
Chapter Six - She's Here to Stay

Johnathan can be quite an insufferable man when he's in love. Was he like this Judith? Nope, I think he was worse, she was probably his first love. Don't get me worry I'm glad his finally moved on, after years of voluntary chastity. But why move on to her? Oh, Styx why HER?

The woman he's currently in love with is Ms. Taylor, Ms CINDY Taylor. Oh, you're shocked too? Oh, and I found out Göndul's disguise in the Mortal Realm is Ms. Taylor. Who could have known that too?

It took me some time to realize Göndul's disguise and in my defense, I didn't know it would be so hard to figure it out also Hermes can be a liar sometimes. I remember when he lied that Kronos had escaped just so he could let his mortal girlfriend see my throne room. Sadly, she was vaporized by Hera, who thought she was my mistress.

One day, Johnathan surprised me by coming home drunk, carried by Ms. Taylor by the arm.

"Hello, Jason. I'm sorry about this but your father got to drunk to drive himself home," said Ms. Taylor.

Her hair was in a frenzy, lipstick stains all over Johnathan's shirt and face, and Ms. Taylor's skirt was inside out.

I was dumbfounded, Johnathan was seeing Ms. Taylor and now she brings him back drunk and satisfied? Great, now I have to make sure to nurse his hangover tomorrow.

"Thanks for the time Cind-," Johnathan fell on the bed and past out.

"You've got some work cut out for you tomorrow," said Ms. Taylor.

"I'll manage, you don't worry about me, Ms. Taylor."

"Please call me Cindy."

I glared at her waiting for her to reveal her true self and call me out for my promiscuity, but she didn't. She just went kissed Johnathan on the cheek and left smiling. Cindy must have enjoyed rubbing this in my face that she slept with my mortal father.

However, this was very unusual for me. I was used to getting a hear full from old flames, but nothing from Cindy. Maybe she's waiting for the right time to reveal herself and kill me. I don't believe for one second she'll protect. Valkyries are warmongers for a reason, to kill whoever is their enemy!

The next day, Johnathan couldn't look me in the eyes. Who knew a grown man could be ashamed to look at his 7-year-old son (technically I'm 6090 years old) after a drunken night? He must think he did something embarrassing and he did! How does go drinking without me? I wish I could change forms like I used to.

Johnathan's walk was slow and sluggish with bloodshot eyes and the stench of whiskey so strong it made me nauseous.

"Morning Jason, uh, is breakfast ready?" He said with a raspy voice.

"Yes, but I recommend you drink some to help with the voice."

He chuckled," I guess you're right."

Normally, we would have intellectual conversations during meal times because I got tired of playing like a dumb kid. Thanks to the Haze, Johnathan accepted this and enrolled me into a school for gifted children to learn as much as I could.

The table had his favourite breakfast; toasted bread spread with jam, chicken liver, eggs, a cup of tea and a bowl of oats. The man always had an appetite and his condition improved with every bit. I sat across him giving him the death stare of a Chucky doll.

"What?" He asked with toast in his mouth. He still avoided staring at me like Artemis did when I caught her sleeping on the job and caused the moon to almost crash into the Earth.

"Oh nothing, Father. I was thinking about yesterday. Mr Bean can be quite funny on TV last night"

"I know what you're doing, Jason. Come on, spit it out."

" Well, I was wondering when you and Ms Taylor, I mean CINDY, started fondling with each other," I said with the most sinister smile a child could give.

"Fondling? How do you even know what that means?

"Father, it's me."

Johnathan sighs," I shouldn't even bother being shocked hearing that. You're on the same level as an A-level student. Okay, I have been seeing her for a while now and yesterday I asked her to be my girlfriend."

My heart sank. He asked Cindy to be his girlfriend!? Does he have a death wish!? I understand his been on voluntary celibacy for nearly a decade but if he steps out of line even once, she'll have his head. Most mortals are weak and easily succumb to their lustful desires, but maybe Johnathan was the exception. He's the complete opposite of me and my casanova lifestyle.

"And she said yes," he continued.

"Then you got drunk and practiced making babies?"

"Jason!" He was blushing but I could see his irritation.

"Sorry," I said.

It was so adorable to see him get so flushed like a teenage boy after losing his virginity. Naturally, I would cheer him on to finally move from Judith but not with Cindy. It's too dangerous for a mortal to be intimate with a Valkyrie. They are battle machines not lovers. Only the gods can handle their feistiness.

So I would suggest, with my godly compulsion, that he could reconsider if Cindy is the right woman for him.

"Are you worried she might replace your mother? Because you're mother will always be your mother but I think it's time I move on with my life."

I dug deep and mustered all the godly aura I had and channelled it into my voice,"I don't think she's good for you, Father."

Unfortunately, my compulsion didn't work. He was adamant about her and he broke free from my godly compulsion with only his will. Johnathan now just stared at me as if saying 'I am you father, boy. Watch your tongue.'

He then stood up without saying a word and went back to his room to sleep off the hangover. Immediately a strong dread came upon me. That's the first time his ever been like that. He shouldn't be able to overcome a godly compulsion. How was that possible? Did Cindy do something to him to help him withstand my abilities?

I need to find Hypnos and Hectate's disciples fast but I haven't had any leads to where there shrines are located region. I have even tried calling Hypnos in my dreams but he never answers me and I have no idea how Hectate hears mortals. She might use certain incantations like Open Sesame or something.

Anyway, I need to use extreme ways to communicate with them. Hecate helped Demeter look for Persephone when she left for the Underworld with my brother. But Demeter hates me because I allowed Hades to marry Persephone which was against Demeter's wishes. However, Persephone was actually the one who kept pestering me about marrying Hades and not the other way around. So that route is a no go area.

Hypnos is Nyx's child and I know she doesn't care about him but maybe his twin brother might help me. However, there's only one way to contact his brother. I need to die.