

Chapter 27: Investigation

Valeron and Tristan settled into a cozy inn in the town of Jura, not far from their mission's last known location. The inn's dimly lit common room was filled with the warm aroma of roasting meat and the murmur of patrons sharing stories over hearty meals. Valeron and Tristan had chosen a corner table to discuss their plan for dealing with the Razortooth Mercenary Squad.

Tristan leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the wooden table. "Alright, Valeron, first things first. We need to gather information about this mercenary squad. Find out who their leader is, their numbers, and any weaknesses we can exploit."

Valeron nodded in agreement. "Agreed, Tristan. We should start by talking to the locals here in Jura. They might have heard something about the mercenaries or their recent activities. Let's split up and cover more ground."

With their plan in place, they left the inn and began their inquiries. Valeron approached a group of townfolk gathered around a barrel serving as a makeshift table.

"Good evening," Valeron greeted them with a friendly smile. "My friend and I are new to town and heard some rumors about a group called the Razortooth Mercenary Squad causing trouble in these parts. Do any of you know anything about them?"

The townsfolk exchanged uneasy glances before an elderly man with a grizzled beard spoke up. "Aye, lad, we've heard of 'em. Nasty bunch they are. Kidnappin' noble children and demandin' hefty ransoms. We've had our share of troubles with 'em."

Valeron leaned in, trying to appear as casual as possible. "Do you know where we can find them or any information about their leader?"

The old man hesitated before lowering his voice. "I wouldn't go lookin' for 'em if I were you, lad. They've got eyes and ears everywhere. But if you're set on it, I heard they've been holed up in an abandoned mine a few miles from here."

Valeron thanked the man and left the group, making a mental note of the mine's location. Meanwhile, Tristan had been talking to a group of miners who had once worked in the now-abandoned mine.

"Oi, lads," Tristan began with a grin, "I heard there's a place nearby where the Razortooth Mercenary Squad has been hiding out. Can you tell me anything about that mine?"

The miners exchanged glances, seemingly unsure whether to share information with a stranger. Finally, one of them spoke up. "Aye, we know the place you're talkin' about. It's cursed, that mine is. People who've gone in there have come out sayin' they've seen strange shadows and heard eerie whispers. Best stay clear of it."

Tristan nodded, feigning interest in the superstitions. "Thanks for the warning, lads. We'll be careful. Anything else you can tell us about the mine?"

The miners hesitated, but Tristan's charm seemed to work on them. One of them leaned closer and whispered, "There's a back entrance to the mine, hidden behind some rocks to the east. If you're goin' in, that might be your best bet."

Tristan thanked the miners and rejoined Valeron outside the inn. They shared their gathered information and decided to investigate the abandoned mine the next morning.

As night fell over Jura, Valeron and Tristan returned to the inn, aware that their mission to deal with the Razortooth Mercenary Squad was becoming more complex than they had anticipated.