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Chapter 2:

.....The fiasco of the demon....

After this fight, in the world of hell (which is said to be a world infinitely larger than that of existence) some of the demons could feel the fight of the great goddess and wamy all were amazed at what they had seen except for a few rare demons, in particular two types of demons for the most part remained indifferent to what they had just seen (the primordial demons) which are overpowering demons capable of beating even the gods of the base hierarchy and even some of the high hierarchy were not not excluded from divinities capable of yielding to this type of demons. Also these demons have a hierarchy which is similar to that of the gods.

The primordial demons are all above existence but only the rare ones can evolve into a demon king, the demon kings are the strongest of this hierarchy by being above existence and non-existence. Hells stirred by billions and billions of demons that were disturbed and howled

_the gods are too strong

_ we can never face beings like this it's suicide for us

_ we no longer have the right to go out to face this kind of being...

In these howls of fear, stress and fascination at the same time a demon of low hierarchy (basic demons) named veldana Mañana makes his little voice felt in the mass to say

Veldana Mañana << you're going to shut up, you're making noise forever it's not as if they were going to face us right away and anyway you don't have to become a threat or an enemy for these beings and what 'they darlings >>

After that a huge silence was felt for almost 10 seconds and then laughter broke out everywhere and words of mockery

_ Wait, who does she think she is? A weak lower rank demon who wants to moralize hahaha

_ never open it again idiot haaaaahahah

Under this tension veldana Mañana looked at the ground squeezed her point very tightly saying in her

Veldana Manana << why? Why am I a demon? Brainless beings who don't think properly but seem to follow only their instincts which aren't even reliable? At the same time it is lucifer who controls this primary instinct >>

All this scene was observed by Lilith in a room superior to the one where all these basic demons agitated like children in kindergarten could only reach during a leave

In this room Lilith was not alone, she was with the 20 demon kings of the world of hell, indeed all the demons of hell (basic demons, archies demons, primordial demons, demon kings are all children of lilith and the one who is considered the devil)

Lilith smiling said out loud

Lilith << I feel that things are going to intensify below currently!! >>

The demon kings listening to what she had just said dropped their activities and all approached her.

The demon kings number 1 (

Schela) speaks first

Schela << mother where were you coming from? >>

Lilith just pointed to the lower area where the basic demons were.

The demon kings were all approaching to watch the show

The other demons still yelling at veldana Mañana because they disagreed and thought what she said was ridiculous.

A little above their zone are the archies demons who were also billions but a little more civilized than the basic demons... they also observed the situation below without saying a word

An arch demon named "erasa" a female demon with an unparalleled resemblance to the goddess Mü Thanatos on the physical, morphological and facial level.. was also observing this scene and more or less agreed with veldana Mañana but said nothing aloud

Everything about her though

Erasa "it's true, she's right but these stupid demons who behave like wild animals in a cage can't understand that because they only follow their primary instincts"

The basic demons always laughing

Veldana Mañana turns around and wants to withdraw but she adds

Veldana Mañana << you are really stupid here is why you would always be puppets for lucifer >>

After I said it, the basic demons started going into a black rage.

_ but what are you talking idiot?

_ you dare to speak thus of father you will regret it

Billions of demons were about to attack veldana Mañana and massacre her to death but from the first blow about to hit the latter a shock wave appears and then erasa who is in front of veldana Mañana

Erasa << if you touch one of his horses I will pulverize you all >>

The demons all remain indifferent and approach even more crudely but erasa just raises his hand to his chest and the heads of all the basic demons fall instantly except that of veldana Mañana

Erasa<< well at least nobody needs such error of reality like you >>

Veldana Mañana in shock no longer had the words to face the power of the arch demon in front of her

Veldana Mañana << how is it possible? The power gap between us and the arch demons is too much abused!!! >> she says surprised

Erasa turns around and says

Erasa << So you have nothing I hope? >>

Veldana Mañana afraid of being his next victim responds with fear in his eyes and shakes his head sideways from left to right to say no

while erasa relaxed the atmosphere with

Veldana Mañana a primordial demon appears ""Aaron""

And say

Aaron << well, well, Erasa, are you coming to play the most powerful with basic demons now? Aren't you ashamed to interrupt their family gatherings? >>

Erasa "mind your own business Aaron"

Aaron << for the moment you are part of my business you know? >>

Erasa << how? >>

Aaron's hands grabbed Erasa's neck and the contact paralyzed Erasa's body instantly.

She could do absolutely nothing against a primordial demon who has a hierarchical plan superior to her

Erasa says to herself in her

Erasa << but what does he want to do? >>

Aaron squeezed his neck tighter and tighter and erasa struggled to breathe.

Veldana Mañana terrified anyway wanted to help erasa anyway, she presses on the hand of the primordial demon and bites him

Veldana Mañana's bite has no effect on him who starts laughing out loud

Aaron << hahahaha what were you thinking, defeating me with such a weak bite? >> he let go of erasa and grabbed veldana Mañana by the hair then hung her up and hit her hard on the stomach with violent kicks

Veldana began to spit blood

Erasa materializes a sword and tries to cut off Aaron's arm but the shock shatters the weapon into a thousand pieces.

Aaron grabbed erasa by the hair and also suspended her with the same height as veldana Mañana who was in agony

Meanwhile Schela who didn't understand why Lilith their mother made them want to see what was going on asks him

Schela << mother why bring us here for such nonsense? It's clearly useless >>

Another demon king (Anube number 8 of the demon kings) said while supporting Schela

Anube << yes me too I would like to know why mother makes us come for that if you wanted a show just ask us and we offer it to you like never before >>

The other demon kings began to whisper

Lilith << shhhuuuut shut up!!! >>

The demons quieted and a silence reigned

Lilith << I don't usually call you for nothing and I never will if I call you it's because something extraordinary is going to happen in a few moments and as a mother to all I can feel it easily so shut up and watch the show >>

The demons watched again what was happening


Aaron << Hum erasa why those whose heads you cut off no longer regenerate? you can't stop it, can you? >>

Erasa completely bleeding observed Veldana Mañana who was completely passed out all covered in blood.

Erasa was also returning in agony

Erasa observed Aaron again but she had seen him troubled she saw him in two then three and she took the opportunity despite this to answer his question

Erasa << yes I prevented their regeneration kof kof you take me for an incompetent we have the same powers, the same capacity but different hierarchical plan >>

Aaron << hahahaha what do you hear there? You are not capable in terms of power to match me little and if you were your rescue was not going to end like this, you know why it does not work? Because you are a daughter and you can save, command anyone, you cannot assert yourself as such compared to mother >>

Erasa was starting to see completely black she was dying when suddenly Aaron let go of her brutally, something bothered her Erasa fell violently to the ground and saw in front of her Aaron's arm held by veldana Mañana who was bleeding a lot like a tap on veldana Mañana landed gently in front of erasa, had grown her power exponentially, she had evolved so much in a few minutes that Aaron was surprised

Aaron << how could she reach me? she is infinitely weaker than erasa yet hahahaha!! >>

Veldana Mañana << erasa thank you! >>

She nursed erasa who got up afterwards

She also resurrected all the basic demons that were killed by erasa.

Aaron understood that it was another person in front of him but for his pride he threw himself on her coming out of the huge black claws made to kill

When the claws had to touch veldana Mañana this one disappeared and also erased all the demons were perplexed

_ what happened ? Where are they

they all said to each other

At the top, Lilith smiled and the demon kings understood what was happening but further Veldana Mañana held Erasa in her arms out of the world of hell Veldana Mañana to transcend all the dimensions of this world to extricate herself from this chaotic world and enclosed to find oneself in a world where colors vary from everywhere galaxies, stars were visible from everywhere it was magnificent

Erasa << what happened wow where are we it's beautiful here >> she said waking up

Veldana Mañana << I don't know what happened but I wanted to find myself far from the world of hell a few moments ago then we found ourselves here just like that >>

Erasa << it's not the world where the gods made their fights some time ago? >>

Veldana Mañana << it looks good, wait we're not going to stay too exposed as it takes my hand >>

Erasa took veldana Mañana's hand and then veldana Mañana made a slit that divided time and space and they entered the slit

Inside the slot displayed many parallel universes of the past, future, present different from this universe

Veldana Mañana and Erasa could observe several timelines linked to this universe alone, they could see all of this at the same time, they were literally in this universe and this Giant dimension because this universe was linked to all of this, moving above its time. and its space they could be everywhere at the same time.

Erasa << tell me veldana will you always continue to hide from the gods or will you go back to hell? >>

Veldana Mañana << I will never go into this horror again I still don't know how we got out of it but it's a chance that I'm going to take for eternity and never leave again and you erase what do you plan to do? >>

Erasa << I will obviously never go again but how did you become so strong, I even manage to perceive you as an existing being like before? >>

Veldana Mañana << I don't know how all this happened but it was a chance that certainly gave me a chance to never let go and I'm just going to take advantage of it >>

Erasa suddenly stopped flying

Veldana Mañana stops and she wonders why erasa suddenly stops

Veldana Mañana << what is happening to you why are you stopping? >>

Erasa slowly approached veldana and gave her a hug adding with tears in her eyes

Erasa << thank you for everything veldana my sister, my friend, my luck but I think we will have to separate I don't want to be a drag on you too if we get searched for >>

Veldana Mañana << no, don't say that you're not a ball and it's me who thanks you for saving me I'll protect you at all costs and even forever you have my word >>

Erasa let go of Veldana and slowly exited the area outside of time and space.

Erasa << I need one day to be as powerful as you and I will become it ... goodbye >> and she disappeared

Veldana Mañana was a little shocked and left the silence around her but ended up answering after 15 seconds

Veldana Mañana << goodbye take care of yourself my dear sister >>

In the world of hell, lilith observed the passage created by veldana Mañana which had transcended dimensions which must prevent the exit of the weak demons

This world was surrounded by all these dimensions on both sides

Just getting close should weaken a demon of all these powers and could even eliminate it from existence.

Schela "I see exactly where mother was coming from now"

Anube << yes, only a primordial demon or a demon king can withdraw from the underworld with such ease >>

Lilith << hahahaha, you saw that right? She crossed them just with her speed, she didn't even teleport >>

Schela << indeed its speed of movement has no more limit it could now reach any place in zero time the proof is there >>

Elika (demon king number 5)<< So Veldana is a primordial demon now? >>

Anube << non veldana can increase his power exponentially at any time by transcending even our hierarchy,

Before having the level it currently has which is now terrifying it could barely affect an existing object like a planet and now it can affect worlds like nothing happened >>

Elika << what is she then? >>

Zarachie (demon king number 10) << veldana is a demon king now because this level at which she has is only temporary it is obvious >>

Elika << What?? A demon king with the level of a primordial demon? Did you hear yourself there? Anyone of... even demon archies only can grow their power whenever they want >>

Schela << yes but they will just pass for better archie demons Elika, if he increases his power he will just gain abilities that he did not use, but his hierarchical plan will remain at the level of archie demons just a little higher >>

Zarachie << and to increase their power they must also know how to do it even we can do it at any time if we wanted but our hierarchical plan always remained demon king >>

Elika << I still don't see the connection I can always eliminate veldana if I like!! >>

Anube << you are funny, do you have any idea what happened? The exponential growth of veldana Mañana has literally increased in power which has changed its hierarchical plan which is normally impossible it is as if a flea gains power on its own and becomes a lion instantly >>

Ephrath (demon king number 3) << I don't even see why you're exhausting yourself telling that deaf Elika, veldana is a superior demon king, that's all >>

Lilith << you children are funny when you bicker, it's tense I have to take care of something now I'm going to ask you to stay good >>

Lilith headed to the lower area where there are basic demons

Aaron << mother look what she did to me I can't even regenerate!!! >> said Aaron crying.

Aaron's arm was still bleeding profusely

Lilith << and then why are you worried? No matter what shock or hit you receive, you will never die because you are above >>

Aaron << yes I know it but still it is disturbing >>

Lilith << already you shouldn't have looked for her hahaha !!>>

Lilith healed Aaron's hand which completely pushed back

Aaron << thank you very much mother >>

Lilith << nothing in the future I will help you more you could have simply created another arm! >>

Aaron << uh... yes that had completely slipped my mind... he makes believe that I was stressing a little too much >>

Lilith released black angel wings and bent to the ground to pick up the hilt of Erasa's broken sword and with a flick of her wings, she propelled herself with a blazing speed that made her too pass all her dimensions. into a draw and made him find himself directly in the world of existence and in a universe.

Part 2: the discovery of the mysterious girl

Lilith found herself in the world of existence and wonders where veldana and erasa can be at the moment thanks to a skill called **detection** she can extend her view into a complete world

Lilith << Hum... found... erasa hihihi!!! . I'm going to watch it for a while just to pass the time too >>

Lilith used a skill called **Presence Erase** which allows her to be even more imperceptible

Meanwhile in a planet inhabited by humans in a village more precisely there was a heavy rain and it was quite late "" around 2 am ""

Everywhere the villagers took advantage of this good rain to rest

But in a house a couple and their child by a violent noise on their roof woke them all up directly

The woman << what is it? >>

The marie << I'd better go see it more closely it's certainly still those stupid blocks of ice formed from the rain >>

He put on a coat, an umbrella and a flashlight then he headed for the exit by opening the door, the outside was dark with a heavy rain making weak curtains of water but thick enough.

The man used his flashlight to illuminate the roof and did not believe what he saw

A girl with a body shape similar to a 15-16 year old teenager was standing naked on the roof and watching the man from above

The man << heeeeoo.... who are you? All naked on my roof? Shouldn't you be home at this hour? Especially during this rain you risk getting sick >>

The man wondered inside him who was this little one? this silhouette with blue hair which tended on white had never been observed on this village

The man << you are not from this village tell me? >>

The girl on your face didn't pay much attention to him, she was mostly just watching the man and then she wanted to leave.

A dark purple colored energy completely covers her completely scared man said in shock

The man << is it black magic witchcraft? .... you are a little witch from the great sorcerer Boaz? >>

The girl was still silent then she disappeared completely leaving only a little of her violet energy which was also disappearing visibly.

man << where is she?>>

A little further a huge explosion was felt in the forest the man was even more terrified and wondered if the girl had not come to curse them about their crops and other village activities.

Curious, he ran into the forest at high speed, his flashlight lit up in all directions, the man was trembling with fear.

Arrived at the scene of the explosion, he saw the same little girl but who was getting up after a fall.

The man "little tell me who you are, stop playing deaf when I talk to you and have you seen this rain? >>

The little girl stood and stared at the man for a while and finally answered him

The little girl << of course I can see this rain but I have no problem being there >>

The man << don't say anything little girl otherwise you could get sick in this rain >>

The man slowly approached the girl with fear and at the same time curiosity because he wanted to know who this mysterious little girl really was, capable of disappearing like this and landing further the girl did not move a single push. remained standing and continued to stare at the man without saying a word

The man after approaching him takes off his coat and makes the girl wear it then he says

The man "follow me I will host you for this night"

The man took a few steps then he turns around and sees the girl still standing who hasn't moved an inch.

The man "come follow me, unless you can't walk for me to carry you come put you under this umbrella it's much better"

The girl did as he said

The man's wife and her children started to worry because the man had been gone for a while and suddenly the door opened to their surprise it was the man who had come in and he let them know

The man << I returned but not all alone!! >>

The woman << not alone you say? >>

The man << come back, don't be shy you have no reason to be >> he said to the little girl

This one began to enter the woman and the son of the man could see her

A pretty little girl with long light blue hair flowing to white completely covered in the man's coat, she had bright red eyes but a pale, cold, absent stare

The woman << where did you find that girl >>

The man << she was on our roof, she was the one who made that noise and she was all soaked, poor thing >>

The woman << how did she make so much noise on the roof? Anyway, son, could you arrange the bed in the bedroom near the hallway for this little girl? >>

The son "no problem mom"

He went to put away the bed

The woman << So my little one, what is your name and where are you from? >>

The girl did not answer

The man looked at the little girl who was still so cold and she kept looking everywhere around her in the house.

The man << come on darling she must be damn cold and maybe she was assaulted because a little girl abandoned like that is not normal naked moreover >>

The woman << yes you are probably right ...>> Then she is interrupted by the son

The son << mom I'm done !! >>

The woman "perfect du so we'll talk about it tomorrow now everyone in bed someone accompanies her to her room"

The man << ok I'll take care of it >> The man took the girl's hands and went to the room made for her at the same time he took the opportunity to tell her

The man << you know you shouldn't be afraid of us we won't hurt you I can see in your eyes that you're not mean despite this mind-blowing thing you did to find yourself in the forest so quickly you really scared me, you know? >>

The little girl remained indifferent after all that the man had said, she was not even staring at him and even seemed to ignore him, she was rather staring right in front of her while walking.

The man << Hmm... I don't know what you've been through to be so cold and calm, or maybe you're shy but anyway don't fear me don't fear anyone in this house we'll be here for you until that you find your family tomorrow or when you want >> to these words, the little girl finally began to answer

The little girl "I don't have a family, and I never had one"

The man being surprised at what she was saying answered

The man << eh ... I'm proud that you finally got to answer me a second time but I think I finally know your problem gone we'll talk about it soon go rest for tonight tomorrow I'll find you an outfit to wear >> but before saying good night to her, the man really wanted to know the name of the little girl if she also had one, so he asked

The man << you know me, my name is ben... mr ben for you, my son is Jérôme and my wife Elodie now if you could tell me what your name is, that would be so nice if you want it ? >>

The girl stared into his eyes for a moment and well he thought to himself

Ben << well she won't answer finally I'd better go and wish her a good night >>

the moment he wanted to say it the girl spoke again to say

The girl << my name is erasa! >> ben was surprised that erasa gave him his name ben didn't even expect it.

Ben << ho thank you Erasa it's a pretty name, it's your mother who gave it to you? >>

Erasa nodded.

Ben << good night erasa tomorrow we will find a solution for you OK? >>

Erasa << ok >>

The man closed the door to erasa's room and left

Part 3: Erasa, angel or demon?

Erasa in the bedroom was wondering what can be done in this kind of room so she used her ""vision"" skill which allowed her to see everything that is happening in the house where she is being kept.

She saw how Ben and his wife were chatting in their bedroom and a little to the side she saw Jerome sleeping on her bed in a huge deep sleep.

Erasa then understood the usefulness of a bedroom but she had never slept since she was a baby so she tried anyway. She lays down then closes her eyes and sleeps

While sleeping she always seemed awake a part of her spiritual body got up and moved around the house then she approached the sleeping Jerome

Erasa << What does he do when he sleeps? Would he be in the same state as me now? No I doubt it >>

Erasa came into the boy's consciousness and saw that he was dreaming it was all blurry and in this dream Jerome was drawing water which he was carrying with several towers

Erasa entered her dream while avoiding being seen by Jerome she caused the sky to become dark in the boy's dream

Jérôme in the dream "hey, it's going to rain it looks like I'd better hurry to transport these containers" looking at his hands, there was no more container and Jérôme found himself in an unknown empty area with a only road and forest everywhere

Jérôme << but what am I doing here? How did I get here? >> The sky was dark, the forests inside contained a terrifying blackness and there was no sound Jerome started running in the dream

Erasa is the one causing all this, she was laughing on her side

Erasa << hahaha but where is this one going >>

she then made the path on which Jérôme was turning into a giant snake with a thick scaly skin of black colors Jérôme was in panic, he began to howl like a little girl the giant snake stood up and attacked Jérôme who ended up cut himself out of his dream and woke up with a start

Jerome << my God it was just a nightmare oulala >> Jerome was sweating and the spiritual form of erasa was always in his room laughing to the point of making tears flow so much she found him funny.

After that night, the day broke and very early in the morning Ben went to see if Erasa was still in his bed. He opens the door and sees Erasa who continues to sleep Ben sighed and turned to go to the living room he closed the door and went to the living room and saw Erasa standing in front of him in the hallway taken by fear he fell

Ben << but .. but how did you do it? >>

Erasa << hello sir, how are you? >> she says it with a banal era.

Ben got up and went to erasa's room open the door and see no one ben remembered right away that erasa could definitely have something that makes him as fast as last night

Ben << hello erasa slept well I hope? even if I'm going to have to leave you first for the whole day with my son Jérôme because my wife and I have a lot to do at the market, be good, ok? >>

Erasa << ok sir well! >>

Ben went to his bedroom erasa saw Jerome sitting on a chair in the living room with a tired era who kept yawning

Erasa went to him and sat down on a chair beside

Erasa << hello Jerome >>

Jérôme << ho it's you... do you already know my name? >>

Erasa <<it was your father who told me>>

Jérôme << ah yes I understand better but then what is your name? >>

Erasa << my name is erasa..why do you look so tired? >>

Jerome << pretty name erasa ... Ho don't worry I just had a bad night having useless nightmares >>

Ben and his wife came out of the room fully dressed.

Ben << well we will leave you now >>

Elodie << Jérôme .. don't forget to feed the cattle and draw water, is that understood? >>

Jérôme << yes mom it's understood! >> the couple went out and Jerome stood up and said to erasa

Jérôme << said erasa, how old are you? >>

Erasa "I am 10,000 million years old"

Jérôme << Hum... you know you could just tell me that you don't want to give me your age instead of saying that, basically, I'm 16 and looking at you you must be between 15 and 16 too but well sure....keep saying nonsense >>

Erasa who feels a little insulted

Erasa << uh... don't you believe me? >>

Jérôme << if I believe you and why you are not 10,000 billion years old as long as we are there pffff >>

Erasa "simply because I wasn't born before" Jerome's head turned red with anger, he thought that Erasa wanted to make fun of him and make him look like an ass

Jerome << you know what? Let go !! >>

Erasa "okay"

Jérôme << but then where are you from? >>

Erasa << I come from a very distant world call hell >>

Jérôme << Hum... it's clear you don't care about me... well too bad I'm going to draw water you can come with me if you want >>

Erasa << ok I'll come with you >> Jerome looked at Erasa and saw that she only had her father's coat on her

Jérôme << wait you won't go like that >> he ran to his room and went out with a little boy's outfit

A black sweater and light white pants

Jérôme << here, erasa.. wear this.. I wore these clothes when I was 13 but now they don't suit me anymore, but I'm sure it will suit you with your little girl's body >>

Erasa << ok I'll put them on >> She took off the coat in front of Jérôme who was screaming

Jerome << haaaaaaaa!!!! you can't charge in front of me like that!!!!! >>

Erasa << uh..?!>>

Jérôme << take this and go get dressed in your room right away!!! >>

Erasa << it's understood Jerome! >>

After changing, Erasa accompanies Jérôme towards the large river which was about 3000 meters from his home. The walk was rather long but Jérôme tried to pass the time by talking with Erasa.

Jérôme << Hum... erasa, is that right? >>

Erasa << that's my name yes >>

Jérôme << you don't have a surname? >>

Erasa << a surname like? >>

Jérôme << a respective family or representatives for example I am Jérôme obra from the obra family, you see? >>

Erasa << yes I see >>

Jérôme << So what's your last name? >>

Erasa << I don't have a last name, my name is just Erasa, but I have a classification according to my level >>

Jérôme << a classification according to your level? ... and what is it ? >>

Erasa << I am an archie demon the arch demon erasa >> following these words Jérôme had a disapproving look and replied

Jerome << why do you continue to make fun of me to appear interesting? Demons do not exist, it is the great wizards who are often confused >>

Erasa << I am however the proof of the existence of demons... there are several categories >>

Jérôme << could you stop lying for a second? It's better when yesterday you said nothing >>

Erasa << Hum.. very well considering that takes it like this!! >>

Jérôme << wait a second, you must have fallen very hard on your head during yesterday's rain but if you are a demon go and prove it to the great sorcerer Boaz no but!! >>

Erasa << Boaz? Who is it ? >>

Jérôme << are you deaf? He is the greatest wizard who has ever existed he came to roll us all in flour with his powers he served us well before destroying our crops >>

Erasa << how did he do that? >>

Jerome << he cast a spell that completely covered the sky with an ultra bright purple that completely killed our plants ... finally it makes them toxic and this curse affects some people so far who die often eating plants from the village and drinking village water that's why you have to go get your food and water very far from the village >>

Erasa << but why don't you just leave this village? >>

Jerome << if it was so simple we would have done it, but it's impossible this Boaz has eyes everywhere he is a very powerful wizard I remind you >>

After that erasa understood why the sky had such a dark purple color since his arrival

No one could see this energy which continued to gravitate in the sky because it was necessary to have a divine spiritual energy for that and erasa had powers close to the divine which allowed her to see this easily but she preferred not to say anything and finally arrived at the river

Jerome saw erasa much too silent and she kept staring at the sky.

Jérôme was thinking that it was perhaps his fault because he hadn't been very nice to her even if for him she was lying way too much, Jérôme left the container of water and walked towards Erasa who was sitting on a rock staring at the sky

Jerome << erasa are you okay? >>

Erasa << yes of course why are you asking me that? >>

Jérôme << just because you were a little too calm I thought you had a problem >>

Erasa << Hmm... Jerome >>

Jerome << yes >>

Erasa << do you think that as a female demon I can accomplish anything on my own? >>

Jerome after hearing that wonders why she kept saying it's a demon and why she insisted so much with it

Jerome << erasa you are really a demon? >>

Erasa "of course"

Jérôme << it's impossible demons don't exist only the devil can be named like this because what is called demon is bad and unscrupulous then erasa I ask you again now are you really a demon? >> before erasa could respond a massive explosion engulfed the area leveling the trees with its titanic shockwave

Jerome jumped on erasa and the two fell in the deep water of the river then avoiding the damage of the explosion of accuracy which reached the river and made gigantic waves the waves came out of the river so big they were.

Erasa and Jérôme arrived at the surface and came out of the water in the distance, the damage caused by the explosion was monstrous, flames everywhere, large clouds of black smoke, a Chao worthy of an apocalypse

Jérôme << what's going on >> a second explosion appeared and took Jérôme by surprise the shock wave propelled him into the branches of the flaming forest which pierced his stomach he spat blood and began to bleed

Jérôme << boo... it fucking hurts >> he tried to withdraw but the pain was too intense he felt that it was over and that he was going to die looking down he saw erasa trying to observe but in his fear of dying he did not realize that tears were coming out of his eyes but he also had things to say to erasa

Jerome << erasa !! I'm sorry there is unfortunately no way out for me kof kof ... save yourself right away don't stay there.. there may be other explosions approaching.. if I'm going to die now and you don't c it's certainly not random because it's surely not a coincidence you certainly have a role to play later even more useful than me whether you're a demon or not you're not bad that's why I refuse to believe that you you are an erasa demon you are human with a pretty adorable face...go save yourself now!! >> said Jerome crying

Erasa remained indifferent and continued to observe him casually.

The flames on Jérôme's dry tree became brutal and began to consume Jérôme who said nothing more but observed erasa with dead silence and tears in his eyes then he closed his eyes and lost his life

Erasa clapped her hands and the flames of the forest went out instantly she used telekinesis to pick up Jerome's burnt corpse and put it at her feet then she used her dark purple spiritual energy which completely swallowed Jerome's body and then the energy evaporated like smoke and Jerome came back to life

Jérôme astonished stood up << What? But how am I here? Was it a nightmare? >> he looked around and saw the forest completely extinguished and full of steam he immediately understood that he was not dreaming he also saw erasa next to him

Erasa << So Jérôme, how does it feel to die? >>

Jerome << huh?? I don't understand how? Where are you coming from? >>

Erasa << I just resuscitated you you died pierced and charred but I did not react right away because I wanted to know all that you were going to say that's crazy, how a human before dying can tell n' whatever >>

Jerome at these words begins to blush like a tomato and adds

Jérôme << mind your own business!! and if you are really a demon with magical powers try to find out what is happening in the village >>

Erasa "Very good" at these words, wings similar to those of bats came out of the back of Erasa huge wings with 7 meters span.

She propelled herself into the sky Jérôme did not believe it for a second he rather believed that he was dreaming

Once in height erasa observes at a glance what was happening in the village at 3000 meters

She saw that the village was being attacked by knights and three huge dragons, one of which had 5 erasa heads, descended from the flight and joined Jerome.

Erasa << your village is being attacked by knights, hundreds of knights and three dragons >>

Jerome << shit? Every time the knights of Boaz came to get our money as offerings but they are stupid how to earn money easily if our crops are now toxic by the curse of Boaz? >> erasa watched him complain without saying a word

Jérôme << eh erasa, can't you make them disappear for good? You have the power to resuscitate you may be of the same level as Boaz >>

Erasa << you want me to eliminate them all for you? >>

Jérôme << well no I don't want to die but for years they have been making us live in hell if you know what I mean but you know don't throw yourself on it you have nothing to do with it > > he held Erasa by the shoulders and added

Jérôme << wait for me there don't move >> Then he started to run in the direction of his village

Erasa << where are you going? >>

Jérôme << what a stupid question I will fight for mine >>

Erasa found it brave to see such a weak human rush towards death like this.

Instantly erased overtakes him Jerome surprised falls to the ground

Jerome << erasa what are you doing >>

Erasa << What a stupid question I help you Jerome >>

Jerome, amazed at what erasa had said, he began to cry

Jerome << erasa thank you very much ... here's why I still can't believe you're really an erasa demon thank you >>

Erasa << grab my hand !!>>

Jerome grabs her hand and in an instant the two find themselves in the village where they can see the dead everywhere, cries of despair and the knights killing the last survivors.

Jerome fell to his knees in complete despair

Jérôme << it's over .. they're going to kill us all there's no one left capable of beating them ... and I can't beat them alone it's impossible >>

Erasa << I can! >> Jérôme observed Erasa and saw that she always had her sure and fearless gaze. A light formed in Jérôme's heart and saw Erasa more like a demon but literally like his hope, his hero, the one to whom he gives all his hopes.

Jérôme << erase I beg you, massacre them all to the last >>

Erasa << ok I will do it for you >> erasa took out her wings and flew at the height of the 3 dragons then she felt a cutting sensation which could have been fatal but did absolutely nothing

Erasa << Hmm I know this kind of technique.... the dragons are surrounded by a deadly protection which automatically activates on those who want to kill them or attack them just thinking about killing them should activate this technique normally this kind of attack is an instant death technique but alas if you are weaker than me your magic attacks will be useless even those capable of affecting me in normal times >>

. the dragons began to spit fire which spread to hundreds of places in the village

The knights << What? Who is this winged character? How does he resist the deadly protection of the dragons? >> the knights were all casting magic spells on erasa but they had no effect

Erasa << you are weaker than me so your techniques will never reach me because I am immune to any attacks or spells weaker than >>

Erasa concentrated a breath

And released this immense breath which projected all the knights and the dragons at the same time at a crazy distance the dragons come back in force to make a frontal attack but erased by its release of purple energy killed them all instantly until the last one they fell all like puppets and died.

After their fall on the corpses killed by erasa, the purple energy of the latter escaped from the body of its victims in mass and quickly

Then the dragons and the bodies of the victims of erasa disappeared completely from the knights, only their empty armor remained.

Erasa had devoured them all

After that erasa went to Jerome and saw the latter being taken hostage by a wizard (student of Boaz named sixsi)

Erasa << what are you doing? >>

Sixsi << can't you see it? You killed mine so I'm going to kill this boy I saw you coming together so he must mean a lot to you huh tell me >> said the latter with a devilish smile

Erasa << tell me how I could worry about what can happen to a piece of wood? >>

Sixsi at that moment could see that Jérôme was no longer but that he was now holding a piece of wood in place of Jérôme the sorcerer became so angry that the sky became dark

Sixsi "who do you think you are" he formed a sphere of light green aura on his hand and said

Sixsi << you will regret having taken yourself to those who can represent your masters my little one !! >>

Erasa << you? My masters? >> Sixsi launched the energy spheres which grew visibly and the whole area was illuminated with a light green

Sixsi << hahahaha... what do you say about that little one? You wanted to get involved in what doesn't concern you and now you will lose your precious life >> The spheres arrived next to erasa who just blew and this spheres was able to change direction. She now went to the sky then to space then the spheres began to distort the space the wizard reaches out his hands and adds

Sixsi << I would not like to destroy this universe like that >> but by taking back his aura spheres that he absorbed he then merged with time and space which had stagnated during the distortion without wanting it but he didn't care he was about to throw a second sphere but lost his mind before because erasa had taken it away from him

The wizard laughed

Sixsi << hahahaha.. do you think banging my head will be enough? Stupid I can regenerate as much as I want >> but oddly his regeneration was not happening the wizard didn't understand anything anymore

Sixsi << but how is it possible that I don't regenerate??? >>

Erasa << My strike cancels the regeneration of cheaters like you sorry but it's today that you're going to die so this regeneration will no longer be of any use to you also it's a primary advantage !! >>

Sixsi << huh? You're crazy ? I can't die as long as one of the life spheres is with my master and it's in a dimension that you can't reach >>

Erasa << no need so as long as this sphere exists you will always piss me off, so you refused to be able to die? >>

Sixsi "the girl farm" the sorcerer saw his body disintegrate completely

Sixsi << but how, no ... no it's impossible my spheres of life have not been touched no I can't die >>

Erasa << I just had to hit you you know when I attack I always prefer to destroy your root and so I'm always sure to eliminate you for good >>

Sixsi << you removed the links between me and this object so I am no longer linked to it? >>

Erasa <<a little yes... but basically I mostly destroyed it by hitting you, currently this object is no longer rest well for eternity because you disgust me so I am trying to erase you from existence for more possible resurrection for you >> the sorcerer could do absolutely nothing except observe the one who killed him one last time before disappearing completely.

Part 4:

Boaz a fearsome wizard

After this victory of erasa there were only few survivors left in the village who had observed the scene

One of the villagers fearfully approaches erasa and says

The villager << little girl I will be direct with you answer us honestly >>

Erasa looked at him without saying a word.

The villager << hmm... ok, are you with us or against us? >> at this question erasa turned her face away and squeezed her dark purple aura out of her hand and said

Erasa << it depends... are you or are you not Jerome's allies? >>

The villager << Jerome? >>

With his aura, erasa created a breach and pulled Jerome out of this breach, the latter was unconscious but when he saw the light he woke up

Jérôme << uh... is it over? >>

The villager << Jérôme obra ?? Do you know this girl? >>

Jerome did not answer on the field he was observing the work of erasa who had suppressed the intruders on her own, to that he stared at erasa and gave him a smile of recognition then he replied to the villager

Jerome << yes indeed I know Erasa .. oops I mean the goddess Erasa >> Erasa finds herself surprised, she wondered why Jerome said that she was a goddess, and on the side of the villagers they were perplexed

The villager << a goddess? Are you serious Jerome? >>

Jerome << yes because nobody can face an army of Boaz and get out alive erasa she can so if it is not the work of a goddess then explain to me what she is !!>>

The villager << could she resurrect our children and companions who were killed if she is really a goddess as you claim? >>

Another villager << yes because in these times we do not want to believe in bullshit, if it is a goddess then she resurrects them!! >>

The villagers all started complaining at the same time and others were whispering

Jérôme <<Hum.. >> Jérôme didn't know if erasa could resuscitate several people at the same time, especially since there were more than 15,000 dead in the village. Erasa slightly pulled Jerome's outfit so that he could listen to him.

Jerome bent down slightly and erased whispered in his ear

Erasa << I could obviously resurrect all the dead in the village if you want Jérôme!>> Jérôme was surprised but happy at the same time

He asked erasa

Jérôme << you really can, are you serious? >>

Erasa nodded softly and instantly Jerome was yelling at the villager

<< SILENCE YOU ALL .. THE GODDESS ERASA HAS JUST CONFIRMED THAT SHE COULD RESUCCITATE ALL THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN KILLED BY BOAZ'S ARMY >> at this the villagers were still perplexed but wanted to believe if she really did

A villager << So let her do it!! >>

Jerome << gone erasa go there! >>

Erasa took three steps forward.. and put his buts at chest level and instantly a mass of dark purple aura gravitated around his hands like a whirlwind.

The sky darkens reflecting the aura of Erasa which had taken over the entire sleeping area the villagers were all dazzled as was Jerome at the sight of this spectacle

A wind began to blow and the tree branches swayed in the wind

Erasa << I impose the resurrection of all these humans!! >> she says deep inside her

And the corpses first began to heal visibly Then the blood disappeared and the limbs of certain victims began to move overly sensitive villagers began to cry at the sight of this phenomenon seeing their loved ones literally coming back to life .

Then the sky became clear again the wind stopped and all 15,000 dead came up like they just had a simple nap but some didn't understand what was happening as they remembered being killed

Joy was strong in the village after that they were celebrating the reunion and had even forgotten about erasa for a short time but not Jerome who grabbed erasa's hand and told him

Jérôme << erasa thank you very much >> and he hugged erasa

Erasa felt a feeling of affection that she had never had in verse Jerome she appreciated it even better than that family of demons from hell that she had never loved except veldana Mañana she blushed for a moment and wanted to put his arms around Jérôme also to give him a hug but hesitated then a villager asked for everyone's attention and Jérôme's hug session was interrupted

The villager had tears in his eyes, he was so happy with what was happening and said

The villager << I think we all agree snif .. erasa .. I mean lord erasa is the goddess who allowed our relatives and brothers to come back to life, she also killed the soldiers of Boaz who made us live a hell for more than several years well who am I to say that she does not want our happiness, I propose to make a big party of celebration in verse our beloved goddess come to save us >> to these words , the villagers all shouted with joy and all repeated in heart

_ERASA, ERASA, ERASA.. erasa to this saw all this so amazing

Erasa << Are they hiring me? >>

JÉRÔME << but yes you deserve a lot of praise erasa I would always say it for me you are not a demon but an angel or a god who came to save us and govern us >> erasa observed what was happening and did not have really much to say about that she was at one time surprised by the weakness of humans towards this little something that she was able to show them and against that she says

Erasa << Hum... very well I see >> a hand seized that of erasa from behind

Erasa turns around and sees a face she already knew

Jérôme << dad, mom ... where were you? >> indeed it was well ben and Elodie who stood behind erasa and Jérôme

Well << we had been killed by Boaz's men but erasa was able to resurrect us.. erasa we thank you very much ... I knew from the first time when I saw you that you were special it's not all days that we see a girl fall from our roof hahaha!! >> erasa was always surprised because for her what she did was so simple and even thought that it could be within everyone's reach for her but did not know how hard it was for humans

Meanwhile a wizard observed the scene in a sphere on his hand

He had razor sharp teeth and was covered in a hood and a black cloak. He also had sharp, black nails on his feet and hands. This wizard sighed at what he saw in the sphere

Sorcerer << piooouufff.... erasa so that's your name. I wonder what creatures you can be... a god, a being from the world of myths? a demon ? or a human? >>

A woman dressed in black came up to the wizard and said

The woman << lord boaz this girl also killed our dragons we only have 3 left what to do? >> yes the sorcerer is boaz the most dangerous human demon there is.

Boaz << so what?? Besides, I already knew why come and tell me? Anyway I need to do a head to head with this erasa >>

The woman "we can go tomorrow"

Boaz << no I'm going now. Why put off until tomorrow what we can do now, tell me, my pretty Nehemi? >>

Néhémi << sorry my lord then I accompany you? >>

Boaz << no I said I want a one on one with this little girl >>

Nehemi << again sorry my lord you can go >> boaz got up and created a breach

Boaz << I really wonder how I'm going to talk to him well I'll see on the way >>

In the village erasa had repaired the whole village with her powers and the Humans offered her a castle for her which is prettier than those in the village erasa did not care at all but was still a little proud and had sworn on her existence to devote life to their happiness and protections if they continue to believe in her.

In her house she ran a hot bath * completely boiling * and got into it naked

Erasa "Hmm, it's far from the pleasant warmth of the underworld. But here it's much better than this world >>erasa felt like a queen or a god for the villagers something she found pleasant making her like humans she relaxed in boiling water and let herself go

Erasa << yes!!! I love that this pleasant peace especially of which I am the source! >>but the calm before the storm

Erasa's shower darkens in an instant with a black aura as the starless night appears,

Erasa cut herself off from her boiling water bliss and stood up straight

Erasa << no but who is it? >> Then erasa's shower and bathroom suddenly disappear and only erasa remains in a void where the black aura was continuously moving.

Erasa shielded herself with her purple aura and said

Erasa << I'm not going to repeat myself who is it? >> at these words, the black aura stagnated in a single spot and a floating figure in a cloak and hood without legs watched erasa with fire-colored eyes

Erasa felt threatened because the aura seemed deadlier than yours.

Erasa takes a defensive stance and shouts

Erasa << who do you think you are? >> And then attacks the silhouette full of aura with a claw the silhouette disappeared

Erasa << but what the...??>> The figure stood behind her and paralyzed Erasa with its close presence

The figure approached erasa and said to him from behind in his ear

_ let's go erasa, I just came to visit you and give you a little hello no need to get upset

Erasa still forced to move by force which made him sweat for a moment but finally freed himself from this paralysis and struck with his arm directly from the back but the figure grabbed his arm like a simple tennis ball and the silhouette added

_ you really don't want to talk? I want to get to know you erasa and for this occasion you should not be completely naked

his dark aura invaded some part of erasa to create a red dress for him

The silhouette "look how beautiful you are"

he let go of erasa's arm and by his aura he created a table with two coffee cups, buns, candy on it and two gold seats all were gold the benches, the table, the cups...

The silhouette << please erase, could you take a seat so that we can get to know each other? Please ? >> erasa thought it was all weird and thought very strongly that this 1.90 meter tall figure, terrifying in the ungre way could only be boaz certainly

Erasa took place the silhouette also

The silhouette "thank you for agreeing to sit down" The objects on the table started to move on their own

Sugar was put on its own in coffee cups, spoons, warm water...

The silhouette << please erase talk to me, ask me what you want to know all you want >>

Erasa << Very well first where are we? And who are you? Where are you from?... >> The silhouette cut Erasa off to say

The silhouette << oulala excuse me for having interrupted you but one question at a time. Don't worry I'll tell you all you want but go easy on me too!>>

Erasa << ok so who are you? And where are we? >>

The silhouette << I am boaz a great wizard certainly like you and in this area we are in the space void that I created because I wanted you to feel a bit like in a universe but also in a room here is why it is not there's only what I need >>

Erasa<< ok .. where are you from? >>

Boaz << from the realm of emptiness... yes my beautiful I am the emptiness itself the being that cannot be suppressed now mine is erasa you are a human? >>

Erasa "no.. I'm an archie demon from hell"

Boaz sipping his tea found what erasa had just said interesting he put down his cup to better focus on her

Boaz << a demon you say?.. it's crazy I've never seen a demon in truth it's the very first time I've seen one I know you can't lie to me about it because a demon is is almost an angel or even a god according to some stories >>

Erasa << subscribe? I didn't know that myself >> boaz laughed with a sarcastic laugh because he had just understood that erasa was a demon with little knowledge of the world where they were boaz since he could use that for the manipulate if he wants

Boaz << erasa do you intend to devour the souls of these humans later to feed you when you feel like it? >>

Erasa<< no they are loyal subjects to me I will never do that >>

Boaz << ha so can I deduce that you have chosen what you will represent for them? The symbol of good and happiness, even seeing their gods, is that it? But I have another erasa question... do you believe that God exists? And do you think that what you're doing right now, he'll continually give you that opportunity to play god with his men? >>

Erasa << Hum.. I don't see what you want to talk about >>

Boaz << haha ​​I thought you were going to tell me that >>

Erasa << Boaz, why did you hurt humans so much? >>

Boaz << because they are stupid, some took me for an amateur, a devil and preferred to pray to other gods but still had the selfishness to want to take advantage of what I offered them ... pff shrews >>

Erasa << ha ... and why didn't you persevere in showing them that you wanted their happiness >> boaz looked at erasa attentively without saying a word and took back a cup of tea

Erasa << So you're not answering me? You said you would tell me all I want to know then?>> Boaz after taking his tea pricked his sharp fingernails on a grape on the table and slowly brought it to his mouth saying

Boaz << Alas yes I promised to tell you what you wanted..

So if I didn't try to prove that I was indeed a savior for them it was simply because I wasn't >> he ate the grapes right after saying these words

Erasa << huh...? What is your point ? >>

Boaz << I really have nothing to do with anyone's existence I just wanted to spend the time offering them happiness for a while and making them live through hell afterwards and the funniest thing is that 'they can't escape me >>

Erasa << why can't they? Even with me do you think they can ever get away from you? >>

Boaz << indeed, because do you see the spatial void is above the universe it is what envelops it and the universe is made of itself first of all more than 7 upper transcendent layers having spaces and time also and once you are the void that contains them with its dimensions you become the being above all that it contains and nothing that the universe and its layers contain can escape you see? My vision is very broad that's all >>

Erasa <<So your existence is above this universe?>>

Boaz << yes the universe in which we live is the only universe that is good that I can create an infinity of them it will still be copied from the original existing universe erasa >>

Erasa << so for you there is only one universe? Yet I think there are endless >>

Boaz << no you don't understand me and moreover you are a demon so you are not even part of these universes or of this world where you are and moreover erasa I mean by this that what you call infinite universe is called multiverse and it is limitless because in each multiverse a universe is created every second in the absence of parallel facts or actions of the beings who live there and it is the same principle in parallel universes so all this is done from a universe but I'm literally present and I'm literally omnipresent so I know what I'm talking about >>

Erasa << Um... >> boaz had learned what he wanted from erasa during this tete à tete and now wanted to finish with this meeting

Boaz stood up and put both his hands on the table under erasa's attention and said

Boaz "well, erasa what exactly do you think I could be for you? >>

Erasa << you literally said it yourself you don't care about anyone's existence so you don't care about mine either we will never be close >>

Boaz appeared directly in front of Erasa and held her by the neck and then in the air to say

Boaz << exactly erasa you are very attentive these good >>

Erasa was struggling but the scene made her think of Aaron except that Boaz does not exist in a hierarchical plane above Erasa she was not paralyzed by this action

She kicked him on the rib with a kick that propelled Boaz several meters away and succeeded in freeing him Boaz planted his claws in nothingness to slow down his projection and said

Boaz "perfect erasa show me what you are worth" and after saying that he instantly disappeared, as did erasa and in the nothingness an incalculable number of lines of dark purple and black color were observable in all the nooks and crannies of nothingness these lines marked their displacement in the infinite space void

In an instant they had then traveled all the nothingness of the spatial void with several deviations on both sides which transcended time.

Boaz was excited about the fight and the fact that erasa could keep up with his movement speed. It was with a smile worthy of a psychopath that he attacked erasa head-on, she countered his attack with her hand and struck him in the stomach with the other hand which made Boaz spit blood.

Boaz liked this show because he had finally found an adversary at his height capable of following him and hitting him to make him bleed and said under his emotions of joy

Boaz << I understand now why my soldiers lost so quickly in front of you you are superb erasaaaa!!!! >> he hit erasa with a kick on the pelvis erasa fell towards the support of the space void Boaz adds with his right hand spread and raised

Boaz << you erasa you are worthy to face me you are a real demon I like it !! >> Then he hit the void of space and huge black-colored claws broke the support of the void. erasa narrowly dodged but no respite, at the same time as she dodged she saw Boaz on her left who struck her on the belly

She threw herself several meters above and was also spitting blood Boaz appeared again behind her and punched her on the cheek which again projected erasa and fell on the debris of the vacuum support

As soon as she wanted to get up Boaz fell on her with a kick on the rib cage of erasa this kick caused such a shock wave that made the whole spatial void tremble. She spat blood en masse and while she was on the ground Boaz took the opportunity to hit her with his punches repeatedly on the stomach, the chest and even in the face. Erasa protected her face but Boaz continued to hit that last one and say

Boaz << go defend yourself you don't want to give up already here hummm... >> but when he finished saying it he stopped smiling as soon as he saw the beam of energy that erasa had concentrated on his left hand Boaz was surprised but erasa sent his ray on him and Boaz took it head on the purple ray seemed to extend to an endless distance, erasa stood up and sent several attacks of the same type to Boaz who could only take them head on concentrated mass of all these rays caused a huge explosion that can be heard throughout the vacuum of space.

Erasa looked at the haze caused by his attacks and saw the silhouette of Boaz who was in poor condition but he was still happy.

Boaz << erasa, why limit yourself to this level when you can propel yourself higher? >> erasa looked at him with a puzzled look because she didn't know where he was coming from but boaz continued his speech in his sorry state

Boaz << you know I'm going to the next level... I hope you'll have the level to counter this power!! >> Boaz's energy violently gravitated around him until completely enveloping Boaz Boaz's appearance was also changing he was transforming

Erasa was on her guard, always ready to attack or retaliate in the event of an attack, but she did not like the show because she knew that as soon as her transformation was completed, the fight would be at risk and peril.

On the side of Boaz his arms grew, his body metamorphosed and his coat tore leaving only the bottom part

Erasa was tired of seeing this and rushed at him to take advantage of it, she reached out Her hand and took out a purple sphere which propelled itself on the wizard

The wizard remains marble, the sphere approached him more and more then it exploded on him an explosion which creates several shock waves in the space vacuum.

But a screen of smoke was on Boaz Erasa gazed calmly and saw no longer eyes radiating like fire but eyes radiating like galaxies Boaz's body had completely changed he had skin darker blue gray his form at the time was more pleasing to observe that his previous one, he had his arm outstretched showing that he had stopped the sphere of erasa before it touched him, he lowered his hand to say

Boaz "well erasa second and final fight now" the moment he finished saying it billions of small spherical balls threw themselves on erasa who was trying to dodge them, the spheres were impossible to dodge erasa then protected himself by his spiritual energy but the spheres passed them as if nothing had happened and touched erasa inside her protection energy erasa protected her face with her hands which was of no use to her because she felt that every time she taking these small spheres the pain and the impact on it increases exponentially every moment Boaz in the heights says

Boaz << it's over erasa, these little spheres are impossible to dodge, impossible to protect yourself against that and the worst thing is that each time a sphere touches you you lose life expectancy of 300,000 years and you makes you in a deadly desperate state, with each impact of these spheres on you The pain will multiply by 10... now erasa how many times have you been hit? How long will you resist? >>

Erasa was losing blood a lot and was starting to lose consciousness. She thought of the times when she lived in the underworld and said within her

Erasa << my existence ultimately depends on what? Die like this? And the worst part is that I can no longer regenerate myself... his technique also affects this ability, it's clear... no..no..no I can't let my existence end like this when I was beginning to enjoy it with humans >>

at these words, erasa took courage again his aura expressed itself brutally and even absorbed the spheres that came to him very quickly.

Erasa was also undergoing a transformation, her wings grew, red horns came out of each side of her head, the dress made by Boaz that she had burned and scales covered her back, arms, legs leaving its ventral part to the free bottom. She also had a long tail of more than 1.80 to 90 meters

The spheres had all been absorbed into his aura and his transformation seemed to be complete when his body began to be animated by flames.

Boaz<< yes... yes ... yes we feel very well that you are a demon from hell you...>> boaz couldn't finish his sentence. Erasa started to attack him violently boaz disappears and appears a little further but surprised to see erasa behind him with a charged blow the pressure of the blow of erasa was gargantuan

Boaz at this also charged his fist at high speed and countered yours with that of erasa

The pressure of the two blows was so powerful that the shock wave erased the visibility of the space void which was white and the space void still became as black as a black hole but despite this darkness, erasa and boaz continued to clash, their blow echoed and illuminated nooks and crannies of the space void which flashed on both sides with multiple colors *

blue, worms, red, yellow, orange, purple ... * the fight was raging their movement became impossible to follow the two were totally giving 100% of their potential to win the fight but after all this exchange of blows the two fighters held each other's arms and stared into each other's eyes. boaz saw the gaze of erasa which was not the same as earlier, those expressed misfortune, terror, death, even the devil himself according to boaz

Boaz << erasa, you know you can never kill me right? even if I let you hit me infinitely, it's impossible to destroy the spatial void that I represent because you can't destroy what isn't and that there isn't!!! >> at these words erasa's gaze became even more nervous and she released a green-colored Ray through her mouth which instantly propelled itself onto boaz who could not dodge it at close range the two were holding hands

Boaz then took it full force which propelled him away from erasa and boaz's arms were detached from his body because erasa had held them so that they cut themselves off from Boaz's body after the ray

Boaz without arms, he created new ones on him and soon concentrated an attack charged with blue color on his hand and said

Boaz << it's over erasa I'm going to end this fight with this blow >> he rushed towards her, herself who had also concentrated an attack of the same type on her hand but of fire color

The two approached with extraordinary speed and touched each other by a part of the body

Erasa took boaz's attack on his chest and boaz took erasa's attack in the belly the explosion created an orange light that lit up the entire space void and also made her tremble more terribly and catastrophic than previous attacks.

Then the orange light dispersed giving way to a clear emerald green light boaz and erasa were like statues positioned the same way they took attack from each other but erasa went down and taken as soon his human appearance

Boaz also resumed his earlier form and said

Boaz << kof...kof haha ​​I won erasa >> HE was in an almost dead state, as was erasa

Boaz added

Boaz << erasa I know that you listen to me, do you know that often those who seem strong to you are not? And are just manipulated by stronger than them to pretend? >> Erasa was floating in the void of space But seemed to be falling into an endless bottom she replied to boaz

Erasa << where are you coming from boaz... if you leave me like that and by a miracle I survive I won't give you the same gift for the next meeting no... I will eliminate you without hesitation >>

Boaz gave a weak smile and said

Boaz << we will see very well if that will be the case >> and at these words, the space void disappeared and boaz with like a dream

Erasa was in a forest and it was raining heavily.

She was on the wet ground naked, and was losing a lot of blood which mixed with the rain water on the ground erasa had lost her Immortality and regeneration ability and she could no longer be able to reincarnate due to the attacks of boaz who cursed her, she was condemned to die and she already knew it. She stared at the rainy sky and said within her

Erasa << that's it.. it's over for me I have vertigo, and I see more clearly, everything around me becomes blurry and difficult to distinguish >>

she also remembered the time when she resuscitated Jerome and told him [so what does it feel like to die] and tears were streaming from erasa's eyes followed by a smile of regret she thought of the times she was with Jérôme and the Humans and saw that it was the most beautiful moments of her life now because she no longer had an existence like the others, feeling that her death was closer and closer she says

Erasa << Jérôme, sir well I adore you .. yes I lived the best moments of my life with you but who knows I never had happy lives .... the proof with hell, Aaron had me almost eliminated I never experienced happiness there I didn't even know what happiness was but you Jérôme, Mr. Ben, and the others... you are only humans compared to me but despite that you offered what i've ever had before and it was the best thing ever sniff... thank you gods now take care of yourself from now on i hope boaz don't come and bother you i would have so much wanted to get rid of him...again even if it's largely impossible...>> after this tearful speech erasa's eyes closed slowly his smile was still there even if he was very weak erasa closed his eyes eyes and her heart had stopped beating and that's how she died... but in the foliage of the trees, a silhouette of a young man e about 17, 19 years old jumped from the trees and reached the ground where the corpse of erasa was lying on the ground the figure was completely naked with yellow eyes which lit up in the rain

The silhouette lifted Erasa's corpse and went into the forest with it... after some 10 minutes of walking, he reached a kind of portal that he went inside on the field with Erasa's corpse.