
Kingdom: A New Era

In this captivating tale, a man from the modern era finds himself reborn into the world of the Kingdom Manga / Anime. With a burning desire to etch his name into history, he embarks on a journey to achieve greatness in this ancient realm. Follow his path as he seeks to revolutionize the Middle Kingdom, introducing innovative strategies and tactics that could change the course of history. Will he rise from obscurity to become a legendary figure, shaping a new era amidst the turmoil of the Warring States period? Join him on this thrilling adventure where ambition meets destiny in the Kingdom of Qin. The original work belongs to Creator of Kingdom Manga ******************************************************************* I am new to English language , My writing is sloppy , I am using AI to rewrite some senetences for any gramatical errors.

Night_master · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Chapter - 21 Front lines

On the second day, following the loss of three Thousand-Man Commanders, the morale on the Zhao side was somewhat low. Chousou ordered the troops to form a defensive echelon formation, with archers positioned on the left to defend against Mou Bu's charge.

To their disbelief, this time the trained ragtag group under Mou Bu completely eradicated Chousou's army and inflicted significant casualties.

As the morale of the Qin army soared and casualties among the Zhao forces increased, something amazing happened on the third day.

Similar to the previous days, Mou Bu led the charge, causing significant casualties among the Zhao ranks. In response, the Zhao forces attempted to trap Mou Bu by sending their left army, but Mou Bu's raw strength crushed their strategy once again.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, a small platoon of 1,000 Zhao soldiers marched forward with a commander at the helm. Suddenly, from the bushes beside them, a unit of 100 soldiers emerged onto the stage. This unit swiftly formed a unique formation: heavy infantry positioned as a shield wall, while light infantry and archers behind them began throwing pikes and releasing arrows.

The surprise attack by the 100 soldiers caused significant casualties among the 1,000 Zhao army guards. In response, the entire Zhao army began charging towards the attackers. Suddenly, cavalry appeared from behind the army and instead of charging ahead like normal cavalry, they began releasing arrows into the ranks of the Zhao army.

This unexpected assault further shocked the Zhao forces, disrupting their ability to formulate a cohesive plan of action. In a short amount of time, the 1,000-strong Zhao army was defeated, and the flag of the Storm Eagles was raised in the area.

Lin swiftly approached the commander and took him down, after which the unit quickly disappeared into the forest. This bold action was witnessed by many on the battlefield, leaving them in shock and disbelief.


In the Hi Shin Unit,

The soldiers gazed at the aftermath caused by the Storm Eagles' swift attack.

"They took down a 1,000-man army without any casualties, and so quickly!"

"What kind of monsters are they?"

"All of them wearing armor, and they even have cavalry and archers?"

"What kind of unit is this?"

Shin also observed the scene, clenching his fist with determination. He vowed to build a unit even more powerful than the Storm Eagles.

Both generals from the Qin and Zhao armies were astonished by the swift and decisive actions of the Storm Eagles. The following day, the Storm Eagles repeated their feat by taking down another 1,000-man squad.

The name "Storm Eagles" was gaining recognition and respect throughout the battlefield as they continued to demonstrate their exceptional skills and effectiveness in combat.