

**Chapter 5: Meeting**

The heirs of the ruling clans reveled in the attention of the students as they made their grand entrance into the courtyard of Black Rose Academy. Their eyes scanned the crowd, expecting awe-struck gazes and adoration. However, among the sea of admirers, two figures stood out—Valeron and Tristan, who met their presence with a noticeable lack of reverence.

Recognizing the air of nobility around these anomalies, the group of heirs decided to approach them. Prince Arthur led the way, his carefree demeanor evident in every step. "Greetings," he said, flashing a charming smile. "I'm Prince Arthur, and this is my sister, Princess Alyssa." The princess nodded in acknowledgment, her eyes reflecting a burning determination that Valeron couldn't help but notice.

Derek, of Clan Dragonstone, followed closely behind. His towering presence and the intensity in his eyes were hard to ignore, but there was a hint of discomfort in his demeanor, especially in the presence of women.

Tessa, the Snowtide heir, was the last to join the group. Her gaze swept over Valeron and Tristan with an almost predatory intensity. Her smile was charming, yet Valeron couldn't shake the feeling that she looked at them as if they were her prey. There was something compelling and silvery in her speech that triggered Valeron's danger sense, but he buried it beneath a facade of calm.

Valeron reciprocated their introductions with a polite nod, "I'm Valeron, and this is Tristan. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

As the royals engaged in conversation among themselves, Valeron seized the opportunity to observe them closely. Prince Arthur's carefree attitude seemed almost too relaxed for someone of his position, while the determination burning in Princess Alyssa's eyes hinted at an unyielding spirit.

Derek, on the other hand, exuded an aura of hot-blooded impatience. It was as if he couldn't wait to finish his time at the academy and head to the battlefield. Yet, he displayed a noticeable unease in the presence of women, a contradiction Valeron couldn't help but find intriguing.

Tessa, however, piqued Valeron's interest and caution the most. Her predatory gaze and cunning smile left an impression that was hard to ignore. Valeron told himself, 'I'll have to watch myself around her.'

As Valeron observed the heirs, he couldn't help but wonder how their interactions and destinies would intertwine in the coming years at Black Rose Academy. The presence of these powerful figures added an intriguing layer of complexity to his already mysterious journey.