of Keiyou from Wei, initiating the recruitment of peasants for the army.

Ley Lin, a boy with a handsome face, sat on a cliff overlooking the village below. A group of four companions joined him, eager and animated about the upcoming battle.

"We've registered our names for the battle. I can't wait!" exclaimed Xin with excitement.

"Settle down, Xin. You'll have plenty of opportunity to show your enthusiasm in the coming battle," Mei remarked teasingly.

While they bantered, Ley Lin turned to Jun, seeking details about the campaign.

"Jun, what have you gathered?" Ley Lin inquired.

Jun gathered his thoughts before responding, capturing the attention of the group.

"This is the campaign for Keiyou. Qin intends to send approximately 150,000 troops to capture the city, with Duke Hyou serving as the commander-in-chief. I've heard he's reckless but incredibly strong in battle. He has a number of strategists advising him, though I'm unsure who the general of Wei is," Jun explained.

Suddenly, a messenger bird arrived and perched on Ley Lin's shoulder, carrying a parchment. Ley Lin fed the bird some rice he had prepared, then carefully unfolded the parchment, reading the message written in small letters.

Many months had passed since Ley Lin freed the slaves, and during this time, Shang Hui had worked diligently to establish a small network of informants in the capitals of Qin, Wei, and Han. She trained messenger birds to facilitate the exchange of vital information among these networks.

As Ley Lin unfolded the parchment containing crucial intelligence, he learned that the general of Wei was Go Kei, renowned for his strategic military achievements and serving as a vassal to Shin Ryou Kun, one of the Four Lords of the Warring States. The message also revealed that the Wei army was deploying a large number of chariots—a significant tactical consideration.

Ley Lin shared this information with his group, seeking their insights and analysis.

Turning to Jun, Ley Lin posed a question. "What do you make of this, Jun?"

"If a strategist like Go Kei, a great general, is deploying a substantial number of chariots, it suggests he intends to leverage them in battle against Qin. However, with no natural plains in the Keiyou area, utilizing chariots effectively could be challenging," Jun explained thoughtfully.

Ley Lin was intrigued by Jun's analysis and pressed further. "Jun, if you were the general and wanted to maximize the use of chariots, how would you approach it?"

Jun's expression brightened as he formulated a strategy. "If I were the general... I would aim to transform any suitable area into a battlefield, effectively creating plains where needed. That's it! Go Kei is likely not intending to battle at Keiyou itself," Jun concluded, looking to Ley Lin for confirmation.

Ying contributed additional geographical insight. "There are plains known as the Dakan Plains between Gan Castle and Asui," she remarked, pointing out a key strategic location.

Ley Lin nodded in agreement with their assessment. "That makes sense. Go Kei likely intends to make a strategic counter-move, targeting the general of Gan Castle and shifting the battle to Asui, specifically to the Dakan Plains," Jun concluded his theory.

Ley Lin nodded in agreement, impressed by their analysis. "Very astute observations. Prepare to journey to Asui, and Mei, procure a map of the Dakan Plains from the black market," he ordered decisively.

As Ley Lin and his group made their way to the Dakan Plains instead of Keiyou, Xin expressed his concerns about the location of the upcoming battle.

"Ley Lin, is the battle really going to happen here at Dakan Plains instead of Keiyou? I can't wait for another war if we miss out," Xin sighed, feeling anxious.

Ley Lin reassured Xin confidently, "I'm certain the battle will take place here on the plains, not at Keiyou. We must scout the area thoroughly and identify secret routes before the armies arrive."

Xin, still skeptical, asked, "How can you be so sure?"

Inwardly frustrated, Ley Lin silently reminded himself, "I know from the manga, idiot," keeping his composure outwardly.

After reaching the Dakan Plains and conducting extensive scouting, the group settled in to await the arrival of the armies.

Two days later, the sound of marching echoed across the plains. Ley Lin and his companions were astonished as they witnessed the massive army of Wei making their way onto the hills, seizing the advantageous high ground.

Subsequently, the Qin army arrived and clashed with the Wei forces. Ley Lin's group anxiously awaited the arrival of a fourth army group to report their presence on the battlefield.

Observing the unfolding battle, Ley Lin spoke to his companions with determination. "Guys, we are going to make a name for ourselves in the history books of the Middle Kingdom."

With the fate of the battlefield hanging in the balance, Ley Lin and his comrades prepared themselves to leave their mark on this pivotal moment in the ongoing conflict between Qin and Wei. They stood ready to take action and seize the opportunity to shape the outcome of the battle and secure their place in history.