
02| when gold meets red

02; when gold meets red

The wind lightly brushed Chelsea's wolf's fur as she ran through the woods. The trees were dense; they stood tall and broad at the top, creating a canopy only allowing fragments of sunlight in. It had made the sun less glaring in the woods.

Her wolf sprinted forward, enjoying the freedom and speed she had been gifted with in wolf form. Her body pierced through the air like a spade thrust forward by a great force. She could feel herself cutting through, the stiff air splitting apart to allow her a path ahead while gently surrounding her and guiding her movements as she flexed her muscles under her fur-coated skin.

Chelsea has been feeling rather odd today. The urge within her to take a run in the woods has never been so strong that she would have to head off so abruptly. Her wolf has been chanting in her head repeatedly. The same keywords over and over again.

Woods. Run. Woods. Run.

She had thought that the urge would have stopped since she was doing so at the very moment. Or at the very least, she would be able to calm down in the slightest.

However, she was wrong. The urge remained even though her thoughts had since changed slightly. The chanting in her head has been modified, it seemed.

Run. Run. Run.

And so she continued to run. She ran and ran. There was no destination, no end goal, but only a purpose: to run.

Faster. Further. Longer.

She just felt like she had to keep running. It was an unexplainable burst of energy within her. She was not usually weak or anything of the sort; she was one of the strongest females, but even her usual stamina would not have allowed running continuously for that long.

While Chelsea was preoccupied with her thoughts in the middle of her run, she had unintentionally let her guard down. In her moment of weakness, she suddenly felt a heavy weight land on top of her causing her body to fall forward, and she toppled onto the ground.

Rolling over quickly to shake off whatever landed on her, she instead found herself trapped under another wolf. Her attacker had both his paws on the underside of her shoulders, pressing her back onto the ground.

He had an aura of a strong wolf. Impressively strong sense. Chelsea could not help but take in a deep breath while she was held down under him. She was almost positive it could go unnoticed since she was panting heavily.

He smelt like peppermint and musk. Exciting but soothing.

The wolf was exerting a powerful aura, and Chelsea knew at that very moment that he was one of a high ranking. His presence was radiating so much power it was hard to look him in the eye.

Only a strong alpha would have the ability to intimidate another just by their mere presence. Based on records, only the King of Alphas could do such.

Even though Chelsea was currently held under by quite possibly the King of Alphas, she did not feel terrified. Surely, her heart was beating abnormally fast, and her instincts were to avoid her respectable attacker's eyes at all cost so as not to enrage him any further. But something within her was not feeling the same way.

It was her wolf again. She was not cowering at the powerful presence as she should. Her wolf fought to take control, trying to turn her head.

Look up.

The wolf standing over her let out a growl. His snout nudged Chelsea's cheek roughly, demanding her to look at him wordlessly.

In other times, he would be snarling by now, or he would have snapped the rogue's neck the moment he landed on her. But something about this catch told him not to. His wolf has been so sensitive. Lately, his judgements could end his own life in the next minute.

Alpha Valius watched as the little rogue stopped struggling slightly beneath him. She seemed to be in a fight with herself, her head was turned away. He would be lying if he denied noticing her took a sharp inhale of him between her panting.

His wolf was pounding on the walls of the barricade separating his human thoughts from his animal instincts. It was threatening to surface. In an attempt to push his wolf back, alpha Valius unintentionally put more pressure on the rogue underneath him, pushing her further into the ground under his weight.

Chelsea whimpered slightly at the unexpected impact before recovering her fierce front and finally looking up at her attacker, snarling at him in warning.

At that very moment, the two wolves met eye. His eyes shifted into their golden shade as hers flashed red. Their wolves were out, they were all sharing a head space-his wolf and his human, her wolf and her human.

Something or someone was nearing from a far corner; the sound of crumpled dried leaves could be heard as they were stepped on. For a moment, the two could not care less about their surroundings. They were overwhelmed by the sudden rush of emotions they were feeling.


Both their wolves recognized. That was what they were— each other's other half.

Upon realising, they both seemed to shake out of it at the same time. Alpha Valius snarled while Chelsea simply glared at him with the same anger within her.


That word. It tasted like another's spit in her mouth, she thought to herself, still not tearing her glare off the Alpha. Bitter and salty, not at all what any of them wanted.

It was horrible news.

As though an electric current shocked them through their touch, Alpha Valius quickly shoved Chelsea away and removed himself from her.

The sound of bones snapping into places could be heard behind him as the intruder approached the two newfound mates. The arrival of someone was not imagined from before, it was Alpha Valius's beta.

He had shifted into his human form as he came closer.

"Alpha, I see you've found the rogue."

Still, in wolf form, Alpha Valius barely turned his head to regard his beta. Their eyes were no longer in their rare red and gold shades as they reverted to their original colours. For a split second, Alpha Valius had the urge to cover his mate up from the unwanted male's gaze.

He finally tore his eyes off Chelsea before turning around and shifting back into his human form. As he walked away without another glance behind, he commanded his beta.

"Chained her up and throw her into the dungeon."