
Chapter 11

Lilian buckled her boots tightly before stepping into the sunlight coming through the window in her small bedroom. She climbed over the windowsill and lowered herself to the palace grounds, silently evading the guards patrolling. She snuck through the public gardens before scaling the wall and disappearing into the city.

Lilian knew she had to be cautious as she made her way through the bustling streets, blending in with the crowd to avoid drawing attention to herself. As she navigated the maze-like alleyways, her eyes darted sharply, analysing her surroundings and what animals were available to her that she could comfortably control.

Slipping into an unnoticeable alleyway, there were no doors, and the only window was on the highest floor. Jumping up, she slapped her hand on a piece of brick that was slightly loose. It caused a minuscule indent in the wall, and soon enough, the window was open and a rope was let down for her.

The mercenary guild had just moved into their new headquarters. As Lilian pulled herself through the window, she watched as people scurried around, cleaning and placing items decoratively. It was a bustling scene of activity; the children were not in the building, leaving only sect members. As soon as they noticed Lilian stepping into the building, everyone stopped their activities to bow as a sign of respect.

She ignored them, heading to the main meeting room. Since the Marquis remained in Celestia, she was the only one at the high table in Veinna along with Queen Anne, so her workload was quite high, at least until 'the Knight' returned.

She looked through the paper ledgers one at a time, jotting down important information in her head to relay back to Anne. After a while, she heard a knock on the door, and soon it was pushed open, and a woman dressed in a similar black attire knelt on the floor in the middle of the room.

"Paying respect to the Empress, the gifts are ready."

Lilian nodded. The woman below her got up and saluted. She was a head taller than Lilian, but still, she respected her leader. 'The Empress' was the position given to the highest-ranked woman of the sect. There was still to be a man given the title of Emperor, and so in their eyes, she was the highest ranked.

Arthur walked into the room. He looked at the woman standing in salute and rolled his eyes. He handed over what looked like a wooden board with parchment pinned to Lilian. Since coming to Veinna, he has been given odd responsibilities, as if he had come to work as a secretary; he was even given a wage, which he did not expect coming from a woman who took advantage of a species-wide secret.

"This is the list of dowry; we literally almost went bankrupt compiling all these items. I feel better knowing it'll come back to the Sect, he said with a sense of relief.

Lilian nodded, taking the list and scanning through it. "At least with this, no one would dare slight her, knowing she is filthy rich," she said with a satisfied smile. Lilian was a reserved woman who was not one to show emotion, so seeing her smile like this made Arthur feel a chill up his spine.

"Don't smile again; it freaks me out." The wooden board was thrown sharply at his head.


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Anne, who had excused herself from the breakfast hall, mused at the thought of the little mouse trying to become a second wife. She felt refreshed, and despite the heavy fabrics, she felt a bit proud of his reaction, but staying there would be taking too much disrespect, no matter how funny the situation was. "Your Majesty!" The soldiers, seeing her come out of the room, greeted her, their arms raising to their foreheads in salute. She smiled at them before heading into the open courtyard. The weather was grey and gloomy, but she revelled in the feeling of the aggressive winds against her face. She walked through the bushes, listening to the rustling and billowing of trees. After a period of exploring, she came across a willow tree by a stream with an old swing hanging from the tree. The leaves danced with the wind as she went to sit on the swing, lightly swaying as she took deep breaths, smelling the fresh grass and the sweet smell of the swooshing stream. She closed her eyes, feeling at peace and completely immersed in nature. Since she left her little countryside villa, she had never felt this relaxed until this very moment in the midst of a pending storm.

"It looks like you're having fun."

Anne peered her eyes open as she turned to see Aiden walking up to her with his cape fluttering in the wind, threatening to fly away. She flashed a wide smile, making his heart stir.

"Come, push me."

He sighed, giving in to her request. He walked behind her, grabbing the back of the wooden plank. As they began to sway back and forth, Anne's laughter filled the air, echoing through the trees. Aiden couldn't help but be captivated by her infectious joy, feeling a sense of tranquillity wash over him despite the impending storm.

"It's good to hear your laugh; I was worried."

He was worried she would regret it; the most he could do with his feeble strength was push her on an old wooden swing.

"I, Adanne, never regret my decisions."

The sound of thunder resonated through the palace, and rain began to pour down, drenching the swing and the surrounding area. Anne's laughter continued, undeterred by the storm, as she swung higher and higher, defying the elements. Aiden finally let out a loud laugh as their voices were masked by the thunder.

"Goodness! Look at you, drenched like a street cat!" Lilian looked horrified as Anne walked back to her bedroom with her clothes so wet that they were dragging on the floor behind her. Anne chuckled nervously as she let the servants strip her and dry her with cotton towels. Lilian, however, was not as amused. "What part of 'Mother of the Nation' do you not understand? How can you mistreat your body like this? What if you get sick?"

"My apologies, mother," Anne said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. Lilian scoffed in contempt as she took the comb and brushed her hair harshly, causing Anne to squeal in pain. "What's your problem!?"

"No, what's your problem!? Why are you acting like this?"

Anne felt confused at the sudden outburst.

"What do you mean?"

Lilian crossed her arms, her face scrunched in dissatisfaction.

"Did you forget the purpose of coming here? Have you even asked about the sect? How can you be here playing romantic couple with this man when you have so much to accomplish?"

Anne looked down, her eyes hidden by the shadows formed by the wet hair.

"Lilian, you are my oldest and closest friend." Her words were slow and intentional. The temperature of the room dropped sharply as Anne looked up to make eye contact with the girl standing by her. "But do not forget your place."

Lilian's eyes, which were filled with discontent, were suddenly filled with fear, but she dared not look away from Anne. She knew the consequences of challenging her authority. She remained silent as Anne turned around and walked towards the other maids, whose faces were facing the floor as they pretended to be deaf and dumb. "Dress me," Anne said coldly.

The maids scurried about like rats as they tried to obey her command as quickly and efficiently as possible. Lilian was told off, but if the Queen were to be angry at them, they would lose their heads. Anne spread her arms as they began to drape her with robes. "Give me the update."

Lilian snapped back to reality, and she kneeled, one knee to the floor, and lowered her head in deference to the Queen. "The children have been sent to the villa; the knight has sent a letter to update us on his mission; and the dowry is finally ready for tonight."

Anne, who had stood in front of a large mirror, admired herself, feeling satisfied with her appearance for the evening's event. "Then, archie?"

"He is on his way with the dowry."

Anne nodded; she was indeed lax these past few days, which is why her subordinates felt dissatisfied. But now she had snapped back to her senses.

"Good, from tonight, the Nightshade Sect will be put on the map."

There are three ways for a queen to obtain the power to overthrow a nation. The first is to be a tyrant, a method often used by women with nothing to lose. The second was to be the virtuous mother of a nation; this was for women who were held back by their lineages and responsibilities. And the third…

Anne sat down to eat her late-evening meal. Before the banquet started tonight, she planned to fill her stomach so she would not have to eat too much in a formal setting. She filled her stomach with a delicious soup dish made by the kitchen with some soft bread; bread was the staple food here, unlike in Celestia, which focused on potato farming. She ate her fill and then sat by the vanity as her make-up was done by Lilian, who had not spoken since the status update Anne asked for from her. Soon, the Queen was ready to receive her noble subjects. The first night after a royal marriage was a celebration for the nobility; tributaries came with gifts, bigger guilds came to pay their respects, and every noble under the king was required to come and pay their respects to the new king. For this special occasion, even the generals and military officials at the borders had to return.

The banquet was jubilant, and the names of the guests were announced as they came in through the receiving hallway after leaving their carriages for the coach boys to take away.

After their names were announced, they descended the flight of marble stairs decorated with bright red rugs. The girls who had debuted this season all stood around with deer skin fur fans covering half their faces as they looked around at the eligible bachelors who had formed a small group on the other side of the ball. Some young children were seen dancing with their agemates in the centre of the dance hall as parents watched pridefully. It was customary for the children to dance first and then leave the ball for the adults, who would remain till the dark of night. The grand chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling illuminated the ballroom, casting a warm and enchanting glow on the festivities. Soft melodies from the orchestra filled the air, adding to the magical ambiance of the evening. The adults eagerly awaited their turn to join the dance floor, their eyes filled with anticipation for a night of elegance and romance.

This was the ball of the season; the only other ball left for the year was the winter ball, but that was not mandatory and would only be attended by cheque families who had enough money to live in the capital. So this was the opportunity to form new connections, find a perfect match, or even sneak away for an illicit affair. All under deceiving smiles and backhanded compliments. Soon the orchestra stopped, and the children dancing in the centre of the hall all stopped to bow and step away, as the young and unmarried would dance.

As the orchestra began to play once again, the couples gracefully glided across the dance floor, their movements synchronised and mesmerising. The air was filled with laughter and whispers as conversations shifted from polite small talk to more intimate topics. The ballroom became a stage for both genuine connections and hidden secrets, adding an air of mystery to the already enchanting evening.

Out of all the young people who were meant to be dancing, some stood aside due to their lack of a dance partner, apart from one, the belle of the ball, Deborah. Despite being asked on numerous occasions for a dance, she declined each one. Her eyes were glued to the central entrance, which had two large oak doors open; that is where the royal couple would process in with the two golden thrones set by each other, one being slightly smaller than the other. She waited desperately for the king. Her almost-white hair was tied up in an elaborate bun with braids and hairpins strategically placed to look like a dazzling flower. She wore the same light blue colour as that morning, but with a grander dress bordering a wedding dress.

The announcement came for the entrance of the royal family, and at the sight of the red and gold attire, she couldn't help but blush vividly. Aiden had Anne's hand in his as the nobility bowed in reverence. The two took their seats on their respective thrones. The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards the couple. Anne's heart raced with anticipation, her palms growing clammy in Aiden's firm grip. As they settled into their thrones, a sense of responsibility and power washed over her as she suddenly noticed the crown on her head was not as light as she thought.

Soon as they sat down, tables and chairs were ushered in by servants on each side of the hall, leaving the entrance up to the hall and leading outside on the opposite side of the hall. If anyone had not arrived by now, they would not be allowed to walk in.

"The tributaries can start to present their gifts." Aiden announced, and the servants nodded. A list was soon read out, and the first ambassador stood up. Veinna was nowhere near as powerful as Celestia; however, right now, in front of these tiny nations, they were gods.

"The Reigning Monarch of Orian was a docile-looking young girl with brown hair and blue eyes—she couldn't be more than 14—and yet here she stood looking up at them. She bowed to them, saying her respects, and soon after, a row of large decorated baskets filled with fresh fruits was brought in. Anne raised a brow. These fruits were beautiful, plump, and attractive, yet the nobility scoffed and whispered among themselves; some wondered if she would be executed right on the spot. Priscilla tried not to tremble; she tried to keep her indifferent expression on, but under the vicious gazes of the crowd, her mask cracked occasionally. After all, she was only a young girl.

"I wasn't aware Orian had a queen; where is your father?" Anne asked, causing the hall to shut up instantly. Her gaze was uncharacteristically cold, fixed on the girl's trembling, which became more and more obvious as the seconds passed by.

"The King passed away, your Majesty."

"Oh? How did that happen?"

"His mistress killed him, your Majesty." She did not dare to hesitate to speak the truth. The crowd burst into quiet giggles, and her face became pale as she felt greatly honoured to have to air her family's business in front of all those people.

Anne looked at the fruit and signalled for it to be brought to her.

A basket was brought up, and she reached out for a single purple grape, which she plopped in her mouth.

"This is delicious! Does Orian make wine?" She asked in shock as she reached for a second.

The girl felt her body relax at the compliment: "No, your Majesty, Orian does not produce anything but wheat; we do not have the capacity or expertise."

Orian's education system was mostly non-existent; how would they have enough skilled farmers to grow fruit? They could only buy from the south.

"In that case, I will gift you an agricultural scholar for one year," Anne said non-chalantly, saying that it seemed like nothing to her, but at that moment, for that little girl, a lifeline was handed to her.

"Thank you! Your Majesty!"

Those who wished to tear and devour the now vulnerable Orian had ugly expressions like they had swallowed a fry. If Veinna stepped in to protect them, what could they do?

Anne waved her hand, and the girl quickly moved back to her seat, and then the next tributary was called. After that list was finished, another was brought out: the list for the guilds and sects that had been invited.