
Killing God: Wrath of the First Nephilim

Luke's serene existence in a remote village on the fringes of the Nexaria Empire is abruptly shattered when demonic beasts assail his home, leaving devastation in their wake. Escaping the onslaught, he tragically witnesses the annihilation of his family, leaving him alone in a world marred by chaos. Captured by the empire's forces instead of receiving the refuge he sought, Luke becomes a subject of their experimental machinations, subjected to a fusion of demonic and angelic genetic alterations. Considered a failed venture, he was cast aside, left to die by the very power that was meant to save him. Fate, however, had different plans for Luke. The experiment turned out to be a success, creating the first Nephilim whose wraith will be unleashed on the Nexaria empire— a mechanical empire fueled by science and technology, which was currently at war with the Arcanoria empire, a realm steeped in magical prowess and ancient mysticism. Unbeknownst to both empires, the supreme being, God, has descended into madness—a harrowing omen signaling the imminent demise of the universe itself. In a shocking revelation, it becomes clear that the salvation of existence hinges upon the unthinkable: Killing God. Luke, now a product of both angelic and demonic forces, finds himself at the center of an unfathomable prophecy—a prophecy dictating that only through the death of a mad god can balance be restored to the cosmos. Luke realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the cosmic fate of all existence. ........................... [A/N: The cover is mine, it's original.] More characters images in: https://discord.com/invite/5M9j5qKR

TheCulture · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Revenge! (part 2)

Luke's breathing was as light as possible, as the heavy footsteps of the Anterlaur only made things worse. His pensive gaze never left the black serpent, and his mind scrambled for possible ideas to help him escape his current predicament.


After pondering for what felt like hours but was a second or more at best, Luke realized he had only one choice.




Without any form of warning, his hand sped forward as it reached for the black snake's neck.




The black snake was taken aback as its eyes widened in shock, and it let out a furious hiss. It never expected something as treacherous as this from a human.


It opened its mouth to bite, but it was a tad bit late in its reaction. In one smooth swing, Luke tossed the black snake at the head of the Anterlaur.




The serpent smashed into the head of the Anterlaur. Quickly, its body coiled around one of the beast's antlers, and it loosely dangled around as it struggled to hold onto dear life.


The arrival of the black serpent was more of an annoyance than an actual problem to the antler. It let out a disdainful grunt and shook its head violently, but the black serpent tightened its coils around the antler as it knew the moment it fell to the ground it was as good as dead.


Seeing the beast distracted, Luke's eyes shone with cruelty as he realized this was the perfect time to act.


'Now's my chance!' he screamed in his mind as muscles tensed up.


His grip on his bone weapon tightened as he carefully lifted himself off the ground. For a moment, his breathing became heavier but his vision became clear, focused on its target alone.




Kicking himself off the ground, Luke dashed forward and emerged from the bush abruptly. The Anterlaur was so focused on shaking off the black snake that I couldn't react in time, however, it saw the blurry figure making its way to it quickly.




The sharp edge of the bone weapon found its way into the Anterlaur's hind leg causing it to let out a painful howl, however, Luke was not satisfied.


He pulled out his weapon and watched blood squirt out from the open wound. The right leg of the Anterlaur shivered as it slowly lost its strength.


Luke swiftly shifted his gaze to the leg's hind leg, and he quickly dove forward. He hoped to badly damage the hind legs of the beats and limit its mobility. That way, he would be easier to manoeuvre around it and deliver the killing blow.


But things don't always go as planned.




Before Luke could carry out his second attack, the Anterlaur kicked back. Its hoof slammed into Luke's chest and for a moment he felt like all the air in his body was forcefully extracted.


A mixture of saliva and blood squirted out of his mouth as he was thrown back by a few meters. Luke's body hurled back without restraint as it soared through the air until it came in contact with a tree, which broke its hasty retreat.




The collision came with a unique kind of pain and experience. The moment the back of his head hit the tree, Luke's vision blurred and even threatened to go completely dark. His body went limp and simply slid down the tree without any restraint until it hit the ground.


It took a second for Luke's vision to recover, and a bit longer for him to regain the sensation of his body again. With some effort, he looked up, only to see the Anterlaur turn in his direction.


While the black snake curled around its head was a problem, the Anterlaur still concluded that Luke was a greater threat. 


Hostility blazed in the eyes of the beast as it began charging in his direction. Luke was quick to notice the wounded leg affected its speed slightly, but it was still incredibly fast.


Not daring to waste a second, Luke gritted his teeth and sprang to his feet before dashing to the left. As he ran, he could hear the heavy footsteps catching up to him rapidly, and a few seconds into the chase he was almost certain the beast would get to him at any moment.


Without looking back, Luke leaped forward and ran up a tree trunk before kicking himself off the tree and performing a skillful backflip.




The rattling sound from the tree resonated across the forest as the Anterlaur smashed its antlers into the tree. The beast let out a frustrated growl before trying to pull out, however it couldn't.


It was clear it had gotten stuck.


Seeing this opportunity, Luke was overjoyed and quickly brandished his weapon in his hand while he charged forward. Instead of going for the leg like the last time, he went for the neck.






Painful cries of the beast echoed around the beast as it put in more effort and successfully dislodged these horns from the tree.


The beast staggered back as blood squirted out of its wounds. As the Anterlaur struggled to figure out its bearing, Luke dove in and stabbed the underbelly, which led to another loud cry from the beast.




The Anterlaur threw a kick with its front hooves, but Luke reacted quickly and rolled to the back of the beast. 


His murderous gaze fell on the good leg of the beast, and he quickly stabbed into it with his weapon twice, before moving away.


As Luke rose to his feet with his face and body covered in the blood of the Anterlaur, he watched as it crashed to the ground. The beast let out pained cries as blood leaked out of the numerous holes in its body.


He watched the beast try to get back up but quickly fell once again. It was weak from the blood loss and if left to bleed a bit more it was certain to die soon.


Only now did Luke's muscles loosen up, and he let out a sigh of relief.