
Kingdom: A New Era

In this captivating tale, a man from the modern era finds himself reborn into the world of the Kingdom Manga / Anime. With a burning desire to etch his name into history, he embarks on a journey to achieve greatness in this ancient realm. Follow his path as he seeks to revolutionize the Middle Kingdom, introducing innovative strategies and tactics that could change the course of history. Will he rise from obscurity to become a legendary figure, shaping a new era amidst the turmoil of the Warring States period? Join him on this thrilling adventure where ambition meets destiny in the Kingdom of Qin. The original work belongs to Creator of Kingdom Manga ******************************************************************* I am new to English language , My writing is sloppy , I am using AI to rewrite some senetences for any gramatical errors.

Night_master · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
38 Chs

Chapter - 23 Hou Ken

As the Qin army secured the enemy headquarters, various tasks were underway. Some individuals organized supplies, while others scouted the terrain, and still more were busy organizing the army. Most of the units settled in for the night as the sun dipped below the horizon, and darkness enveloped the land.

In the Hi Shin Unit, Shin found himself gazing at the stars, lost in thought. Memories of his promise and determination to become strong flooded his mind. Contemplating his path forward.

As the soldiers of the Hi Shin Unit relaxed and recovered from their exhaustion, a sudden sense of danger filled the camp. A large man with a formidable presence emerged, launching a brutal massacre on the peasant soldiers. Before anyone could react, the air was filled with the sounds of slicing and screams—a scene of absolute bloodshed unfolding before their eyes.

Sensing the imminent threat, Shin and Kyou Kai quickly perceived the powerful presence and rushed towards the massacre site. There, they found a lone enemy effortlessly cutting through their comrades like butter, the scene a chilling display of skill and ferocity. With determination and readiness in their eyes, Shin and Kyou Kai prepared to confront this formidable adversary and protect their unit from further devastation.

Shin and Kyou Kai launched a fierce assault on the enemy, confronting the formidable foe with determination. As Shin clashed swords with Hou Ken, he was staggered by the overwhelming force unleashed by the collision of their weapons. Meanwhile, Kyou Kai utilized her deep breathing techniques, struggling to hold her ground against the powerful enemy.

In the midst of this intense battle, Zhao soldiers under Man Goku's command also joined the fray, adding to the chaos and danger faced by the Qin forces. Responding swiftly, General Kan Ou of the Qin army confronted Man Goku, aiming to halt the advance of his troops and gain control over the escalating conflict.

In the midst of battle, the soldiers of the Hi Shin Unit learned that their enemy was none other than Hou Ken, the fearsome general of Zhao and commander-in-chief. As Hou Ken effortlessly cut down soldiers with relentless precision, a wave of despair washed over the Hi Shin Unit. Fear gripped every soldier, rendering them immobile and helpless as they watched their comrades fall before them.

Memories of their peaceful village, happy families, and the joyful laughter of children flashed through their minds in the fleeting moments before their demise. Each soldier longed for a moment of reprieve, hoping against hope that someone would intervene and save them from this monstrous adversary. They clung to the desperate wish for a miracle to occur, a fleeting dream that time might pause and spare them from the horrors of battle.

As Shin and Kyou Kai struggled to match the speed and strength of the battle against Hou Ken, suddenly the atmosphere thickened around them. The air seemed to grow heavy, and a profound silence settled over the entire battlefield replaced only by the steady rhythm of approaching horse hooves. All eyes turned in unison toward a direction where a new unit was approaching.

This unit was led by a handsome and fierce-looking man at the forefront, bearing a flag adorned with an eagle emblem. His presence commanded attention and respect. Even General Kan Ou and Man Goku, caught up in their own skirmish, momentarily diverted their gaze toward this approaching force.

Hou Ken's gaze fixed upon the approaching unit, and with ferocity, he charged towards Mei, Lin, and five other members of the unit who aimed their bows at him. The air crackled with tension as the arrows were released, and Hou Ken skillfully deflected them with his glaive. However, upon contact with the arrows, an invisible smoke was released, enveloping Hou Ken without his knowledge.

Soon after, Hou Ken's movements stiffened, and he struggled to advance further. Angrily, he glared at Lin, realizing he had been affected by the smoke. Sensing an opportunity, the unit once again aimed their bows, but this time the arrows were coated in green and Mei, Lin, and the others wore cloth gloves.

As the arrows were released simultaneously, the struggling Hou Ken managed to deflect most of them, but one arrow pierced his right hand. The arrow injected a potent venom into his body, causing him to let out a loud, agonizing groan of pain.

Lin, aiming another green arrow at Hou Ken, taunted him with a smirk. "Hey kitty kitty, it's time to meet your mama."

Despite his weakened state, Hou Ken realized the danger posed by the arrows. Summoning all his remaining strength, he galloped toward the main army camp, prompting Man Goku's forces to follow suit.

Watching Hou Ken quickly disappear from sight, Lin reflected on the lethality of the venom-coated arrows. "What a monster," Lin muttered to himself. 'The arrows are coated with the most lethal venom, Hui, obtained with great effort and resources. A single drop is enough to kill a healthy, strong man. Even touching them bare skin can leave lasting marks.'

The Qin soldiers watched in shock as the scene unfolded before them. They had never imagined that a Zhao commander as formidable as Hou Ken could be repelled by a mere 100-man unit leader. In awe and admiration, cheers erupted throughout the camp in celebration of this remarkable feat.

Meanwhile, in the Zhao camp, the head medical practitioner explained to General Chou Sou the severity of the venom that had entered Hou Ken's body. He warned that while Hou Ken's monstrous physique was somewhat resisting the toxin, if it continued to spread and reached his heart, Hou Ken would surely die.

Listening intently from his bed, Hou Ken suddenly rose to his feet and, with a swift motion, sliced off his own right arm with his glaive. The onlookers in the camp were horrified by this barbaric act, shocked at the extreme measure Hou Ken had taken to save himself. The head medical practitioner acted quickly to stop the bleeding, tightly binding the wound with cloth and applying alcohol to disinfect it.