
KINDLED SPIRIT: A Unique Path To Cultivation

"There are the dreams that you see in the broad daylight; then there are the ones that find you. All I ever wanted to do was uphold justice in a world of corruption and trickery; I never thought it would lead me on the path of cultivation, on the path of immortality." Wei Lin Jiang was born in a poor family of peasants. Weak and powerless, he has to put up with the atrocities and torments that are a part of a peasant's life. When his brother Wei Huan is killed by a Royal Officer, he swears to gather enough power and return to take revenge. This quest eventually leads him into a world where masters can absorb and harness the energy around them by cultivating their Qi. Wei Lin Jiang is filled with an intense desire to learn this art but has to face a lot of obstacles along the way. His thoughts and beliefs are tested at each step. As they say the path to greatness is the roughest one. Can Wei Ling Jiang break the rocks and carve his path to a great destiny?

Apratyashita · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
17 Chs

CHAPTER 2: Part 2

Wei Lin Jiang landed with a thud on the muddy floor, raising a cloud of dust. They filled his lungs causing him to let out a muffled cough. His face contorted in pain as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings; his mind still hazy due to fatigue.

With a feeble groan, he made an effort to get up. Pressing his palms against the cold surface, he managed to raise his body but his strength gave way before he could prop himself to a sitting position. He fell back to the ground. His arms went limp as a puff of air left his mouth.

The characteristic clicking of a lock sounded behind him followed by the receding footsteps. His tired eyes swept around; taking in the surroundings. From his angle, he could only see the bare wall. It seemed to be made of mud and stones.

His eyes suddenly twinkled catching the glimpse of a pot placed on a stool. It was one of those red, earthen pots that kept water cold. His hands raised in the air and his fingers twitched as if he were trying to reach the pot. The fire of thirst scorching his throat flared at the sight of water. With a sharp intake of air, he managed to rasp, "Water."

A soft sound of shuffling clothes fell in his ears, followed by quiet footsteps. Moments later a pair of legs were visible to him. He raised his head to find a man standing with his back to him. He was dressed in plain blue robes. The strands of grey hair highlighting his black crop indicated that the man was probably in his fifties.

He walked up to the pot, filled a bowl of water, and walked to the place where Lin Jiang was lying. Placing the bowl on the ground, he helped Lin Jiang up and made him sit; leaning against the wall. Then, he held out the bowl of water in front of him.

Wei Lin Jiang's eyes narrowed as he tried to study his features through his blurred vision. The man had a short black beard that had turned slightly grey over time; his eyes were dull but deep down there seemed to be some spark left. His face lit up with a kind smile, "You will feel better after having some water."

Lin Jiang's fingers trembled as he held out both his hands. Sensing his weakness, the man knelt in front of him and held the bowl to his mouth. Lin Jiang guzzled down the contents of the bowl as fast as possible. The color returned to his face as the cool liquid flowed through his veins and revived him. His vision cleared considerably as well.

Wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his right hand, he gave him a curt bow, 'Thank You, Xian Sheng. I deeply appreciate your kindness."

The man slumped to the ground beside him and waved off his greeting, "There is no need to be so formal. Call me Luo Rong. We are inmates after all." Then, he burst into a peal of a hearty chuckle. He stopped himself almost immediately and asked, "Why did they bring you here?"

Wei Lin Jiang's expression turned brooding and he mumbled, "I guess I was punished for saving someone's life."

The man's eyes widened and he exclaimed, "You saved someone! Didn't you know that it is the biggest crime in the world?" He poked a finger to his chest, "How could you be foolish enough to save someone's life? You should just let them kiss the devil."

Lin Jiang was dumbfounded by the intensity of vehemence in the man's voice. There was a certain sting in his words as if he had been punished for saving someone too.

A deep frown settled on Lin Jiang's forehead. Shaking his head, he muttered, "How can it be a crime to save someone's life? It is the noblest deed in the world…"

The man snorted and shook his head, "Noble deed! Bull shit! If it is a noble deed, why are you here?"

Lin Jiang was flustered for a moment but he recovered quickly, "It is just a misunderstanding, Xian Sheng. I was too weak and couldn't explain myself. I am sure they will let me go once they find out the truth."

The man's expression hardened and a deep scowl formed on his face, "Do you think they care about the truth? We, commoners, are no better than animals to these people. Now that you are caught in the trap, they will just let you rot and die here. You will never get a chance to explain yourself."

The man's shoulders slumped and his gaze became distant, "I was brought here five years ago. In the beginning, I was hopeful that I would get an opportunity to get out of here. I tried to talk to the guards every time I saw them. At first, they would pretend to listen but eventually, they started ignoring me blatantly."

His voice grew louder as the pain in his heart flowed through them, "You have no idea how many times I begged them to see the Lord of this mansion. He never came, Xiao Wei! He never did." Luo Ran patted his shoulder gently as he got to his feet, "Nobody comes…. Nobody ever does…"

Wei Lin Jiang was rendered speechless by the man's story. Five years was a very long time. He watched as the man walked to the other side of the cell with sluggish steps. There seemed to be a slight limp in his movement too.

The man laid down on the platform and let out a long, suffering sigh, "We are destined to spend our entire lives here. The sooner you accept this, the easier it will be."

He turned to his side to face Lin Jiang as he continued, "It is not that bad here, you know. The guards will bring food and water for you twice a day. They even let you get out of the cell once a week to take a bath. Now that you are here, we can tell each other stories…."

The man's words faded into the background as his brother's dying wish flashed in his mind, 'You must survive, Xiao Wei. You must become powerful and seek justice for our parents.'

He had to find a way to get out of here as soon as possible. He zoned out the man's incessant ramble and focused his attention on studying the cell. It was completely bare except for a small platform to lie down on and a pot of water.

The walls and the ceiling looked sturdy. It was impossible for Lin Jiang to break through them given his current strength. There weren't any windows or skylights through which he could escape either. The only way to enter the cell was through the barred doors.

He drew closer to the door keeping his gaze fixed on the man. He was still ranting something about his childhood. Wei Lin Jiang reached through the bars and grappled at the rock; letting his fingers study its structure. His eyes lit up with a ray of hope. The lock's design was quite simple. If he could find a hairpin from somewhere, he could pick it open.

His fingers were still grasping the lock when there was a loud metallic clank. Startled, he withdrew his hands quickly. He caught a glimpse of the two guards standing in the doorway as he spun around in haste. He wrapped his arms around his knees and buried his head between them.

His body broke out in cold sweat and his heart hammered against his ribs as the sound of footsteps drew closer. Had the guard seen him fidget with the lock? How would he prove his innocence if the guard suspected that he was trying to escape?