
king of bad guys

The novel tells the story of the protagonist Xie Wendong's "growth" from a weak, responsible, obedient, good student with excellent grades who was bullied to a murderous underworld boss.

Nadal_Hossain · Thành thị
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6 Chs

Volume 1: Young Blood Chapter 1: Unforgettable School Days

In the 1990s, in the first-floor corridor of J City No. 2 Middle School. "Hey, kid, give me all the money!" Two teenagers with colorfully dyed hair forced a thin student into a corner. The student lowered his head and whispered, "I don't have any money." "Pah!" The taller one of the two teenagers slapped the student in the face. "Damn it, don't talk to me, hurry up!" The student was beaten until the corners of his mouth were red, and tears fell down. At this time, the short and fat boy next to the tall man said: "Forget it, don't break it. This kid is the top student in my class, haha!" The tall man looked at the student and said: "Hey, look at how bad he is. Study. It's useless." Turning to the fat man on the side, he said: "Old fat man, go check his pockets, why don't I believe he has no money!" With a "hmm" on his shoulder, he came to the student and said: "Xie Wendong, please let go of your hands." It turned out that the student heard the tall boy's words and grabbed his trouser pocket with his hands. Seeing that the student named Xie Wendong still covered his pockets with his hands as if he hadn't heard. "Fuck, do you think I'm farting?" The fat man put his foot on Xie Wendong's abdomen. Xie Wendong hit the wall hard. The fat man pulled his hand away and put his other hand into his trouser pocket. Take out a wrinkled five-dollar bill. The fat man handed the money to the tall boy and spat on the ground: "Damn it, you are shameless." After that, he and the tall boy left laughing and joking. Xie Wendong was left with a face full of pain. Xie Wendong is a junior high school student in J City No. 2 Middle School. He studies hard and has excellent grades. He ranks first in the entire school. But he is introverted, has few friends, and is often bullied by others due to his thin stature. No. 2 Middle School is not a key middle school in J City, and the school's management is also very lax. There are often young delinquents coming in and out of the school. These people are not very old. Due to various reasons, they no longer go to school and are living in society. When they see students who are weak and easy to bully, they are either looking for trouble or asking for money. Maybe this way they can feel a sense of accomplishment! After standing in the school corridor for a while, Xie Wendong picked up the schoolbag that fell on the floor and walked out of the school. On the way home, Xie Wendong's eyes were full of tears of grievance, and he kept asking himself: Why? Why do they always bully me? Why don't they bully others? Why me? No one could give him an answer, and the darkness of the evening covered his tears. Xie Wendong returned home and wiped the tears from his face before entering the door. He didn't want his family to know that he was bullied at school. Weak people do not mean that they have no self-esteem, or even that their self-esteem is stronger than anyone else's. Xie Wendong opened the door with the key. Only his mother was at home. The cooked meals are placed on the table for him to eat when he comes back from school. Seeing Xie Wendong come back, his mother said: "Hurry up and eat, it will get cold in a while." Said while eating. Xie Wendong said "Oh" and sat down to look at the food on the table without any appetite. Seeing Xie Wendong just sitting without eating, his mother worriedly asked: "Wendong, what's wrong? Are you sick?" "No!" In order not to arouse his mother's suspicion, Xie Wendong picked up his rice bowl and ate silently. Xie Wendong lives in an ordinary family. My father works on the railway, driving a locomotive, and often works night shifts. My mother was a laid-off worker and later started a small business outside. Although his family was not rich, he had never spent money. Because of his good academic performance, his parents were also very pleased. Whenever he asked for money, his parents never refused. The next day, Xie Wendong got up at half past five as usual. After looking at yesterday's homework, I ate something, asked my mother for ten yuan and went to school. His home is not far from the school, only two streets apart. It takes less than five minutes to walk quickly. Xie Wendong came to the classroom of his class. The door of the classroom was locked and there was no one there. Xie Wendong opened the door with the class key and walked in. He sits in the first row of the class, not because he is not tall, but because he studies well. This is the case in many schools in J city. Those who study well sit in the front and those with poor grades sit in the back. Class seats are determined according to each major exam (midterm and final exams). The school has its own explanation for this method: Those with poor grades are those who talk a lot in class or do not listen well to the class. Letting them sit in the back will not affect others and provide a better environment for students who pay attention to the class and have hope of further studies. . Xie Wendong sat in his seat and read a book. After a while, classmates came to the class one after another, and the quiet classroom gradually became lively. The classmates who had good relationships gathered together, some talked about how good the TV series they watched last night was, some talked about which star released a new song recently, and some little girls took out their treasured stickers to exchange with each other. The classroom is as lively as a farmer's market. The noise became louder and louder. Xie Wendong frowned and put down the book in his hand. At this time, the fat man who robbed him of his money yesterday entered the classroom and put his schoolbag on his seat. Seeing Xie Wendong sitting there in a daze, he walked over laughing. He came closer and pulled Xie Wendong's head, "Hey! Did you bring any money today?" Xie Wendong was startled, shook his head and said, "I didn't bring any money." "No?" He smiled and said, "Then you Let me touch it." He said and put his hand into Xie Wendong's trouser pocket. Xie Wendong blocked his hand and his voice was trembling: "Stop it, I still have to use my money for lunch." Seeing that he had money and refused to give it to him, he slapped Xie Wendong in the face with his arm and said: "Fuck, you and I are pretending What?!" The pain on his face made Xie Wendong's eyes red. At this time, the students in the classroom all turned their eyes here, some with questions, and some with gloating. Seeing that all the classmates in the class were looking at him, Xie Wendong's face turned red, and he knew that his self-esteem had been severely trampled to the ground. Xie Wendong's deskmate couldn't stand it, and a round-faced girl said to the fat man: "Li Shuang, you've gone too far, how can you hit someone?" Li Shuang pointed at the girl: "Get out of here, you have nothing to do with me. !" The girl stared and said loudly: "What the hell, hitting someone is not okay." A classmate who had a good relationship with the girl spoke for her, "Forget it, Li Shuang, stop making noise, the teacher will be here soon." "Xu Na , come on. Stop shouting." Xu Na is the name of the girl at Xie Wendong's desk. She is usually very noisy, like a tomboy, but she has very good academic performance. Li Shuang nodded, looked at Xie Wendong who was silent and said, "Okay, damn it, just wait for me!" He turned back to his seat and sat down, panting. Xu Na said loudly to Xie Wendong, who had his head lowered: "What are you afraid of? What else can you do if you wait for him?" After speaking, she sat down angrily. Xie Wendong, who was standing next to him, said: "Why are you so timid? The more you are afraid of him, the more he will bully you. Don't you have an older brother in your family? Come and beat him up and then he will stop." Xie Wendong nodded numbly. The head said: "Thank you." Xu Na became angry when she saw him like this, and turned her head and ignored him. The difficult day has finally passed. After school, the students in the teacher left one by one, but Xie Wendong did not dare to leave. He was afraid that Li Shuang would find someone to block him in the school corridor. In the end, only he and his classmates who were on duty today were left in the classroom. The student on duty today is named Zhang Qiang, and he was bullied by Li Shuang before. Seeing that Xie Wendong hadn't left yet, he asked him while sweeping the floor: "Xie Wendong, why haven't you left yet? It's almost six o'clock (school ends at 5:30)." Xie Wendong rubbed his head in embarrassment and said, "I still have a geometry question I haven't figured it out yet. I'll leave later." "Haha, you work really hard. No wonder you study so well!" After a while, Zhang Qiang cleaned the classroom, picked up his schoolbag and said, "Xie Wendong, I've finished cleaning. You go. Don't want to leave? If you want to leave, let's go together." Xie Wendong shook his head, "You go first, our families are not on the same road anyway." Zhang Qiang said "Bye", picked up his schoolbag and ran out of the classroom. Xie Wendong waited for a while and looked at his watch. It was already past six o'clock. He felt that Li Shuang would not be able to wait so late even if he was waiting for him. Maybe he thought he would go home and leave early. Xie Wendong packed up his books, picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the classroom. After locking the door, turn around and leave. (The teaching building of No. 2 Middle School is a large five-story building. The first, second and third floors are classrooms for each class. The fourth and fifth floors are laboratories, computer rooms, language rooms, etc. Xie Wendong (The classroom is on the second floor.) At this time, most of the students in the school had left. Many of the lights in the corridor were turned off, making it a bit dim. Xie Wendong walked to the corridor on the first floor. This was the place he was most afraid of, because people like Li Shuang often waited for him here. Seeing that there was no one in the corridor, Xie Wendong's heart finally dropped. But just halfway through the corridor, the door of the classroom next to it opened, and four or five people walked out of it. There were Li Shuang and the tall guy who robbed money yesterday. Li Shuang said with an evil smile: "Xie Wendong, you have come out, let us wait easily!" As he said, four or five people surrounded Xie Wendong. Xie Wendong felt a little cold in his heart. He had never been bullied by many people before, and he almost shed tears. "Li Shuang, today... I'm sorry for this morning!" "Fuck you! Don't say anything else, put the money first. Take it out for me." Li Shuang took advantage of the crowd and spoke forcefully. "I used all my money to buy food at noon, but I really don't have any now." Li Shuang laughed and said, "No, right? I'll just hit you." After saying that, he kicked Xie Wendong in the thigh. The others are all gangsters from various classes, the kind who are not afraid of big things. Seeing that Li Shuang was taking action, without saying a word, he surrounded Xie Wendong and kicked and punched him. Li Shuang said while beating him: "Don't hit your dick in the face. It's hard to tell if it's broken." Xie Wendong was forced to lean against the wall, holding his head in his hands. At this time, he could no longer feel the pain in his body, because it was much lighter than the pain in his heart. I can't hear the outside world and my ears are full of buzzing. "Okay! Stop fighting." Li Shuang saw that it was almost done and stopped the others. He also didn't want to make a big deal out of doing bad things. Grabbing Xie Wendong's hair, Li Shuang patted his face with his hand and said, "Bring me ten bucks to school tomorrow. If you don't bring it, I'll find someone to beat you up, do you understand?" Xie Wendong leaned against the wall, bent at the waist. He bowed his head, tears dripping down his cheeks. Seeing that Xie Wendong didn't speak, Li Shuang pulled his hair hard and said, "Hey, you didn't hear me when I was talking to you?" Xie Wendong was mentally numb, 'Ah! ' a sound. Li Shuang nodded with satisfaction and left with the others, "What are you going to do later?" "Let's play games!" "It's boring, why not play billiards!" "Fuck you, are you rich?" Li Shuang and others Walking out of school talking and laughing. At this time, Xie Wendong's body leaning against the wall slowly slid down, squatting on the ground with his hands on his head and crying. Now he felt that his life was meaningless. What's the point of studying well? It's not like I was bullied by others! Why? He hit himself on the head with his fist. He blamed himself for being too weak, why he didn't fight with them, and why he didn't dare to tell his parents about being bullied at school. After a while, his mood calmed down a bit. Xie Wendong stood up, straightened out his wrinkled clothes, and walked out of school. At this time, it started to rain outside, and Xie Wendong strolled on the street. He thanked God for raining at this time, which at least prevented others from seeing his tears. He just wanted to live an ordinary life. Isn't this difficult? Why can others go to school with peace of mind, but I have to be worried? If this is God's punishment for a weak person, then he decides at this time to be strong in the future. Don't be bullied by anyone anymore. On this day, it was raining outside, and Xie Wendong would never forget it, because this day was the beginning of a change in his life.