
Kingdom: A New Era

In this captivating tale, a man from the modern era finds himself reborn into the world of the Kingdom Manga / Anime. With a burning desire to etch his name into history, he embarks on a journey to achieve greatness in this ancient realm. Follow his path as he seeks to revolutionize the Middle Kingdom, introducing innovative strategies and tactics that could change the course of history. Will he rise from obscurity to become a legendary figure, shaping a new era amidst the turmoil of the Warring States period? Join him on this thrilling adventure where ambition meets destiny in the Kingdom of Qin. The original work belongs to Creator of Kingdom Manga ******************************************************************* I am new to English language , My writing is sloppy , I am using AI to rewrite some senetences for any gramatical errors.

Night_master · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Chapter - 4 Shang Hui

As Ley Lin's family awaited the opportunity to participate in a larger conflict, they continued honing their skills by hunting down bandits and troublemakers in the hills. During one of their hunts, they stumbled upon a black market merchant who was clandestinely trafficking slaves, accompanied by a group of escorts.

Ley Lin sensed an opportunity for a significant encounter if they were to confront and defeat this merchant. He tasked Ley Jun with devising a plan to take down the merchant, while sending Ley Ying to scout the strength and disposition of the enemy escorts.

Ley Jun set to work, carefully strategizing their approach. Meanwhile, Ley Ying stealthily observed the movements of the escorts, gathering vital intelligence to inform their tactics.


In the depths of the jungle, Ley Lin's group of five strategized their plan while perched on a high rock.

Jun drew a circle on the ground, designating it as the main base of the slave merchant. "I believe they intend to stay here tonight or wait for a buyer to purchase the slaves," he speculated. "According to Ying's reconnaissance, the merchant is located in the larger camp, while the slaves are housed in a separate camp behind it. The escorts consist of 50 strong spear guards, 20 archers, and 20 servants. The servants tend to the slaves in their camp, the guards patrol and secure the main camp, and surprisingly, the archers are stationed separately, which deviates from the typical scouting role of archers."

Ying chimed in, addressing Ley Lin directly. "The archers appear to be novices, holding their bows clumsily. However, the guards demonstrate discipline and experience."

Ley Lin listened attentively, absorbing the details of their assessment. With a thoughtful gaze, he nodded in understanding.

"Let's use this to our advantage," Ley Lin proposed, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Jun, devise a plan to distract and isolate the guards. Ying, continue scouting to gather any additional information. We'll strike under cover of nightfall."

as the night fallen , the guards and merchant had their dinner they fall a sleep , suddenly a noise come and five people coming in to the direction of main camp , the merchent woke up and looked at them seeing them he called the gaurds but no one come before he went to do anything , a arrow pierced his head and he fallen on the ground .

before the camp had their dinner , mei used bushes as a cover and thanks to her swifness , under the cover of darkness she drugged the dinner of gaurds with paralysis liquid.and since the merchent had another dinner not from the guards , he is not drugged.

as the five approaching the camp , suddenly the servents of the camp before them and ten of them emitting a strong aura, jun looked at them , "damn! i did not think there may be a strong persons on the servent side and not drugging them"." it is okay jun , this may be set back in the future we should be more careful"said ley lin looking at jun.

As night fell, Ley Lin's group of five stealthily approached the main camp. The guards and the merchant had finished their dinner and fallen asleep, unsuspecting of the impending intrusion. However, as the merchant awoke to the approaching figures, he attempted to summon the guards but was swiftly silenced by an arrow piercing his head, dropping him lifeless to the ground.

Earlier, before the guards had their dinner, Ley Mei had used the cover of bushes to swiftly drug their meal with a paralyzing liquid. Thanks to her agility and stealth, she had successfully incapacitated the guards without alerting them. However, the merchant had eaten a separate meal and remained unaffected by the drugging.

As Ley Lin's group advanced towards the camp, they were unexpectedly confronted by the servants. Ten of them emitted a strong and imposing aura, catching Jun off guard.

"Damn! I didn't anticipate strong individuals among the servants, and we didn't drug them," Jun exclaimed, realizing their oversight.

Ley Lin remained composed, reassuring Jun. "It's alright, Jun. This setback will serve as a lesson for the future. We must exercise greater caution and thoroughness in our planning."

"Guys, let's show them our strength!" Ley Lin shouted as the fight began, his group engaging with the formidable servants. After a fierce battle, they emerged victorious, slaying their adversaries while the remaining weaker servants fled from the scene. Exhausted but resolute, Ley Lin and his companions rose slowly from the ground, surveying their surroundings.

Ley Lin approached the slave camp and opened the gates, revealing numerous slaves—many of them women—who appeared lifeless and downtrodden. With compassion in his voice, Ley Lin addressed them.

"We have slain your masters. You are free to go," he declared, but to his surprise, no one moved. Some of the slaves had tears in their eyes, unsure of their newfound freedom.

Among the group, newly liberated slaves cautiously approached Ley Lin, asking if it was safe for them to return home. He assured them that they were free to leave, and many dispersed in different directions—some out of fear of being recaptured, others seeking the joy of newfound freedom, and perhaps some hoping to reunite with remnants of their families.

Observing the remaining slaves, Ley Lin's family gathered behind him, bearing the wealth they had obtained from the main camp. Ley Lin turned to Ley Jun, tasking him with a calculation.

"Jun, calculate how many slaves remain here," he ordered, as Jun began his assessment. Amidst the calculations, Ley Lin's attention was drawn to a particular female slave who caught his eye, her presence intriguing him in this moment of profound change and liberation.

Ley Lin observed not just one, but a hundred slaves who caught his attention with their fierce determination and resolve. Among them was Shang Hui, a 20-year-old woman with a strong and determined gaze, dressed in ragged clothing. As Ley Lin approached her, he inquired about her name and story.

"My name is Shang Hui. I was born in a small remote village that was pillaged by bandits, and they made me a slave," she explained, her voice carrying the weight of her experiences.

Ley Lin offered her an opportunity. "Shang Hui, would you like to follow me?" he asked.

"Yes, you seem to be the light in the darkness that I am facing. Please show me a path forward," Shang Hui responded, her eyes reflecting hope and determination.

Turning to Ley Jun, Ley Lin requested a count of the remaining slaves.

"Jun, how many are there?" he asked.

"300 slaves, my brother," Jun replied.

Ley Lin then entrusted Shang Hui with a significant task. He took money from Ley Jun and handed it to her.

"I am entrusting you with this money. Establish a merchant company, but do not attract too much attention. I want you to develop a spy network. Utilize the remaining slaves and infiltrate the capital cities of all kingdoms in the Middle Kingdom. Expand into the borders and officials' territories. I need information on any events occurring in the Middle Kingdom. As for these 100 slaves," Ley Lin continued, pointing out a group of fierce-looking individuals, "provide them with good food and training. Build their strength before I call upon them for battle."

Shang Hui accepted the challenge with unwavering determination. "Yes, master. I will definitely carry out your instructions. I will establish a vast spy network for you," she affirmed, her commitment evident in her resolve.

With this exchange, Ley Lin entrusted Shang Hui and the other slaves with crucial responsibilities, laying the foundation for a network of information and strength that would serve their ambitions in the Middle Kingdom.

After entrusting Shang Hui with establishing a spy network and preparing the fierce-looking slaves for battle, Ley Lin ordered the 100 slaves to dispatch the paralyzed guards as a preparation for their upcoming experience of shedding blood in war.

Meanwhile, Shang Hui took charge of the merchant's carriage and attire, dressing some of the slaves in the merchant's clothes to carry out their espionage duties in the town. 

As night fell and they returned home, Ley Lin and his companions enjoyed a late-night dinner and a small celebration, marking the culmination of their preparations for the impending war.