
Chapter 200: Ruins And War Part 10

Once midnight drew near, those who had been resting in the camp finally awoke and began to gather at the central area after making preparations.

Be it drawing water or packing food, sharpening their weapons or reinforcing their armor, everyone wanted to be as ready as they could be before delving into a ruin with unknown danger.

"Have you decided on how we'll move?" Henry posed the question towards Lady Rose as he along with the other aristocrats came to the central area.

It was only natural for them to think that a plan had already been put into place since everyone was being told it was time to startoff. However Lady Rose shook her head at his inquiry. "Not exactly, for now we will enter as one group then adapt to the situation once inside, the ruin is…" She then proceeded to explain the state of the ruin and why she felt this was best.