
00| disclaimer

This book is set in a werewolf world where they behave more like animals than humans despite having both genes in their blood. I do not condone any form of violence in a relationship in real life.

This work is copyrighted©by teah reign.

•e x c e r p t•

Chelsea gritted her teeth tightly as her words slipped out, "you're not my King."

Suddenly, his hand shot up and his long fingers wrapped themselves around Chelsea's throat. Startled at the abrupt attack, Chelsea could no longer hold out her struggle and the tray was released from her trembling hands. Their feet narrowly escaped from getting hit by the tray and the dishes as they crashed onto the ground.

Chelsea's breathing hitched as his fingers crept up from her neck, dug into her soft lower cheeks, and pushed her up against the closest wall behind her. His eyes lowered from her face to the area between her shoulder and neck.

With a hand pinching her cheeks, his free hand rise to grab the white lacey material around her neck and tugged at it. In a strong and forceful tug, the lace collar of the lingerie she had beneath her maid's uniform ripped. Along with it, the top few buttons of her tight blouse flew off by the force, revealing the pink collar bite that was previously hidden.

Chelsea could feel the bite mark burn at the exposure. It was almost throbbing as violently as the heart within her chest.

He put more force onto his grip on her cheeks and tilt her head up so she could look at him from her height. "Is that so, little rogue?"

The King slowly closed the gap between their bodies until their clothes touched. His fingers tips gently glided along the healing bite marks, leaving ghostly touches as they did. Chelsea squeezed her eyes shut in response to his touch, her head shifting toward the other side to give him more access naturally.

"Who am I to you then, if not your King?" he enquired huskily, lowering his head between her neck and shoulder.

Chelsea fought against every cell in her body to not moan at his voice and words alone. Your King, his voice echoed in the back of her head. She shuttered helplessly in the end.

Keeping her voice strong despite her reaction, she spat out her reply. "Nobody."