
Kinesis World

Kenith is just a regular teenager that wanted to have fun playing game. After he graduated from school, by chance the game that has been hyped around for months called Kinesis World are going to be released in a few weeks. Kinesis World is a virtual reality massive multiplayer online roleplaying game (VRMMORPG) that features an immersive gameplay experience and have an advance Artificial Intelligence (AI) that govern the game, therefore the game have a massive potential for content. Many people are anticipating the arrival of the game, some wanted to venture on an adventure, some wanted to rule like a king, some wanted to be the top player, and some wanted to be the top streamer in the game. Kenith who doesn't have anything to do after his graduation, he decided to purchase a gaming helmet to play the game. Let us see how does our main protagonist do in this endless possibilities virtual game. ps: I am doing this as a side hobby, I am currently a full time university student, hence I might not have any time to spend on the novel. Author/My note: Currently I am trying to take it slow for the plot development, and I don't think there will be any intense plot for now, it might changed if you guys wanted to.

HyGlobalHD · Du hí
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2 Chs

Kinesis World

Ripple and cracks begin to form from nothing, a void that sucks everything, and a white bright energy are formed.

A deafening sounds came from that said energy, and then-


A big explosion goes out and a miracle happens, where from nothing there appears a universe that holds many stars and planets..

Zooming into a large planet there appears the first appearance of a lifeform that goes in many shapes.

Trillion years fast forward and the planet is thriving with many intelligence races that lives in the planet, or a world we now called Kinesis.


As Kenith watching the history or a prelude for the soon to be released first ever virtual reality game on his smartphone. He soon woke up from his focus, when the bus driver said the station that they have arrived loudly.

"ehem, We have arrived at station zero-A3!! I repeat we have arrived at station zero-A3!!", said the driver loudly.

Kenith soon turn off his smartphone and proceed to get off the bus. A rustling sounds can be heard from many people talking and walking.

Kenith took a deep breath and let it go.

There are many smart screen display all over the places hanging on the wall, and almost all of them are talking about the new game that going to be released, and yes, it is called Kinesis World.

There is a reflection of Kenith figures when he is in front of the screen, Kenith have a dark brown hair, but the dark colour is much more dominant. His eyes is also the same colour as his hair, and Kenith faces are just average, where he doesn't falls into a handsome category nor otherwise, just average. He is 169cm tall with almost skinny body, and other than that there is nothing that leaves a deep impression of him.

Kenith look at the time and began to walk home.

His home is in district zero-A3, his house is an apartment within that area. Now Kenith is in the front of the door and unlocking the door, and what greeted him are just a dark house, there is nobody there. Kenith lives alone, he just graduated and there is nobody here to celebrate with him. Although he doesn't mind, but deep down he still feels sad, his parents lives in another country for work, and he is the only son in the family, all his friends are with their own parents to celebrate and planning for their future.

Turning the lights on, it shows a brown couch and a smart television in the living room, decorated with a flower in a colorful vase. Further back, there is a kitchen large enough to have a furnace, a fridge and a cabinet full of food. Connected between the two is a door leading to Kenith room that have a single bed, a closet full of clothes, and a simple table that have an organized book, a night lamp, and a laptop. There also a toilet and a shower.

Kenith took a quick shower and changed of clothes, after that he sat at the couch, and open up the television that have two people holding a conversation about the new game Kinesis World.

Feeling hungry, Kenith decided to make a simple and quick meals, and unsurprisingly it is an instant noodle. While waiting for the noodle to cook, Kenith focused onto the television.

"-it seems that we get a new news about the gaming helmet, and it going to open up for order at Kinesis World official website. Are you excited James, about the news?'

"Thank you Kyles, and yes I am very excited and I think many of you out there are also excited for this-"

Kenith took his noodles and bring it to his room, and at the same time close the television. He opened his laptop and start to surfing Kinesis World official website, and start to eat his instant noodles.

Hello!!! If you have read the synopsis, I hope that you might know what I'll be saying.

I am not sure how long would it takes for another chapter to be made/released.

This chapter also is just an introduction for the main protagonist, Kenith.

FYI, I made this chapter in a hurry, and I was typing using my phone.

If you guys like the first chapter, do leave me a comment, so that I might have the motivation to make the new chapter asap.

Thank you, from me, called hyglobalhd.. cheers.

:) :) :)

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