
King of Yunkai GOT Human Hero Summon System

A man dies and is reborn as one of Yunkai's wise masters, he has a system of summoning human heroes from real history like genghis khan, Alexander III of Macedonia, Bai Qi, only people who really existed are now taken to the world of GOT (poorly written)

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · Ti vi
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43 Chs

victory and conquest

A red-haired man was training against a beautiful 1.90 tall woman.

"My king, you are getting better" Boudicca speaks in a voice of certainty..

"Getting better hahaha, I can last 30 seconds in battle against you, my military talent is really weak" Zarudo.

"My king you don't need to go into battle, it's up to you leader Yunkai, leave the war to your generals and soldiers" Boudicca speaks in a protective tone.

"Good news for my king, Julius Caesar is coming back, he has conquered Yaros" lin Xian enters the courtyard and warns.

"Very good Xian, let the council know, I will personally welcome our army" Zarudo says while dressing.

It's been 1 month since Zarudo summoned Boudicca and Cabral, this month, in addition to taking care of state affairs, he spent training.


Outside the city of Yunkai a beautiful army was returning, it was julius caesar, Zarudo personally ordered that the entire self-ranking of Yunkai and the people receive the heroes of Yunkai, the conquest must always be praised only a culture that values ​​its heroes can prosper.

"My king I didn't disappoint you, our army marched on Yaros and our flag was extended over your capital" julius caesar speaks as he kneels.

"hahaha very good caesar, Yaros will in the future be the gateway to our sea, it will be the first defense of our waters" Zarudo was very happy.

"All soldiers who participated in the battle will have double the salary this month, whoever has great achievements can choose one of the daughters of captured nobles" Zarudo speaks looking at the army, the soldiers are obviously happy after all in this world it is rare for common soldiers to have rewards .


Inside the council were all the leaders of the city of Yunkai.

"My king do you really want to conquer the city of Tolos now?" baldwin asks.

"Yes Baldwin, Tolos is a port city that is close to the ruins of Valyria, to be able to explore the ruins easier we must conquer Tolos" Zarudo.

"I heard that Tolos has the best slingers in the world," says Hannibal

"and if they have the best slingers? who cares we should destroy them and conquer their lands and women" Baibars replies..

"Actually the city of Tolos is not weak, but even so we must conquer it, unfortunately we still can't attack Astapor or Meereen for now, Tolos will be a good training for our soldiers" Julius Caesar.

"Very well then, but first we must gather military resources, Baldwin please start preparing all military supplies, Ivar start a new navy training to invade a port city, in 1 year we must start an expedition against Tolos" Zarudo speaks.

"Yes my king" Ivar and Baldwin respond.

"julius caesar you conquered the city of Yaros, all soldiers who died in battle their families should receive their pension, also start recruiting again to replenish your 10,000 soldiers" Zarudo.

"Baibars get ready, in 1 year you will lead 15,000 soldiers to conquer Tolos for Yunkai" Zarudo commands.

Choosing Baibars was for a simple reason, Baibars is more cruel and can finish the battle faster, Tolos is much stronger than Yaros and therefore must be conquered by blood and iron, it is impossible for Tolos' nobles to surrender easily.

"Yes my king, I will conquer Tolos" Baibars speaks in a cruel voice.

Once Tolos belongs to Yunkai I will be able to create a small exploration fleet for Cabral, and the wealth found will greatly increase Yunkai's strength.


"Chiyome how is the bribery of the nobles of Astapor and Meereen going?" Zarudo asks

"My king managed to bribe 6 nobles from Meereen and 8 from Astapor, but we are already in contact with more than 2 years old and I can guarantee that we will be able to bribe at least 1 third of the nobles of this city" Chiyome.

1 third? it's a lot, having 1 third we can influence a lot the opinion of the 2 cities about Yunkai, we can make them lower their guard, and after they lower it hehehe, let's conquer both cities.

Meereen is the strongest, so I'm counting on Crixus a lot, if he manages a slave revolt in a few years we can attack from the outside while they're consumed from the inside.

5 years, I want in 5 years to conquer the two cities and unify the entire slave bay and create the Yunkai Empire.