
Kingdom: A New Era

In this captivating tale, a man from the modern era finds himself reborn into the world of the Kingdom Manga / Anime. With a burning desire to etch his name into history, he embarks on a journey to achieve greatness in this ancient realm. Follow his path as he seeks to revolutionize the Middle Kingdom, introducing innovative strategies and tactics that could change the course of history. Will he rise from obscurity to become a legendary figure, shaping a new era amidst the turmoil of the Warring States period? Join him on this thrilling adventure where ambition meets destiny in the Kingdom of Qin. The original work belongs to Creator of Kingdom Manga ******************************************************************* I am new to English language , My writing is sloppy , I am using AI to rewrite some senetences for any gramatical errors.

Night_master · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Chapter - 3 Red Wolf Gang

After observing the Red Wolf gang for several days, Ley Lin gathered his companions at his home to discuss their plan of action.

"Ley Mei, how many members does the Red Wolf gang have?" Ley Lin inquired.

"There are about 100 members in the gang, but they're not very skilled overall. However, their leader is somewhat of a veteran foot soldier," replied Mei. "They also use camps to shift their headquarters in case of emergencies. Currently, they are situated in the hills near Ryousho town. It seems they want to establish a base there," Ley Xin added.

Ley Lin turned to Ley Jun. "Jun, what do you think we should do to eradicate this gang?" he asked, seeking his strategic insight.

"I think we should ....."


In the Red Wolf gang's base, the leader, a fierce-looking man with scars, sat tossing a coin when a commotion at the entrance drew his attention.

"Boss, urgent news!" exclaimed a rowdy-looking gang member as he approached the leader seated in a large chair.

"What is it, Kei? What's the urgent news?" the leader inquired.

"Boss, I heard that a merchant group is coming from the capital to visit the lord of the town. Rumor has it they're bringing a haul of gold and treasures for the lord," Kei reported.

The leader pondered for a moment, considering the implications. "If they're from the capital, they might be accompanied by elite soldiers. It's too risky. We should let this opportunity pass," he concluded.

"But boss, think about it! How can we ignore a carriage full of gold coming to our remote village? What if they have no escorts? We could be rich in an instant—build grand houses, enjoy fine ladies, and feast on delicious food," Kei urged, his eyes gleaming with greed.

The boss was swayed by Kei's persuasive words. "When are they arriving?" he asked confidently.

"This afternoon, boss. We should hurry!" Kei replied eagerly.

Deciding quickly, the boss issued orders, gathering 50 gang members to intercept the merchant group on the roads leading to town, seizing the opportunity for potential riches.

After the boss and many gang members left to intercept the merchant group, chaos erupted back at the Red Wolf gang's camp. People began to notice a foul stench in the air, and as they looked around, they realized their camps were engulfed in flames. Panic spread as they evacuated outside, only to be met with a sudden barrage of arrows that pierced through their ranks, causing confusion and fear.

Amidst the chaos, a group of five attackers emerged from behind, launching a surprise assault on the disoriented gang members. Initially struggling, the gang managed to rally their strength and fight back against the assailants, eventually overpowering them.

As the dust settled and the gang members surveyed the scene, Ley Lin felt a wave of nausea wash over him, though he forced himself to maintain composure. Ley Jun approached him, addressing him as "Brother."

"Brother, I think the boss will arrive soon after seeing the smoke from a distance," Ley Jun remarked, his tone urgent.

Ley Lin nodded in agreement. "Okay, disperse and act according to the plan," he instructed the group.

The boss observed the smoke in the distance and, true to Ley Jun's prediction, began making his way back towards the camp. However, as he approached, a sudden onslaught of arrows rained down on his group. Several members fell to the ground, pierced by the deadly projectiles.

Reacting swiftly, the boss ordered his remaining members to take cover and change their course to avoid the ongoing barrage of arrows. Unfortunately, in their haste, some of them stumbled into concealed ditches lined with sharp sticks, further thinning their numbers. Despite the chaos, the boss remained determined to find an escape route and began leading his dwindling group towards safety.

As the rain of arrows finally ceased, only ten members remained by the boss's side. He surveyed the direction from which the arrows had come, only to be confronted by two mysterious figures who emerged before him.

"Who are yo—" the boss began to question, but before he could finish, his neck was swiftly cut down, silencing him instantly. The sudden and brutal demise of their leader left the remaining gang members stunned and uncertain of their next move in the face of this unexpected turn of events which made the slaughter easy for the ley group.

Ley Lin gazed at his loyal companions, feeling a surge of determination and unity among them.

"Brothers and sisters," he addressed them, "we have taken down our enemy and secured our justice with our own hands. I believe we are now prepared to take this to a larger scale. Are we ready to partcipate in the wars and become great people of the history ?"

His companions exchanged determined looks, smiles spreading across their faces as they responded in unison, "READY!".