
King of Warriors (X-Men/Marvel)

Without anywhere to go, a boy decides to follow the X-Men back to Xavier's school after awakening his X-Gene ruins any chance of a normal life that he had. But once he arrives at the school, he realizes that there is so much more for him there than there ever was. He just needs to embrace it and master his new powers. But before all of that, he needs to get along with his new roommate first

TrueBoredAsura · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

New Land, New Language, New Challenges

Light flashed before Asher's eyes. One moment, he was attempting to stop Cable from creating any more trouble. In the next moment, he was standing before several men wearing leather armor and charging at him.

'Danger Room? Activated Scenario? Hellions? Cable?'

Several thoughts quickly went through Asher's head as he tried to process what was happening. But instead of focusing on what could possibly be going on, Asher knew he had to defend himself first and think later.

The teen slashed his sword forward after coating it with sharp energy before sending a blade of wind at the incoming men. The wind blade cut through each of the men without any issues.

The surrounding men paused when they saw what Asher had done. With their pause, Asher was able to take in what was happening around him.

'The Danger Room can reproduce anything except smell. This smell should not be real. And Cable said that this was his time machine. So that can only mean one thing.'

Asher looked at the bodies he had just bisected before vomiting his lunch out. This was only the second time that he had killed and the first time it was on purpose, kinda. But Asher wasn't given time to rest.

{Kill that damn witch!}

When the others saw his young age and the fact that he had gotten sick at the sight of his first blood, they decided to move in and kill him before he could do more damage. But just as there were those that wanted to put him down, the side that had been helped by Asher also moved in to defend him.

In front of Asher, several men clashed with their weapons and shields. Remembering that he was in a live battle, Asher knew he had to get up and move.

A hand appeared in front of Asher's face in order to help him up. Asher saw that the person extending it was a young man that looked to be around 16 like himself.

{Can you still fight? We are outnumbered and need your help.} the other teen said in a language that Asher had not studied at all. It sounded like a mix of German and some other language.

Even if he couldn't understand his words, Asher knew that he was asking for help. And it was better to have someone who owed him a favor while he was waiting for the X-Men to rescue him. So Asher took the teen's hand to stand up properly before he looked at the battlefield around him.

The one that rescued him and his allies seemed to be wearing lighter clothing while their enemies were wearing heavy furs and some metal armor even. With the two sides being divided up so well, Asher was able to take action.

What he had learned from his 3 tutors was something that he made sure to always do while in battle. It was rarely about who struck the hardest. Instead, what mattered most was timing.

So while each of the men battled another, Asher would pop in and out while launching attacks from a distance. In this way, he managed to either kill or cripple several enemies with each attack and give his new allies the advantage. Within minutes, the battle that should have been lost by Asher's new friends turned into their victory.

Thorkell looked at the young man in red and white clothes that he had never seen before in amazement. Asher moved in a way that he had never seen, had a weapon that was unfamiliar, and powers that were supernatural. He was a being that truly surpassed the limits of man.

'Almost as if he is a child of the gods.'

Thorkell walked over to Asher to introduce himself and thank him.

{Hello, friend. My name is Thorkell Ugarsson. My father is Jarl of a nearby area and we were on a mission to scout a disturbance at one of our villages. I must thank you for your assistance. What is your name?}

Asher looked puzzled. He barely understand part of what Thorkell was saying to him. From the little that he understood, he began to put pieces together.

'Thorkell sounds like a name. He also said Jarl and I know those guys are basically chieftens or nobles. He is too young to be one himself so he must be the son of a Jarl. Getting in the good graces of nobility isn't too bad.'

Asher had already come up with a false name and backstory that he could use. While he didn't care about using his real name, he wasn't sure how time travel worked or if his name was common during this period.

"Hello. My name is Sigurd. I am a young warrior traveling to further develop my skills and make a name for myself. I was raised in a land similar to England so I know their language. Do you perhaps speak it?"

Asher couldn't speak the language so he spoke in English and hoped that this was a period and place where the vikings had managed to kidnap some Englishmen and learned a bit of their language.

But judging from the confused looks that the vikings were giving him, it seemed as if his expectations were too high.

"Sigurd," Asher said pointing to himself

Thorkell nodded and pointed to himself next. "Thorkell."

The duo nodded toward each other. Thorkell understood that his new friend did not understand their language so he used hand signals to try and communicate. The former motioned down the road to signal that this was the direction they were traveling in.

Asher nodded and indicated that he would go with the group. He had already decided that he would make Thorkell's clan or tribe his temporary home until the X-Men were able to find him.