
Year End

Sorry guys, I totally forgot to add the first draft for this chapter. I bet you were confused.

Here's the updated version. Sorry


With Derek's guard momentarily compromised, Valeron capitalized on the opportunity. He willed mana into his blade, strengthening it, and thrust it forward with precision.

Derek, expecting Valeron to be unable to halt his momentum, had braced himself for what seemed an inevitable, painful end. He closed his eyes, steeling himself for the impact. After a few seconds of heart-pounding silence, he cautiously opened his eyes, only to find Valeron standing beside him, his expression a mix of relief and triumph.

Valeron extended a hand to Derek, offering his defeated opponent a hand up from the grassy arena floor. Derek took it, and Valeron's strength easily lifted him to his feet. A smile played across Valeron's lips as he spoke to his vanquished foe.