
Killer. (Book Six)

Rosewood, Pennsylvania, seems picture perfect. But pictures often lie—and so do Rosewood’s four prettiest girls. Hanna’s on a mission to corrupt Rosewood’s youth—starting with a very attractive sophomore. Aria’s snooping into her boyfriend’s past. Spencer’s stealing…from her family. And pure little Emily’s abstaining from abstinence. Tsk, tsk, tsk. These pretty little liars should be careful. Sure, the old A is dead, but there’s a new A in town turning up the heat. And this time Rosewood’s going to burn. —A

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What Happens Next…

Ha! Betcha didn't see that one coming. But you know how it is in Rosewood—one minute you see something, and the next…poof! It's gone. Which makes it kind of impossible to figure out what's really going on. Soooooo frustrating, right?

The questions are probably killing you: Is Ian actually dead…or is he sipping mojitos in Mexico, plotting his revenge? Did Spencer's faux-mommy really steal her cash…or did she simply pay my price? Is Aria's crush a psychotic murderer…or did my notes just make her think so? Did Emily uncover a dark DiLaurentis family secret…or did yours truly leave the sign book for her to find? Did Hanna's favorite cop just try to burn her to a crisp…or does someone else want these bitches dead? And what about me? Am I on these girls' sides, or am I pulling all the strings?

But here's the million-dollar question: Who—or what—did they just see rise from the ashes? Could Ali be alive? Or is it all just smoke and mirrors?

It's enough to make anyone crazy. The Radley may be closed for business, but there are other loony bins nearby. By the time I'm done with Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily, four pretty new patients might just be checking in.

Sleep right, girlies. While you still can.

