

Four thief squad took it upon themselves to kill Mr. Kim, a billionaire and a business tycoon after several attempts to steal from him that proved a waste. They seek to unveil his secrets. Sofia a member of the gang was put to represent the group in achieving their goal. She gets a job in Kim's company as he's secretary. However she fell in love with her target and finds it difficult to continue her mission. Would Sofia be able to cope with her feelings for Kim, when she is held at gun point to finish the job? Killing Mr. Kim tells the story of Kim a business tycoon that seemed unpredictable to all and has no lover in his life. Who is this Kim whose weakness is difficult to attain? The story gives insight on romance, filled with comedy and a little action.

Emmanuel_Enemona · Thành thị
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2 Chs

CHAPTER 1 The Victim

The radiant sun, cheeping of birds and moving vehicles kept the day alive. Lagos was as busy as ever, its atmosphere showed people moving to and fro the streets heading to their various places of duties.

There was gradually traffic jam on the road as the road users multiplied.

China Workers could be seen at a Government site constructing the structures of a scraper building.

A young man sat under an umbrella near the site scrolling through his phone as he scooped the ice cream in his hand. He wore a dormeiul vanquish suit worth ninety-five thousand, three hundred and nineteen US dollars, his wrist was rapped with a diamond wristwatch that glowed, his leg was stuck in a black chukka and stockings that fit his navy-blue suit and his hair was neatly arranged in a thick crop style, he crossed his legs across each other as he seemed to be enjoying himself. He kept smiling repeatedly to his phone. His little Maltese sat beside his leg and barked at anything that appeared to it strange.

"That is the man" a being told three other workers. He was referring to the man sitting under the umbrella.

"He's contract is up to a billion won or exact" another being spoked out of the three.

"You know what to do? Wait for my signal" The former being portrayed as he left the other three.

"Welcome to Nigeria sir" A man welcome the being under the umbrella. The umbrella man stood to his feet and gave the other a handshake as he was offered the same.

"My name is Femi Amoke, I'm the director of the starlights company affairs" the being introduced.

"Nice to meet you Femi, I'm Xiaoli"

Xiaoli's Maltese barked repeatedly at Femi.

"A nice dog you have there!" Femi pointed out to the dog.

"Thanks, her name is Charlie" Xiaoli introduced his dog.

"Nice to meet you Charlie" Femi greeted. "Alright, Jaoli" Femi miscalled, "keep up the good work" He encouraged as he took his leave.

Xiaoli scooped his ice cream and watched Femi walk away. He smiled and hoped his stay in Africa would be as fun being as he had imagined.

Xiaoli took a walk further to supervise the worker's job closely. He had a body guard holding the umbrella above his head as he walked.

The constructors were both Nigerians and China's constructors working together. They seemed to be constructing a governmental project, for it was a large building.

"Sir please, Mr. Femi would like to have a word with you" a dark worker provided Xiaoli the information.

Xiaoli followed the worker into a car that packed along the road but hidden from the construction site, and immediately the car took off.

"What's going on" Xiaoli asked frightened of the faces that were with a mask in the car.

A handkerchief with chloroform was used to cover his nose, making him fall unconscious. While the car drove off with speed.


A being splashed water in the face of Xiaoli, and immediately he was revived.

"Welcome to Nigeria" a being spoked to Xiaoli who looked confusingly at the being in front of him. From his facial expression, one could tell he felt he was imagining things.

The place in which he found himself was like an abandoned store with countless cartons. Cobwebs and dust dominated the area to prove it was really abandoned.

The being that woke Xiaoli up had a weird mask that made his identity hidden. He also held a gun in his hand to frighten his captive.

Xiaoli sat on a chair where his hands were tied to his back. He was nude, for his clothes and underwear wasn't on him. His big boobs were exposed, and it made him looked more chubby.

He yelled in shock when he discovered he was naked and instructed his kidnapper to close his eyes.

The kidnapper boss, cracked his gun, after Xiaoli's comment to show he wasn't the jovial type. Xiaoli was covered in fear and begged for his life to be spared.

"What do you want from me, this is just my first day in this country, and you are treating me this way" Xiaoli questioned the kidnappers?

"Actually, it's your third day in this country" the leader of the gang corrected the victim in order to assure him that his footsteps were been followed.

"What happened to my clothes?" Xiaoli asked the kidnappers.

"For expensive clothing like yours it was impossible not to take it off" the leader replied. "Don't worry, if you comply with us, we'll spare your life" he assured.

"Please what should I do" the captive pleaded to know, for he was afraid of death.

"You see, we have been following your trails for a while, and we know that the contract you're working on now is a billion Naira contracts… So, all we are asking of you is just two hundred million"

"Two hundred million, I don't have such money, besides the contract is not mine it's my boss's".

"What! What do you mean by it is your boss's?

"I'm simply a secretary"

"You're lying, aren't you?"

"I swear, please, let me go!"

"If you're not the real boss, then who's the real boss?

"He's name is…