
king of the former dynasty-(moved to a new link)

The twelve year old prince was just coronated as the king after his father's death.A rebellion took place and all the members of the royal family was killed but it was rumored that the king escaped. Teri,the 7 year old of the son of the great general was rumored of being a half ghost and interacts with ghost.He was called the weaver.He was the second weaver after centuries in his family bloodline.He was born dead and was buried in a box but his mother heard the baby cries from underneath the ground and dug the box out.with shock,the baby was still alive with red threads on his fingers.The rest that was with her ran away but she kept the child and the red threads choose him. Teri's father,the great general refused to serve the new king.He showed Teri a box which contained three objects that will find their owners just as the red threads found him.He gave it to his second daughter,Darlene who was 11 years old and told his wife to escape with the children to a faraway place.The great general was then killed after his family escaped.The constables looked for his family but couldn't find them. His wife found about his death days later.As a woman with no source of income and three children,she remarried. The happy days were little as Teri's step father hated that Teri could interacts with ghost so he gave him a poisoned pastry which made him blind.But still ,he hated him and wanted to kill him but his mother intervened and was killed. He heard his mother scream and his first sister's ghost,Selena,told him what have happened.With fury,Teri killed his stepfather and destroyed his mansion.He ran away with his sisters, Selena's ghost,Darlene and elley,his little sister who was 5 years old Years has passed,17 year old Teri still has the items in the box.The sword,for the king of the former dynasty,the red whip and the flexible spear. would he be able to find the owners of the items?

Dgirlblusky · Lịch sử
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37 Chs

Bad temper lady on red

Teri had never intended to spill his secrets to Mizak, but somehow he felt compelled to tell him everything that had transpired. He did not understand why he trusted him so much, but it felt like he had found a kindred spirit in him. He felt a wave of relief wash over him after unloading his burden.

He removed his upper clothing and grimaced in pain, as his  eyes were closed. His wounds were still raw and oozing blood.

"I'll find a physician for you," Mizak said, rising from the bed.

"No need, they are healing already," Teri said, and Mizak witnessed his wounds knitting up before his eyes.

Selena scoffed, "If mizak keeps staring you like that, his eyes might pop out."

Teri opened his eyes "Why are you staring?" he demanded.

"Uh, sorry, it's just... you heal so fast and it's... astonishing," Mizak said.

"Well, now that you have seen it, you can stop staring," Teri said.

"Fine, I'll stop," Mizak said, folding his arms across his chest. He looked at Teri with curiosity. "I remember you mentioned Selena more than once in the capital. Where is she?"

"She is with us," Teri said.

"Years ago, back in Delmos Kingdom, before the rebellion took place and King Athelin's father still ruled, athelin had a betrothed at the age of eleven. She was the first daughter of the great general Ereen, and her name was Selina,your elder sister.

For some reason, the marriage was called off, but Prince Athelin never knew why," Mizak said.

"You seem to know a lot about King Athelin, dear nobleman.

One might think you know him personally," Teri said.

"That's because I did know him and I visited the palace in Delmos Kingdom many times.

Athelin was a friend of mine. May his soul rest in peace," Mizak said.

"He is not dead!" Teri snapped.

Mizak sighed, "How about Selina?"

"She is!" Teri froze after he uttered the words. He had never confessed that Selina was dead to anyone. To him, Selina was never dead and he had always treated her as if she was alive.

"I somehow knew she was a ghost, but I wanted to confirm from you," Mizak said.

"Enough! Enough!" Teri shouted.

"Teri," Mizak called out, seeing his expression. He regretted probing him the question.

"Tell the innkeeper to prepare a bath for me. The wooden tub here is empty. I need to wash the blood stains from my body. And after that, don't come to my room tonight," Teri said.

Mizak stood up, "Forgive me."

Teri did not reply and Mizak walked out of the room.

"Don't be angry, Teri," Selena said.

"Forgive me," Teri said.

"Did you do anything wrong? Silly boy," she said as she glanced at Teri's back.

"Huh, it's not there," Selena said.

"What is not there?" Teri asked.

"The painting that Mizak made on your back," Selena said.

"Of course it won't stay forever," Teri said.



Mizak and Teri sat across the table downstairs, enjoying their breakfast. They were waiting for Elley to join them, but they didn't notice when she arrived.

She walked to the table, drawing the attention of everyone in the inn. She wore men's clothing and had cut her long black hair very short. A sword hung from her belt and a bow and arrows were strapped across her back.

"What a fine young boy," a lady whispered.

"Teri, your sister cut her hair. She looks like a man now," Mizak said.

"What?!" Teri exclaimed.

Elley sat down and shrugged. "It will help me to fight better. Who knows what we might encounter on our journey. Don't judge me."

"If you're happy with it, then it's fine," Teri said.

Suddenly, two men flew inside the inn, as if someone had kicked them from outside.

The guests turned their heads to the inn door.

"It's her again. This place has been peaceful for months without her presence. Shameless and vile lady, pew!" a man said beside Teri on another table.

"Who would want to marry a lady like that? She might be beautiful, but she's wicked," another person muttered.

A stunning young lady in her twenties entered the inn. Her hair was brown, long and wavy, and she wore a silver headband on top of it. Her crystal earrings matched her crystal necklace. Her red gown revealed her shoulders and some part of her cleavage.

Her gown had a slit up to her left thigh. Over her gown, she wore a white and red corset and in her hand, she held a red whip.

"Bad-tempered lady in red," a man muttered.

The innkeeper saw her and yelled, "You!"

"Your men didn't let me in. For goodness sake, I am starving. Give me beef soup, I'll pay you," she said as she walked to sit down.

The people near her avoided her and walked out of the inn.

"You made my customers leave!" the innkeeper yelled as he whistled, summoning his men to attack her.

Seven men ran from outside to the inn to attack her.

She slammed the table and stood up as she swung her whip at them.

They hit some tables and chairs, then fell on the floor and winced in pain.

"Fantastic," Elley said, fascinated.

Teri was holding a cup of water. "Such commotion by a young lady," he muttered as he dropped the cup.

The lady was about to whip the innkeeper but Teri stood in front of him.

"Old lady, there's no need for the ruckus because you've been refused of the food here. There are other places to eat if you can't be peaceful," Teri said.

"Old lady?! Peaceful?! You're going to get whipped, blind youngling," she gritted her teeth as she swung her whip at Teri.

She was taken aback a little when Teri caught the whip with his hands.

"A blind boy caught my whip?" she laughed as she dragged Teri with her whip to hit him but he backflipped over her and flipped her to the floor with her whip.

She winced and got up from the floor. "Now you're dead," she said as she chased him out of the inn.

Teri panted and laughed as he stood outside. "You really have a temper, old lady!"

She dropped her whip on the ground, deciding to use her hands and legs to fight.

They kept blocking each other's hits.

"As a blind boy, you're extraordinary," she said.

"You're also good, but you can do better," he said as he went behind her before she could notice and used her hair to tie her neck.

She held his arm, glanced at him, used her elbow to hit him and flipped him to throw him on the ground. However, Teri released her and she fell on her back to the ground.

She winced and yelled as she lay on the ground.

Mizak and Elley ran outside to meet Teri.

Elley glanced at the lady on the ground. "How could you hit a lady?"

"That is not a lady," Mizak said.

"Number one, I didn't hit her. She is a victim of herself.

And number two, let's leave now," Teri said.

"Where do we go next, Elley?" Mizak asked.

She opened the map. "Dew city."