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Part 7: To the limit of my own work nothing holds me back

Erasa entered the portal created by her and moved above several infinite space time thing that she was not able to do before she can now move like she saw veldana Mañana, lilith or even Aaron doing thanks to this , she managed to rise above an infinite number of dimensions that separated the world of existence from that of myths... something that could have erased erasa before could no longer be done because even the latter's resistance have been increased. And so erasa arrived in the realm of existence

Erasa was in an unknown universe and tried to spot the one where her Human subjects lived first, she closed her eyes and scanned all the universes around her....

Erasa << no result Boaz would still not have destroyed this universe Hum.. >> erasa then remembers his new ability ** author ** which can facilitate the reunion with the universe of his Human subjects

Erasa went into a trance and materialized a spiritual pen and sheet in his mind and wrote on it.

"I am in the universe of my Human subjects" and she opened her eyes and was well in the universe of her subjects. She then scanned the planets of this universe and found the planet earth of her subjects. As soon as she finds it she puts herself on this planet instantly. She was floating in the sky and below, her subjects were going about their daily activities and seemed to have moved on from the mysterious disappearance of Erasa. But not really because there was in the place of the castle that they had built for her a statue with the effigy of Erasa where the men came to put offerings hoping for the arrival of the latter one day and made prayers Also

Erasa smiled seeing all this and appeared in front of his castle where a man was cleaning...the man stopped and saw Erasa and said

The man << eh.... goddess erasa.. it's.. it's you? >>

Erasa << yes it's me... but god erasa now >>

The man << I do not believe it you disappeared mysteriously I am .... Wow >>

Erasa "it's me though and I tell you that I will never disappear again" The other men nearby saw Erasa and rushed towards

She and said

_ goddess erasa it's really you... why did you abandon us before...

The crowd was perplexed but happy at the same time to see erasa..

Erasa << in my arrived now I came to save you from all misfortune which weighs you... including Boaz >> erasa held out both hands towards the sky and the layer of negative energy that Boaz had installed to kill the harvests and others... was instantly absorbed by erasa

Erasa << where is Jerome? >>

One of the men "I'll get him"

Erasa "is not worth it" in her spiritual sheet she writes

"Jerome is here" and Jerome appeared beside her

Jerome << but what....?>> erasa gave him a hug directly

Erasa << jeroooooooome !!! >>

Jerome << erasa ?? It's really you ? >> Jerome smiled and hugged Erasa the same way

Jerome << but where were you? I missed you so much... you disappeared two months ago and you come back like this? Do you think we do that to his friends sniff ... sniff >> said Jérôme with tears of joy

Erasa left Jerome and told the crowd

Erasa << I promise you that once this battle is over I will free you from all this. Even from This world and I will create a world for your peace only and we will have a huge party >>

The crowd was overjoyed following this speech and cries of joy and confidence resounded in the village of people dancing, jumping

Erasa << I need your father too and your mother for a meeting... you would be but henchmen Jérôme >>

Jerome << it's okay me too I will fight at all costs against Boaz >> erasa looked at Jerome with a disapproving look and said

Erasa << you?? .... Confront Boaz? In your current strength you are going to get so much slaughtered >>

Jerome full of shame said blushing

Jerome << kind of.... how dare you treat me like that? Erasaaaaaa .... >>

Erasa << I said in your current strength... >>

Jerome << huh?? >> Erasa wrote in his spiritual sheet "Jerome's strength is now more or less greater than or equal to the strength I had in hyper demon" following this Jerome felt an overflow of power in him such that nothing seemed to him impossible

Jerome << erasa, what did you do to me? >>

Erasa << I gave powers and power to my henchman >> Erasa made Mr. Ben and Mrs. Elodie appear near him and said

Erasa << I will ask my people to vacate the premises because we are going to prepare the battle in my castle and need calm >> she said aloud

The people "understood lord erasa" and the people withdrew

Erasa opened his castle and took place on a bench the others also

Erasa<< I will explain to you what happened to me and why I disappeared.... >> Erasa told her story after a few minutes (about 45 minutes) so she had summarized everything and then came questions

Mister ben << you really confronted Boaz? >>

Mrs. Elodie << wait your mother is a demon? >>

Erasa << shhhuuuut !!! ... yes and yes to your questions and my mother is not really a demon but one of the two devils there is and she is the wife of Satan who is best known to humans >>

Mister ben << you are thus the daughter of Satan?? Lucifer?? The beast >> erasa nodded

And say

Erasa << yes .. but rest assured I will do you no harm .. I love you so much that I plan to offer you a better life and that is precisely why I must win this battle >> sir ben, madam Elodie and Jérôme smiled at erasa with pride and confidence

Jérôme << if I understand correctly, I have the same powers as you when we met you the very first time? >>

Erasa << yes .. without exception. The only difference is that you don't have a transformation but it doesn't matter you can do everything I could do before >>

Jerome << even on a level playing field with Boaz? >>

Erasa << yes but you don't have the means to kill him because he is the representation of the spatial void and we cannot destroy the void because the void is nothing ... can you destroy what is not there a step and again it regenerates from nothing and even regenerates its roots from the void too quickly its source which is the void makes it indestructible... can you destroy the space void which there is not? >>

Jérôme << Hum..... it's even illogical to destroy what there isn't...>>

Erasa << that's precisely it but my self is currently able to transcend this illogical by transforming it into logic so I could now destroy Boaz as nothing happened >> the family looked at erasa with a surprised look

Erasa << don't make that face... with my old abilities I was already able to control the laws and change them if I wanted but I couldn't do it on Boaz because I couldn't manipulate the space void that Boaz represented but now i can easily... i can now control absolute reality and do with it what i want... being the best hyper demon is so awesome >>

Mister ben << madam erasa ...>> erasa blocked him and said

Erasa << it's Mr. Erasa or Prince Erasa or even Lord Erasa ... I am both neither man nor woman thanks to Arlongue and it is Arlongue's man capacity that dominates over the femininity of the person I am >>

Mister ben << ho... interesting... but master erasa .. how do you intend to proceed for this battle? >>

Erasa "Um...wait a second" a space time portal opened and Lilith, zemira and Aaron came out of this portal

Zémira ran into erasa's arms and said

Zémira << Arlongue.... I am finally with you again >>

Erasa << I missed you zémira !! >>

Jerome << who is it? >>

Erasa << zémira... my absolute companion even when Boaz had taken me to serve him >>

Jerome << What? >>

Lilith << hihihi.... young man it's just that the memories of Arlongue and erasa got mixed up, and now it gives that they will organize themselves later because erasa now has two forms that can belong to each of its personalities >> Aaron and Lilith took their places

Lilith materialized a sword and said

Lilith << hey erasa I created this sword especially for you... it's called *kami* and it destroys everything and anything on any level and the best thing is that it doesn't never misses its target by always destroying its roots no matter their ways of being or of manifesting themselves... like a gift!!>>

erasa was overjoyed

Erasa << mother... it's... it's too much... why such a powerful weapon for me, could I use it properly? >>

Lilith <<but of course, I offer it to you because you are my daughter and you have ambitions I want you to accomplish them and for zémira her power is now under her control good luck >>

Aaron and Lilith got up and opened another portal

Erasa got up too

Erasa << where are you going? >>

Lilith "we were going home to hell...what we wanted to do is done now goodbye"

erasa was so sad and emotional she almost burst into tears Aaron added

Aaron << with what mother gave you and the ability of the 4 leaf clover of zemira you should never even lose a fight hehehe >> and the two disappeared in the portal

Erasa sat down and there was silence all of a sudden

Mister ben << Hum... lord erasa? How are you ? >> Erasa always remained silent

Zémira took Erasa's right hand and placed it on her chest where her heart is located, the beating of her heart drew Erasa's gaze to her.

Zémira looked Erasa in the eyes with a pretty smile Erasa did the same but didn't really smile

Zémira << don't be sad, I won't allow it...Erasa Arlongue !!>>

Then zémira lay down on erasa's lap and erasa suddenly smiled then stroked zémira's head saying

Erasa << I adore you.. so much..!! >>

Mister ben << lord erasa ?? Are you doing well ? >>

Erasa << oh .. yes .. yes it's fine sorry for this silence of which I am the cause and if we continue >>

Mister ben << yes .. exactly .. then for the battle you decide to proceed how? >>

Erasa << sir ben .. please don't address me as you coming from you it's like too many flowers... and for the battle we need more details and Boaz can answer us about it >>

the family was completely surprised


Elodie << Boaz ???.. >>

Jerome << are you serious? >>

Erasa "yes" then Erasa stretched out her right hand and let herself grow huge claws instantly claws over 15 centimeters long, she cut the space around her creating a black hole and put her hand in the hole then she took it out but her hand contained Boaz which she threw on the floor

The family was even more surprised

Mister well << no but.... how? >>

Boaz stood up and did not understand what was happening

Boaz << what am I doing here? And erasa are you still alive? I had fiercely almost killed you yet and no one could feel you or your presence because you were dying.. erasa how do you still live it's impossible >>

Erasa sitting in her chair says

Erasa "just as a superior existence could save you from the eternal pain that I had inflicted on you, I needed a superior existence to always live"

Boaz << superior existence? How do you know about all this? >> Erasa did not answer this question, he stared at her rather intensely

Boaz << hehehe..hahahaha erasa.. who are you now? I don't feel like I've seen the one I faced for a while... what the hell happened to you? >> erasa lifted zémira who was already completely asleep and stood up

Boaz "What? Zemira? >>

Erasa << you still remember it seems >>

Boaz << I don't understand how could you find zémira she was dead killed by Lord Gilead >>

Jerome << the lord what?>>

Boaz<< whatever it is erasa I wouldn't hesitate to face you again and again if you still pose a threat >> Boaz attacked erasa but to his surprise Jerome grabbed his hand and stopped him

Jérôme << before beating lord erasa you will have to pass me over my body first!!!>>

Boaz << how could you follow me in this speed you basic Humans? >>

Erasa << you know Boaz that's not the point... Jerome drop it please >>

Jerome released Boaz's hand. Erasa approached Boaz and stood in front of him with zémira in his arms

Boaz << erasa .. zémira is your daughter? >>

Erasa << no.. he's my best friend >>

Boaz << hihihihi .. you are beautiful erasa .. I wonder how you manage to always interest me so much?>>

Erasa << Boaz. Look at me ! are you sure you want to kill me? Is that really what you want Boaz to kill me? >>

Boaz << no but for whom... um... no... I never wanted to kill someone erasa never, ever... but yet I have no choice >>

Mister well << What? >>

Boaz "it's a long story"

Mister well << um... >>

Erasa made Nehemi appear

Boaz << Nehemi?? >>

Nehemi << how did I get here? Master Boaz are you there too?>>

Erasa << Boaz... I think it's time to put an end to all this, don't you think? >>

Nehemi << huh?.. >>

Boaz << yes indeed... I know that I will not survive this battle but I must finish >>

Nehemi << what were you talking about? >>

Jerome << you should shut up pretty face and watch >> Nehémi appears behind Jerome and hits him on the head

Jerome << ouch !!!.... no but why did you do that stupid? >> said Jérôme holding his head

Néhémi << you don't have to tell me what to do moron!! >> Nehemi and Jerome were arguing like children which made everyone laugh and changed the tense atmosphere a bit.

Boaz << erasa .. I will start by destroying the ways of arrival of the other omnipotent gods. Yes Gilead gave access to many of them if we face them all at the same time we will dig our own graves >>

Erasa << Hum yes indeed, it is necessary to limit the access and how these ways are made? >>

Boaz << it's like an ocean one way is like an ocean but is as big as an infinite space it's as big as the universe that we know but there are several ways all as big as each other others closing multiple layers infinite layers >>

Jérôme << infinite layers? >>

Boaz << yes the one that contains an infinite number of layers is the northern entrance, there is also the western and eastern entrance which have fewer layers

The western one has 50,000,000 layers and the eastern one 500 to 100,000 layers that rub shoulders >>

Néhémi << you want to destroy them all alone? >>

Boaz "I can and I will"

Mister ben << it would be more judicious if you did it quickly because you never know if in one of these regions you will see a god >>

Boaz << it's not wrong what you just said!>>

Erasa << in this case Jérôme will be able to help you Boaz >>

Jerome << What? Infinite layers? Do I have that much destructive power? >>

Erasa << yes, of course you have the level necessary for that because I made you whose level at which I had before for you it should even be piece of cake >>

Jérôme << Hmm... ok I'm going >>

Boaz << well then Nehémi also comes with us >>

Nehémi << it is understood !!>>

Boaz << in view of your destructive abilities

Nehemi will take the south zone, Jerome the west and I the north >>

Nehémi/Jérôme << it's understood >>

Erasa "well the sooner the better, arrange" the three disappeared

Mister ben << I hope it will not turn out badly >>

Madame Elodie << no, I trust erasa >>

Boaz, Nehemi and Jerome appear in a void of space

Boaz << the access roads are in a dimension where to access them it would be necessary to transcend time and space.. but I know at least that each of you can rise above the space-times like me in order to be able to move around then that should do it >>

Boaz made three portals appear. One before him, one before Nehemi and one before Jerome

Boaz "let's go" the three entered the portals

Jerome on arriving, was on the way to the west

Jérôme << Wow... it's huge there are even castles in this layer. Could this be the world of the gods? No...and why is it so water-like but coagulated? Looks like slime!!>> Jerome reached out and focused a mass of aura on a small sphere 6 centimeters in circumference and slowly let it fall until it touched the castle below him

Then he created a portal and walked away

The small sphere ended up touching the castle and a huge wave of destruction was created and grew again and again then invaded the entire western lane and destroyed all the layers that were there.

Jerome after that moved to find himself in the castle of erasa again... arriving he found Boaz and Nehemi

Jerome << What? Are you already there? >>

Néhémi << you're too slow ... it's been a while we did what we had to do and we were waiting for you no but were you taking a nap or what? >>

Jérôme << Yet I was quick, anyway... >>

Erasa << Boaz, now that the tracks have been destroyed what will happen? >>

Boaz << the god Gilead will surely come to us because nothing escapes him >>

Erasa << I see... >> Zémira approached Erasa and said

Zémira << look at erasa ... I cooked this for you >> it was grilled meat mixed well with good tomato cut into slices ... The dish was pretty to see and erasa was tempted to have it to taste

Zémira << go taste you will love >> erasa played the proud and said

Erasa << well if you insist >> she took a piece of the meat and tasted

Erasa << wow... it's delicious... a pleasure of tasty meat that cuts easily on my teeth >>

the taste carried erasa into a kind of trance where there was food flying everywhere

Erasa << houuumm!!!... it's too good!!! >> the others looked at erasa with a disapproving look erasa also looked at them and felt embarrassed he started to blush and said in his thoughts

Erasa << cursed meat... you see what you caused >> erasa got back into the conversation

Erasa << Hum.. hum... well zémira I have to concentrate a little >> and erasa says softly to zémira

Erasa << keep me a little can ok? >> Zémira was heading towards the kitchen when she saw the sign of erasa and gave her a wink

Boaz << erasa .. I wonder what you are capable of at the moment you intrigue me a lot now >>

Erasa << my current level is much higher than the one I faced you the first time I am now a better archie demon with time I too hope to become a primordial demon >> Boaz smiled and said

Boaz << I see... I don't know how the demons make their rank but I have a request to ask you >> everyone was then calm to listen to Boaz's request

Erasa << what request? >>

Boaz << I will not delude myself... I know that by facing Lord Gilead I will lose my life and my existence I could never come again... but you erasa I want you to protect Nehemi for me as a precious stone or your own existence... Nehemi for me is like zémira for you, my best friend she has always been there for me and I lived in fear... because I wondered each time "if one day Lord Galaad decided to beat Nehemi, what could I do to protect her? " but this hypothesis that I had before or this idea is being realized then erasa, do you accept? >>

Erasa didn't answer right away he was thinking and in his thoughts he said to himself

Erasa ""no but what nerve... protecting this girl like my existence? However she is quite well formed with her great chest and it's hip.... wow what am I saying here? ""

thought erasa in his head

Madame Elodie took the floor

Madame Elodie<< Boaz, you have certainly hurt us in the past but it was not really what you wanted... it was not your intention and for Lord Erasa you don't have to worry but still having enough nerve and saying so that lord erasa agrees to protect Nehemi as his own existence... >> erasa smiled and said once again in his head

Erasa """ perfect... you know how to express yourself frankly I can't make this request from Boaz hihihi """

Madame Elodie started screaming

Mrs. Elodie << of course that Lord Erasa can take care of Nehemi as you wish, and for Gilead he will redo his portrait... >> said Mrs. Elodie, praising Erasa. Erasa had a dark look and the expression on his face was quite funny, she was saying in her head, neglecting how he was being boasted about.

Erasa ""I'm dead...I'm dead...I'm dead""

Boaz was proud of what Elodie had just said, he grabbed Erasa's shoulder and said Boaz<<is it true? >> erasa stared at Boaz and saw that he seemed to be serious to the fullest of points about this favor erasa then nodded and said

Erasa << yes ... I will take care of Nehemi's life you can trust me >> Boaz smiled and said

Boaz << thank you very much erasa you are really an angel in the body of a demon >>

Erasa << demons are also angels you know? But from hell hahahaha >>

Jerome << Hum.. hum

. Can you stop making eyes at yourself? What about Gilead? >>

Boaz << I just thought of something concerning Lord Gilead >>

Jerome << What? >>

Boaz << it may be that when we destroyed the ways of arrival of the gods created by Gilead, we sealed it >>

Erasa << What? How so ? >>

Boaz << because Lord Gilead it could be that he was out of our world thanks to these and now that the ways which allow him to come into our world have been destroyed he may no longer be able to return to our world >>

Jérôme << I see where you are coming from >>

Erasa "couldn't he therefore transcend infinite spiritual layers as I did to go from the world of myths to that of existence? >>

Boaz << for that I don't know... Lord Gilead is indeed very mysterious even for me also I don't really know what he is capable of but I know he has the power to kill me >> all the world was thinking then

Mrs. Elodie << I suggest that we not go directly to him otherwise it could lead to our loss >>

Néhémi << madam, he has nothing to do with you, you don't even import him >>

Madame Elodie "don't be mistaken, the fact that we are in complicity with you puts us in the same boat... he won't be able to kill those who wanted him badly and leave their accomplices alive, that would make no sense" >

Néhémi << Hum.. it's not wrong I'm sorry >>

Mrs. Elodie "it doesn't matter"

Boaz << I suggest a little break, we'll talk about it later if you don't mind >>

Erasa << it's okay >> the gang came out of erasa's castle and saw that it was getting late

Jerome << Hmm... I'm hungry >>

Erasa << wait what do you want to eat I make it appear to you with my powers >>

Mrs. Elodie << no need to do that lord erasa I will take care of the kitchen >> Zémira appeared out of nowhere and said

Zémira << I want to cook too >> Erasa smiled and said

Erasa << it's okay, go ahead both of you !!>> and so they went to cook. Erasa looked next to her to see Boaz and he didn't see him, he then scanned his consciousness and saw Boaz on a mountain alone, Erasa wondered what he could be doing there alone. He suddenly appeared on this mountain behind Boaz the latter who felt the presence of erasa said

Boaz << erasa, you're there that's good I wanted to show you something, would you mind? >> Erasa approached him and replied saying

Erasa << yes of course >> Boaz took Erasa's hand and walked to another place at the same time they appeared in a field which was beautifully maintained with beautiful plants, flowers...

Erasa looking at this field had a feeling of deja vu. Boaz then said

Boaz << erasa, I present to you hastou my mother's field >>

Erasa << I knew that I had already seen this field somewhere >> Boaz was amazed at what Erasa was saying

Boaz "What? Already seen how you did? This field is marked by my spiritual energy >>

Erasa << I saw it in your past Boaz.. your mother wanted to give you the life of a prince and she was ready for anything for that >> Boaz was even more surprised and said

Boaz << my past? How did you do? I am one and I exist in one in my past my future and my present if you travel in time.... in normal times it is always the me that you have in front of you now that you will see >>

Erasa << for me if I travel back in time now I could see your past again if I want, I just have to crush this form of existence that you are >> Boaz was more and more fascinated by the power of 'erasa

Boaz <<erasa, you said you saw my mother? Was she caring? And tell me you can time travel by going to see the events of anyone? >>

Erasa << only one question at a time, I will answer all you want but not with so many questions >> Boaz then remembers the time when he had put out a similar answer to erasa a little while ago their first fight and he laughed hard to the point of tears flowing

Erasa << uh... why are you laughing? Did I say something funny? >> Boaz wiped away his tears and said

Boaz "not at all"

Erasa << So you named this field hastou, right? >>

Boaz << yes indeed, you know erasa I always wanted a normal life like other children.. I would have paid dearly to go back to the past and change that but Lord Galaad hid this version of my past story from me that I can't change it.. I regret every time when I think back to these families that I killed, the evil that I committed is really not what I wanted and I never wanted that >>

Erasa << your mother is actually dishonored so I think she took you as the symbol of her anger, what she really wanted to make the world feel after the evil that was committed to her when she just wanted to take care of her child >> Boaz listened attentively to what erasa was saying

Erasa << doesn't blame your mother Boaz, the harm she suffered was really ugly fortunately Galaad hides it from you in time because if you could see what pushed your mother to become like this I think you would get really bad with the world sometimes the truth is not good to tell >>

Boaz << So... aren't you going to tell me what happened? >>

Erasa << no, I will not... never >> Boaz laughed again erasa looked at him with a disapproving look and said

Erasa << pffff... you like to make fun of me you >>

Boaz replied with

Boaz << not at all... erasa I can have a hug with you now >> Erasa blushes and says

Erasa <<er....hum.... yes of course why.....>> before he could finish his sentence, Boaz took him in his arms. Erasa was all flushed he was embarrassed to actually do this.

Boaz said softly to him

Boaz << erasa, it's weird but with your company I want to live forever with you, I have the impression that everything could change if indeed I lived with your company and that of others >> erasa remained silent a moment then closed his eyes and said

Erasa << So don't die boaz, do everything to live during this battle that could happen and I promise you that we will change your life to the one you always hoped for >>

Boaz << it's okay I'll cling to it like never before >> and the two always remained in their waves of hugs

Time passed, Erasa and Boaz went to join the others who ate and drank in such a mood Erasa was happy to see Boaz having fun with the others but he disappeared for a moment to find himself in the world of myths to see if this world also contained a universe, erasa wanted to draw inspiration from the world of existence and myths to create his own world so he went to observe it a little closer. The others end up partying and resting Except Boaz who was walking a bit in space because he saw that he could finally observe more closely what he hadn't observed before.

Boaz << the stars are magnificent seen from afar... we cannot imagine that they can also represent dangers by exploding >> Boaz landed on the moon and thought of the fact that he had perhaps blocked Gilead in the divine ways and could never have to do with him again but that would imply an all too easy victory over such a powerful god. But as he least expected Gilead stood behind him and said

Gilead << Boaz... have you turned against me? Have you decided to bite the hand that feeds you? >>Boaz was surprised to hear Gilead's voice; he turned around and saw Gilead standing on the moon's floor like him who was separated only a few meters from him. Boaz smiled and said

Boaz "it is not wrong to bite the hand of him who persecutes me"

Gilead << persecutes? But what are you talking about? I only do those your mother wants she invoked me and for that a god like me is sacrificed >>

Boaz << a god you say? No, you act like a monster, god knows what's right and what isn't, you act according to your benefits and the human souls you're going to devour throughout this bullshit.... Lord Gilead, I I knew a demon who acts better as a god than you who are a god, it's pathetic >> Gilead said nothing and walked slowly towards Boaz

And say at the same time

Gilead << a demon you say? You dare compare me to a demon? Fine and then you're right as a god I know what's right and what's not and right now what you're doing is not right for me I'm going to have to get rid of you >> and Gilead s stopped in front of Boaz and looked him in the eye

Boaz laughed out loud and said

Boaz "I wouldn't let myself be beaten so easily"

Gilead << because you can do something to me? But don't worry, this demon that makes you fantasize so much will also follow you into the world of the dead >>

Boaz stopped laughing and wanted to move away from Gilead but he was like paralyzed he forced as best he could under the pressure of Gilead's presence.

Gilead slowly brought his hand to Boaz's head and said

Gilead << what is it?

you're not going to get beaten so easily >> boaz gnashing his teeth ends up breaking a kind of dimensional barrier that was around him and moves away from Gilead

Boaz then launches spheres of destruction whose explosion was monstrous Boaz understood that if he continues to launch these small spheres he will explode the moon

Gilead << do you have compation now for this moon? You are not made to have a detention on a place or a surface you must destroy all that bothers you >>

Boaz << no ... I will not do anything >> Gilead laughs softly and says

Galaad << you are starting to annoy me with this behavior >>

after saying it, a shock wave appeared in front of Boaz which threw him far from the moon Boaz was being thrown so much that he could not even see the moon anymore he was literally out of this solar system Boaz tried somehow to stagnate but Gilead appears behind him and lands a punch on his back which breaks his spine

Boaz spits blood and crashes into a star under the impact of the blow. The star suddenly exploded and Boaz took the shock ... Boaz forced a regeneration because the upper part of his body was detached by the lower one

Boaz successfully regenerated and rushed at Gilead with a punch he threw but to his surprise he went through Gilead as if Gilead was himself a void or a mirage

Boaz << how is it possible? Is it intangible? Besides I can touch what is intangible so what was it? >>

Gilead watched Boaz wondering

Boaz hovering above and sent forth a ray which once again passed through Gilead

Boaz << how? ....>> boaz transformed and attacked Gilead with several blows in an instant but the attacks did not seem to reach him

Boaz insisted and the very universe began to tremble under the power of Boaz's blows. Each moment contained more than 100 blows given by Boaz these same blows which were always so useless

Galaad << you keep hitting when it's useless? Are you desperate or are you just stupid? >>

Boaz << hihihihi... at the moment I'm more of both >>

Gilead stared at him and looked rather interested to see Boaz's stupidity but he also looked worried for him.

Gilead kicked him so powerfully. The universe had been split in two under the violence of the attack, Boaz had taken it full force. Boaz spat more blood, Gilead grabbed his throat then held him suspended and said

Galaad << do you know why your shots didn't touch me? >> Boaz was silent because he knew that if he was caught by Gilead he would be finished

Galaad << there are more than several million dimensional spaces that I use as a shield your attacks are always teleported into the void every time you hit here's why you can't hit me with your attacks... now Boaz one last thing before leaving existence for good? Representing the space void will not save you because I took it away from you thanks to my ability *author* too bad for you I wrote your person and how you were going to die stupidly so Boaz this demon does not help you? >>

Boaz was in agony from Gilead's kick which had pierced him but he could hear what Gilead had said to him he laughed awkwardly spitting blood and said

Boaz << Lord Gilead, I absolutely do not regret having known this demon... certainly you will eliminate me but this demon will do the same with you haha... kof kof >> Galaad closed his eyes for a moment then open again and say

Gilead << I see... to god Boaz I will miss you... >> he says with sincerity

Boaz was surprised by Gilead's words and said

Boaz << What??... >> and his head detached from his body. Boaz's body and his head were separated he had been decapitated and Boaz was too weak to hold out a few more minutes, he died on the spot

Gilead held Boaz's head and body with his hands and was silent for a moment staring down into the universe. He would seem pensive he was saying in his thoughts

Gilead << my poor little one... you have always lived only with Nehemi and even she you don't count on it to save you but a demon that you knew a little while ago? Too bad I'm going to finish you all and destroy this timeline next >>

Gilead captured the soul of Boaz and erased it

He then appeared in the village of Erasa and threw the lifeless body of Boaz behind a box and then he disappeared. In front of the hut, several children were having fun and one decided to go and turn behind and saw the corpse of Boaz

The little one screamed in fear which caught the attention of the other villagers. Erasa meanwhile returned from his expedition to the world of myths with many discoveries that will allow him to improve the world of his dreams. But when arriving at the village, it was disorder a crowd was piled up on a point which attracted the attention of erasa on the point. Erasa heard a person crying and the other villagers wondered who could have done such a thing.

Erasa pulls through the crowd and didn't believe what he was seeing

Nehemi was in tears and the body of Boaz was lying on the ground without life or head

Jerome and the others were wondering what had happened and even techniques to resuscitate him absolutely did not work Nehemi had his head lying on the belly of Boaz's corpse and she kept crying despite the desperate consolation of Jerome and others

Erasa approached closer to the corpse of Boaz and said to the crowd

Erasa << push yourself!! >> she held out her right hand and let out a concentrate of aura to resuscitate Boaz but nothing happened then erasa realized that the soul of Boaz was not present in his body or carnal envelope a resurrection of this type was almost impossible

Erasa fell to his knees and said

Erasa << Boaz is ... dead? >> she started to think back to the last words that boaz had let her know the last time they conversed nehemi still crying and erasa tried to hold back tears too. Jerome approached erasa and said

Jerome << lord erasa is there nothing more for Boaz to do? >> erasa stood up and said

Erasa << if ... there is still a way to keep my village as you can Jerome I'll be back very soon >>

erasa turned around and he disappeared in an instant

Jerome knew that erasa was also sad. Erasa was flying in a distorted space he was moving so fast, erasa had tears coming out of his eyes and couldn't stop thinking about Boaz. His past...

And say

Erasa << why him? ...all he wanted was a normal life was that too much to ask? All in all he never had real happiness but I won't let go >> erasa had left the world of existence and found himself in a void outside of all the worlds existing in this void there was a massive deformation which affected erasa making her clumsy

Erasa covered himself with a body shield that covered all of his body. Erasa couldn't stop crying so much he was sad he asked himself hundreds of questions at the same time that had no answer, erasa reached a depth in the outer void where no more laws exist even the laws of the void him even no longer existed and it could be fatal because in this area there was nothing left and erasa had just reached a low level of the path she wanted to travel, the outer void was already right for her because in the void outside there is nothing that exists not even the Law of the void and the beings supposed to exist could not survive there which prevented an erasa moment from continuing to advance. He was crying a lot for lack of Boaz's death and for lack of the outer void the body of erasa was turning into a pillar of salt little by little the void was in the process of permanently removing erasa from reality even his powers could not get erasa out of this erasure .. her hierarchical plan was too weak to resist, erasa watched her body turn into a pillar of salt little by little and she created an accelerated dimension that could allow her to move infinitely faster than she already could but barely the dimension created that it was just 0.000009 milliseconds and the vacuum removed this dimension immediately

Erasa was thinking of a strategy despite her emotional pain and said

Erasa << Hum... The time that this dimension was able to last is more than enough for what I want >> erasa had his hands like a pillar of salt as well as his legs. Erasa created dimensions accelerated to infinity and moved with it ... each time erasa crossed a dimension the dimension was being deleted and erasa always created dimensions to move again and again that he almost crossed the outer void to move so fast erasa knew it was impossible to cross all the outer void even with this method of movement. Erasa created a third arm, materialized *KAMI* the sword offered to him by Lilith and he cut the reality of this void which made him extricate himself from the void and Erasa came out of the novel from which he was (created) under the eyes of the one who wrote this novel ""the author"".

The author was surprised at what had just happened that he fell into his chair with his back on the floor and shouted

The author << no god!!!>>

Erasa was in a state of erasure due to the void outside his body was crumbling like powder but Erasa could now regenerate from that because he was no longer in the void outside but in the real world where there were laws similar or almost to where he came from

The author << good blood but who are you? >>

Erasa looked at the author with an annoyed and cold look then said

Erasa "Are you kidding me? I'm erasa a fictional character created by you i just got out of that novel you were writing... i came to see you to change the story >>

The author << but? What are you talking about ? >> erasa frowned and the author's body shattered into several pieces except the head erasa brought him back to life and said

Erasa << change this story !!! >>

The author << but I don't know what you're talking about !!! >> Author's body bursts again erasa revives him again and says

Erasa << do what I tell you otherwise I won't stop killing you do you want to feel this pain infinitely? To make you burst suddenly? >> The author was shaking like a leaf in the wind and said

The author "but I don't know..." before he finished his sentence he saw erasa who was about to snap his fingers to make him pop again, so he changed his approach

The author <<... wait please tell me at least how I can help you I beg you for the moment I don't understand absolutely anything I'm lost at least help me find my way >>

The author would start crying while prostrating before Erasa. Erasa saw that the author was afraid of what he was putting her through.

Erasa approached him and said

Erasa << wait... you mean you don't know me? >>

The author << no ... I swear I don't even know what's going on now I feel like I'm living a nightmare >> shouted The author

Erasa felt sad for him because Erasa could read his mind and The author was not wrong he really doesn't know Erasa and was scared of him to the point of being traumatized

Erasa then tells him

Erasa << I'm sorry for what I did to you I'm carried away right now a person I loved died in this novel that you wrote and in a world of this same novel, which is called the world of myths during a fairy sojourn let me know that we are fictional created by an author whom only monstrous beings can see and touch and according to the fairies you are the ones who master the story, the plot, the script of each character ... certainly with an author capacity it is possible but I thought that with you it is unavoidable you are the god of the novel but I see that not in fact >>

The author << the world of myths?? >>

Erasa << yes of course you have certainly written it in there in this novel >>

The author << ha no no I don't remember if you wanted you can read it yourself... the novel is called "" killer man "" and it talks about a powerful man who assassinates to govern in a countered >> erasa couldn't believe his ears

Erasa << What? >> he took the novel, scanned it and knew the whole story of the novel but erasa was surprised because the novel didn't talk about gods, demons, worlds, and others... or even about him

Erasa << how is it possible? Are you sure I just got out of this novel? >>

The author << strangely yes >>

Erasa was thinking and said

Erasa << am I really in the real world? >>

The author << I don't know but where you come from you have proven that you can do things that we here cannot and will never be able to do >>

Erasa << what do you do apart from writing novels? >>

The author << I work in a cafeteria >> erasa was always surprised because by asking questions to the author he read in his thoughts and saw that he was always honest towards him

Erasa << I see... I can see that you are telling the truth >> erasa scanned everyone real world his universe, his planets, the earth and all that the real world had

.. and understood a lot

Erasa "here in this world I can see that there is only one universe, and humans speculate on parallel universes or multiverse theory but where I come from all this does exist .... do you believe in God ? >>

The author "yes...of course I'm a believer" erasa thought it weird because she scanned everyone real world but didn't feel any higher presence. Here life seemed to be less risky compared to where erasa comes from

Erasa << I scanned all the novels also of the earth and humans tend to imagine their own god often like for example the Indians and the Christians, the Muslims ... there are certainly spiritual forces but very weak and some Humans illustrate their god in fiction by imagining that this god is invincible and for all humans, in their fiction the ultimate power can be found beyond the gods themselves even if their gods can destroy so much infinity he represents the omnipotence so ridiculous ... the strength of a god does not come in his capacity for destruction but in his absoluteness over absolutely all a god can never be exceeded it is impossible especially for individuals who represent a single god but I I've also seen demons who can kill gods in fiction... you there The author do you think that's possible? >>

The author << uh ... I don't know but in my opinion no it's not possible except gods created by man maybe but the absolute god as you say no it's impossible because he created all of them he knows absolutely everything about how something he created can overwhelm him knowing that thing is supposed to be vulnerable >> erasa remained silent staring at the author

The author << uh .. did I say something wrong? >>

Erasa << no you're right I could never beat Galaad besides I'm a coward I fled from my world to ask for help directly from the author of my world so much I'm afraid to face him. .. this god Gilead he scares me !!>> erasa began to shed tears under the gaze of the author

The author << stop crying!!! please if only i could change the story as you want i will now i feel stupid listen to me >> erasa kept crying

The author << the god Galaad as you say is the absolute god where you come from? >> erasa wiped away some tears and replied

Erasa << I don't think so ... where I come from there are several gods but they are all too powerful it is terrifying it seems that each of these gods represents an absoluteness and we demons are victims for them >>

The author << What? Are you a demon? >>

Erasa << yes .. I disgust you too, right? >>

The author << no but you are so sensitive and gentle for a demon... you know the god Gilead must certainly be a god represented here as lord of myths >>

Erasa << lord of myths?? >>

The author << yes .. gods who represent an absolute and terrifying power but are just inspired by the god ones the absolute god >>

Erasa << the lords of the myths are represented as absolute gods too? >>

The author << yes .. zeus, neptune ... they are extremely powerful in representation but are inspired by the ultimate god >>

Erasa << So... The world I come from is well written by someone? >>

The author << I am the writer of your world and you did not see your name in my creation so it is possible that endless worlds exist everywhere and that you and your world represent the subconscious of humans their thoughts extreme and their legends except that in your world you are very real and can even interact with us so in your case we are talking more about fiction but about a world superior to ours and a world that takes precedence over all existing and non-existent worlds (real , fictitious, imagination, dream, astral form ...) which means that God (absolute) really exists but in a place where we will never know or maybe in your world where another or even a novel because it can be where he wants he represents the god of the fictional and real worlds at the same time it is the God of the fictional gods, the god of the real world, the god of the gods you see? >>

Erasa << ah..so you are really the author of my novel? >>

The author << yes ... but you appeared in my novel certainly because God wanted it because you saw it yourself I never mentioned you in my work but you got out of there I'm fine The author of your novel but I never created you >>

Erasa << do you think I can beat the god Gilead? >>

The author << yes it is possible according to the lord of the myths and the invention of the myths which is only theory of the myths and imagination with us ... a superior demon can indeed triumph over a lord of the myths > > erasa smiled and said

Erasa << thank you ... that reassures me >>

The author << what is your name my pretty if I can afford >>

Erasa << my name is Erasa Arlongue I am under this appearance a girl but the Arlongue in me qualifies me as a man >>

The author << sorry?? You are not a girl? >>

Erasa << I'm a girl and a man too I'm going !!>> erasa opened a dimension and entered it

The author << Hum... goodbye erased .. and triumph this battle I beg you >> The author changed the name of his novel in view of what he had just seen and again he writes on his novel. He changed the name "killer man" to killer man verse "then he put the book on a shelf and went to his job.

Erasa on returning was more motivated and angry because he remembered the death of Boaz who just wanted a normal life

Erasa spelled "kami" and sliced ​​through the outer void as he did on his way out and Erasa found himself in the realm of existence again

Erasa found himself in a completely angry universe, his presence propagated to so much unhealthy aura that had accumulated enough to vibrate hundreds of universes what was happening Erasa's aura was panicked in all directions and the gaze of erasa was dark and cold

Erasa << it's gone !!>> erasa created an avatar of him one went against Gilead and the other *the original erasa * went to his world

The avatar of erasa was in the castle of Gilead where there were hundreds of gods who made a conversation of the gods said (omnipotent level 1) erasa was in the middle of the conversation which was on a table

One of the gods << but... is it Mü Thanatos? >>

Another god << no but it's obvious this appearance... Mü Thanatos what are you looking for here >> erasa lowered his head slowly and took out kami and said

Erasa << die... all now!! >>

The gods were able to understand the words of erasa and all threw themselves on him to eliminate him, hundreds of gods who threw themselves on erasa to eliminate him at once

Erasa made a single gesture of the "kami" sword and all the gods were transformed into heaps of flesh, bones and full of Blood everywhere which flowed under the icy gaze of Erasa. All the gods present had been killed in one blow, Erasa was heading for the throne but not just any. Gilead's he sat and watched the show of blood flowing like rain but as soon as the bloody show ended, Gilead appeared without saying a word he just stared at erasa at first

Erasa did the same and looked him in the eye

Gilead spoke

Gilead << Mü Thanatos ?? Are you a demon now? >> erasa didn't answer and kept staring at him coldly

Gilead observed the carnage caused by erasa and said

Gilead << blood? How can the gods bleed? It's impossible !! >>

Erasa held up *kami* who was covered in blood and said

Erasa << "KAMI" expresses death and weakness through blood so it transcends this logic of invulnerable gods who cannot feel pain, who cannot bleed and all the rest.. >>

Gilead nodded and said

Galaad << I see, Mü Thanatos why act in this way towards your fellow man? >>

Erasa << who is Mü Thanatos? I am Erasa Arlongue the demon who will end your life... you shouldn't have taken it out on Boaz cretins >>

Gilead << Boaz? Are you the demon who came to avenge him? So you're just some kind of Mü Thanatos lookalike? I see if you came to be eliminated like Boaz, you will have what you wish >>

Erasa sitting on the throne of Gilead was still staring at him and his gaze became more and more terrifying against the latter and Gilead was also staring at him but with a simple look without any emotion

The two were preparing for a fight to the death.

Part 8: Gilead an incomprehensible lord

Gilead << you will die demon !! >>

Erasa got up and rushed directly at Gilead with a blow that he struck at Gilead but this blow bounced like a spring for lack of the dimensions that Gilead could materialize for his defense

Erasa << no but what was that? >> Gilead grabbed Erasa's neck and said

Galaad << weird... I have a feeling of deja vu... ah yes it was with Boaz !!>> erasa freed herself from Galaad's hand and struck several times but useless because her blows literally disappeared Erasa was amazed to see this when Gilead landed a huge punch on his face. Erasa took it and fell on the ground with violence which made the castle completely collapse under the impact of erasa, the ground had a huge hole following this punch erasa moves away from Gilead for a moment with blood coming out of his nose and said

Erasa << why but blow do not reach it? >> Gilead appeared behind erasa and said

Gilead << "" divine burst "">> several punches which lit up with fire color struck Erasa, the violence of the strikes made the kingdom of Gilead tremble

Then Gilead said

Gilead <<to god "purificare ascuțită">> billions of gold iron which was charged with divine energy pierced at the same time and caused him to lose blood profusely. Erasa was full of holes like a sieve

Galaad << and now it's over you had it at your expense now you know that a demon is no match for a god >> said Galaad looking down on Erasa

Erasa's body evaporated like smoke and Erasa appeared again before Gilead

Galaad << you face me with clones of you I suspected... but it will be of no use to you as much as you are clones are weaker than you originally they will never be able to beat me .. this fighting style does not impress me because I will opt for another tactic now that will bring the original from your clones directly >>

Erasa << you too are just a clone ... I will make you come and face me at all costs and that's where you will die >>

Gilead << don't you see the logic of your weakness? Your clones don't last 15 minutes against mine, what do you say about our original shape? You won't match even your original form won't match my clones only >> erasa gritted her teeth and said

Erasa << shut up and face me instead of selling what won't happen >>

Galaad << Very well >> Galaad rushed at Erasa and threw several punches that Erasa managed to counter while trying to reply but Galaad kicked him on the head which stopped Erasa's ripostes and Erasa got caught more hundreds of blows right after then another kick that makes him spin in the air on himself several times

Galaad seized Erasa's legs and hit him on the ground on the left then on the right several times. Erasa freed himself and moved away from him with phenomenal speed. Galaad appeared behind him and hit Erasa with a sharp blow which threw him away and destroys the castle of Gilead completely

Erasa << kof.. kof.. I have to manage to crush his multidimensional defense but how? >> Erasa stood up and made *kami* appear. Gilead was watching him and said

Gilead << do you think your sword could do anything to me? So are you desperate? >>

Erasa said nothing she lifted the weapon awkwardly and struck right in front of her in the void with the weapon and as if by magic, Gilead was cut by the weapon on the side of her shoulders. Gilead was puzzled and frightened

Gilead << no but... how is it possible? There's at least 100 meters separating us and my multidimensional protection??>>

Erasa laughed at him and said

Erasa << So? What's the matter ? You're tricking me my lord hahaha >> Galaad's fear disappeared and gave way to anger that pushed him to throw himself on erasa like never before. By reflex, erasa tried to slice the air again but it was overtaken by furious Galaad who began to hit erasa with several attacks. Kicks, punches that projected erasa everywhere and chained again and again erasa had no moment of respite

Galahad << you are going to die sal demon >> he hit erasa on the belly which opens the belly of erasa and lets a mass of blood escape from him

Erasa smiled in spite of himself and said

Erasa << so this is what you look like when you lose your temper? >> Galaad was about to land erasa a huge blow to the face but he instantly stopped and dropped erasa . Erasa on the ground was bleeding from the mouth and her belly was torn a regeneration was not impossible because the strikes of Gilead also pushed to make disappear all the existing clones of erasa regardless of the place to make the original appear from the clones that suffers blows. Erasa was breathing heavily and starting to sweat Galaad looked down at Erasa and said

Galaad << you are really repugnant to demons, you are the worst species that the great father god could create. Daughter of the fallen angels in front of me you will die here and now for good!! >> Gilead charged a mass of energy that enveloped his whole body and thus he separated himself from this body which was wounded by the sword of erasa

Then he charged a torrential mass of energy that literally made him curtain

Meanwhile erasa *the original* was watching this fight in his castle with Jerome and Nehemi who was still saddened by the death of Boaz

Erasa << time is running out, now I have to end it for good so I'm going to fight myself, my clones are much weaker than me, he won't be able to hold the road for long >>

Jérôme << but if you die erasa what would we do? We have already lost Boaz and it's already too much >>

Erasa << if I do nothing believe me it's not just me who will die but all of us because Gilead will finish with Nehemi too and those who are linked to his courtesy >>

Jerome << Hmm... you are right >> Erasa approached Nehemi to tell him

Erasa<< Nehemi, I promise you that the death of Gilead will serve as an offering to Boaz... the gods that I eliminated first are not enough and Nehemi I promise you that after this fight you will lack understanding? >> Nehemi wiped away the tears that flowed from him and said

Nehémi << it is agreed lord erasa >> Erasa then called zémira

Erasa<< hey, zémira !! It's time to see your power in action let's go? >> Zémira clung to erasa's neck and said

Zémira << it's when you want >>

and erasa uses his claws to split the space and time around him to go more easily towards Gilead and he returned directly

Gilead meanwhile had concentrated enough energy and said

Galaad << erasa it's over for you >> the state of the clones of erasa prevented him from moving and therefore from dodging the attack he remained on the spot when Galaad projected a mass of aura to remove erasa. The clones of erasa closed his eyes to accept his fate but erasa himself appeared in front of his clones to save him and dispelled the attack of Gilead with a movement of his hand. The attack was thrown as far as the eye could see and the explosion of the attack was gargantuan hair in the wind following the attack erasa said to his clones

Erasa "it's ok you can rest I'm going to finish now" the clones smiled and evaporated like ash carried by the wind galaad had seen what happened behind his attack he said then

Galaad << you came to me before I could eliminate your clones, before the original also received the damage from its own clones by my attack, right? How could you understand that? >>

Erasa << Hum... I didn't know that actually!!! It's just a stroke of luck >> Zémira spoke telepathically in the spirit channel created by erasa when arriving and said

Zémira << erasa you should be careful of Gilead he is much more powerful than you think >> erasa gave a small smile to the side and replied

Erasa << Galaad is strong but mother is still much stronger than him ... she could eliminate him by snapping his fingers even Aaron would eliminate him too easily so given the powers she awakened in you I know I could make the weight against Galaad or even beat him thanks to you!!>>

Zémira << but! If they're so powerful why didn't you kill Gilead for you? >>

Erasa << because in hell a fight that belongs to a demon is his fight the others do not normally intervene or never >>

Zémira << ha ok I understand... well now it's gone he can't see me and I'm safe in this spiritual space so I'm going to concentrate >> Zémira joins her but then closes her eyes and an aura green was escaping from his body and erasa's body was covered by this green aura

Gilead<< Are you in such a hurry to die? Activating your aura so quickly will not save you >> Erasa finds that Galaad could not notice Zémira at the same time The spiritual place created by Erasa was made to be invisible so the power of the 4-leaf clover should come into play in a place well out of sight

Zémira << it is by the love that I have for Erasa that I will favor a chance at 100% and will disadvantage that of Gilead at 0% >> Zémira still released a phenomenal quantity of aura which unsheathed on Erasa

Erasa "maybe it's like cheating but too bad" Galaad thought that maybe erasa didn't control his aura seeing the way the aura was coming out, but he didn't know it was just the aura of zemira reflecting on erasa

Erasa attacks Gilead with blazing speed Gilead strengthened his multidimensional defenses but took Erasa's blow head-on. Galaad was lost because erasa could not hit him with his bare hands in normal times since his multidimensional protection teleports the blows received instantly to an empty place. After putting this powerful punch on him, erasa kicked him which threw him and created a huge shockwave. Gilead still couldn't believe his eyes and said

Gilead << how is it possible? My multidimensional protection is impossible to pass or cross... only techniques from my superiors can break them but not a being more or less of the same level as me no no no it's impossible how do you do that erasa demon? >>

Erasa<< it's Erasa Arlongue... and moreover for the fact that I hit you I think it's a stroke of luck >> Galaad got angry and frowned

Gilead << You idiot... do you dare make fun of me? Luck does not transcend my dimensions >> erasa whispered

Erasa << except if the chance that awaits you is that of zémira >> Galaad rushed at erasa but erasa disappeared and reappeared below him to hit him in the throat with a violent kick. Erasa struck another kick on the stomach of Gilead then he charged his punch which he hit him on the face, after these blows, Gilead went to fall billions of light years from the place of the fight.

Erasa << wow ... this ability is really superb >> erasa moves and reaches the area where Galaad was thrown in an instant

Erasa saw him sitting on the ground then nothing which surprises Erasa, Galaad was now on his left with a burning and charged fist but by magic, Galaad's blow went through Erasa.. Erasa surprised because he had not seen what was happening saw now Gilead cross it as an object moves through the air and Gilead stopped to say

Gilead << how can I not do it? >> erasa didn't understand where he was coming from so he just stared at him

In hell, Lilith was watching the fight in a sphere while drinking a drink similar to molten lava that featured the souls of the unfortunates who were experiencing the suffering of the hells. Lilith was happy to see what was happening but her vision was interrupted by Aaron

Aaron << mother..! I would like to ask you something or even ask you some questions >> Lilith without looking at her answers

Lilith << yes you want to know what? >>

Aaron << I especially wanted to know mother what is really the technique of zémira? >> Lilith took a sip of her hot cocktail and said

Lilith<< the technique of zémira plays mainly on luck ... She modifies them to the advantage of the one she loves 100% thus giving him the advantage on the battlefield conversely for the individual to whom zémira is against and gives it a 0% chance of winning a fight on this same battlefield>>

Aaron<< so there isn't a solution to avoid this huge technique... What a pain>> Lilith laughed

Aaron<< mother... What are you laughing at? >>

Lilith << a total immunity from this thing is to exist with a hierarchical plan that goes beyond existence and non-existence or even just beyond existence or even conceptual metha... You, for example, are there are immune because your existence which is compared to erasa is still much higher being a primordial demon which compared to the god varies between omnipotent level 3, 4 and being above existence if in terms of grade you reach these levels the technique of zémira would have a hard time causing you any problem but if you're below you're screwed like Gilead right now>>

Aaron<< so this is the only way to get out of this ability? >>

Lilith<< no ... There are others but they are very few about 3 ways otherwise you can't do anything about them being like Galaad for example ... Should use one of these methods of which I tell you speaks he therefore has two options left because the first is impossible for him being omnipotent level 2 he will drool a lot >>

Aaron<< and erasa, she transcended the real world which means... >>

Lilith<< yes... Erasa can see all that the reality of the real world possesses and the real world itself like humans can see their fictional creations erasa is now like an absolute deity for all who are real and fictional except those with a superior level to him as well as Galaad then this fight should already be quite complicated for Galaad because he is normally a little stronger than Erasa... But the ability of zémira will put Galaad in check because both have a level nearly equal base >>

Aaron<< um.. I see>>

The fight continued in the kingdom of Gilead the speed of the individuals was such that we could no longer see them moving the kingdom as large as the multiverse of Gilead was taken full of shock as well as Gilead also who took all the attacks of erasa without successfully dodging or countering one but unlike him, the attacks he sent on erasa had no effect not even 0000.5% effect

Erasa quickly approaches him and punches left, right, left, right again and again before punching Galaad in the stomach to push him away. Galaad fell violently on the floor erasa was completely crazy about this fight he says in him

Erasa<< wow... it's abused your ability zémira.. since the beginning of the fight I only use melee I haven't even deployed my aura yet unlike Galaad which gives the impression of having everything given already >>

Gilead gets up slowly with an angry face and his body was in a dead state it had taken so many erasa attacks which have the basic effect of preventing kickback abilities.

Gilead << you're being clever... but I'm going to get it over with now >> erasa looked at him to see what he was planning to do

Gilead brought his hands together and charged a mass of energy he added

Galaad << you won't be able to survive this attack it's absolute destruction hahahaha >> erasa remained unmoved and said

Erasa << go ahead, I promise you that I won't move an inch, believe me >>

Galaad << What??.. you want to make fun of me? Very well what we will see hurg .. >> the charged energy of Gilead grew visibly it took the size of a house then of a building with 100 floors and finally of a city the ball emitted lightning everywhere that seemed to be panicked

Gilead << die demon!!!!!! >> he released the energy of the ball which pulverizes the whole kingdom of Gilead giving it a Chao aspect in an instant the ball approached erasa who just held out her hand and the ball then split in two while continuing its travels and destroys everything around it, just under the effect of its heat. The ball was so powerful that it shattered the multiform reality that separated the world from existence in the realm of Gilead. The ball created a crack and extricated itself from the kingdom of Gilead to enter the world of existence, by entering the only heat of this ball made redden billions and billions of universes by heating and then it destroys all these universes and even multiverses far away.

Erasa "thin... this attack is wreaking havoc, if I let it continue it will definitely destroy the Giant Dimension" the number of boundless space and multiverse destroyed steadily increased at an exponential rate

Erasa while holding her hand above her and saying "voracity" (this ability which was unique to Mü Thanatos) the ability immediately stopped the energy ball and multiple destruction. The ball teleported above erasa this ball had become gigantic the more it destroyed the more it grew it was now the size of a planet but the "voracity" ability made it disappear in an instant there was nothing left of the ball

Galaad rushed at Erasa and attacked him with a kick, Erasa jumped up and kicked him in the face which threw Galaad and gave him a terrible fall

Erasa immediately appeared in front of him

Gilead << kof ... kof .. cursed child of the devil >> said Gilead Coughing blood

Erasa << fights too long, don't you think? I will now devour you to punish you for what you did to Boaz >> Gilead lowered his head and said softly

Gilead "shit.. what a humiliating failure" erasa held out his right hand and said

Erasa << "Gobbled up voracity">> a purple aura gravitated around Erasa's hand

Erasa "say your farewell Gilead" Gilead raised his head and howled

Gilead << abon.??? That's what you think ? The fight is far from over >> after saying this the body of Gilead was fragmenting like a statue which was slowly destroying itself and what remained of the destroyed kingdom of Gilead was splitting in two, space, time and reality also the floor where erasa was standing was also splitting the vibe was even worse than the Chao

Erasa<< ho no, that doesn't smell good... >> Erasa fell into a strange void where colors got married, billions of colors, some of which created others, were tangled together, the spectacle was atrocious for the sight and the brain that would be able to drive mad people and kill mad people erasa looked above the place where it fell and saw the top being separated by gigantic hands which made the top transform into a red sky whose color reflected blood

Zémira << erasa what is that? >>

Erasa << I myself have no idea >>

Zémira << Erasa I'm scared .. I'm scared .. I'm scared >> Zémira's fear made him leave the spiritual zone created by Erasa and fell on Erasa's arms

Erasa << no but here it's dangerous... you could have stayed in this space you would be safe there zémira >> Zémira snuggled up in the arms of erasa and said

Zémira << I'm sorry Erasa but I'm really scared of what's happening now >> Erasa understood Zémira because he too was afraid Zémira was perhaps old compared to Humans but she was still only a kid in her own race she had the mentality of a child of about 10 years old and the size to match too

Erasa "Very well... hold on tight to me, we'll try to get out of here" Erasa put Zémira on his back and protected him against the effects of space and time warping that his speed could cause , then he accelerated but a Giant hand immediately appeared in front of erasa and hit him

Erasa went to fall on the debris of the Kingdom of Gilead which was floating in this space. Erasa got up so early and wondered how was zémira who was on his back

Erasa << zémira!!...zémira !! Are you doing well ? >>

Zémira << yes of course just like you >> erasa had immediately understood that even the fear of zémira could not prevent her ability to act on the one she loves and since this ability can protect the one whom zémira loves indefinitely, erasa was wearing zémira at that time it is obvious that at that time, if erasa did not have a fracture zémira also would not have one, this reassured erasa

Erasa << Very well zémira hang on well on my back >> Zémira squeezed erasa and said

Zémira << okay !!>> and erasa looked above and saw a gigantic humanoid form but formed by smoke.. a mysterious smoke with luminous eyes "it was the true form of Gilead" which was embedded in the world of existence it damaged the entire timeline he had entered his presence was destructive

Erasa <<Hum... with my perception I no longer feel any universe it's as if they no longer even exist in the past and future there is nothing at all >>

Zémira << What? So Jerome and the others are dead? >>

Erasa "I hope not" the Galaad form says

Gilead << zémira !!!! You're still alive ? I had killed you yet so that's why this demon was so powerful >>

Zémira snuggled up on Erasa's back and closed her eyes.

Zémira << erasa... I'm scared please protect me!! >>

Erasa << don't worry about that... Gilead! listening to what you just said I must understand that you knew the powers of zémira since which explains why you killed him >>

Galaad << of course... zémira is a serious problem now, I had killed her before because I had seen this ability she had but she was not yet awake... I had been afraid that this capacity woke up and that she was attached to Boaz or Arlongue at that time ... with the capacity of zémira she can raise a common human to the capacity of her god if this one is not above all like the omnipotent level 3 and going up in rank I don't have the chance to be above all so no wonder I live this ordeal... but erasa, do you know that the true form of the gods completely destroys the order and appearance? How do you plan to resist this for long? I'm curious!!!! >> Gilead slapped the air which spread a destructive shockwave that crossed timelines and pulverized several with just this attack

Erasa had protected himself but saw that zémira seemed exhausted

Erasa << zémira... are you okay? >>

Zémira << I feel a little bad all of a sudden I'm dizzy and dizzy >> Erasa tried to bring Zémira to safety but her powers weren't working anymore

Erasa << how...>>

Galaad << it's useless to use anything with this first blow I not only destroyed chronologies, but also the laws and concepts that exist.. the one that allows you to do whatever you want, I t I said that the true form of the gods was so evil that it destroyed order and appearance!!!>>

Galaad struck a second time and the same wave reproduced and broke all laws ... existence, laws of transcendence, breathing, remaining, there was nothing left, all concepts and laws that existed and still did not exist were destroyed to nothing in a gigantic perimeter that spanned multiple timelines

This pinned erasa in a place impossible to move, to think...he should have been destroyed by the process too but zemira's ability was still trying to protect erasa like never before

Erasa began to move again thanks to the ability of zémira erasa, she was able to transcend the unreal and the non-existent, seeing only Gilead, he was starting to worry.. he looked at zémira behind and saw that she was bleeding of the nose

Erasa was all over the place and said

Erasa << zémira !!!.. that's enough stop using your ability you have done too much now I will manage myself >> Zémira opened her eyes slowly, her exhaustion following her ability which should act in a place without laws to exercise this maintenance of luck became impossible because if even the concept of abilities is destroyed zémira by forcing her concept to exist to protect erasa brought her closer to her own death

Zémira << erasa... I don't want... you... to die >>

Erasa << neither do I, so stop hurting yourself like that >> Gilead's arm hit Erasa who was thrown away

Then Gilead was about to crush zémira who was vulnerable with her eyes closed in this space of destruction. Zémira was floating and Gilead's arm slammed into her a gigantic demonic hand grabbed Gilead's intangible hand and prevented it from crushing Zemira. Gilead's body in this form was fluid and logically impossible for a physical being to touch, as if the latter was not really present in these places, so physical beings were not able to interact with his body.

Galaad << how does she manage to touch me? >>

Erasa << I will take care of eliminating you first Galaad!! >>

erasa transformed into a real demon but no longer the form that had fought Boaz

The new form of Erasa was more impressive, she did not look feminine but masculine and muscular this form was neither dragon nor demon but it was specific to the best hyper demons this form was called (*Djin*) the djin was growing and had reached the size of Gilead a smoke escaped from his nostrils his skin dark and having black patterns and small flamboyant cracks of flame

Gilead << So this is your real demon face? >>

Djin << I am the Djin Arlongue erasa, you will perish for your deeds >> the two countered the blows, the power created by this counter spread far and wide by making other chaotic chronology the universes inside became fire and the timeline beyond still escape total destruction but in the universes and the planets the beings who lived there could see the sky turn red color fire, even the universes of these chronologies took this coloring

The djin knowing that the power would have caused monstrous damage, he took care to cover zémira with a shield that gravitated with several energies to ensure that she healed herself.

Blows rained down between Gilead and the djin

Gilead took the djin by the head and struck him several blows on the field. To free himself the djin spat the flames of hell which twisted reality and the space which was more themselves these flames were of red-black color Galaad had dodged it from can and struck the djin on the stomach the djin replied by striking Galaad on the coast then Galaad hit him on the throat and the djin projects himself in the direction where zémira was the djin stretched out his limbs and reinforced the shield of zémira narrowly

Looking inside he saw zémira holding the shield and looking at him with tears in his eyes saying

Zémira << erasa ... don't die I beg you >> the djin was sad to see his friend in this concern for him who was even worried for himself because Galaad was a little more powerful than him despite this form. The latter says

Galaad <<finish playing...it's the end!!!!!!>> Chaotic space twisting even more violently creating 1000 ripples per second Galaad was about to use his ultimate technique to defeat the djin

But the djin had an idea and said telepathically to zémira with a serious see

The djin << zemira could you use your ability for just 1 minute now? I'm going to use it to deal the fatal blow?>>

Zémira << if it allows you to win yes I will do whatever you want !!>>

The djin << Alright, let's go!! >>

Zémira closed her eyes and the djin saw himself covered with the aura of zémira which mixed with his. The djin then takes out the "kami" sword and says the djin << it's the end!!!! >> he rushed at Gilead with the sword

Gilead meanwhile had concentrated a maximum of aura on his fist which seemed to tear reality and the space around him then he rushed at the djin the two were screaming at the same time

Gilead/the djin << disappears !!!!!!!>> The two launched their attacks, Gilead's fist hit "kami" and Zémira concentrated even more until his nose was bleeding again which caused the djin's sword can split Gilead's arm and as if that were not enough an erasa broke away from the djin letting the djin continue to split Gilead's arm erasa materialized another "kami" and rushed at Gilead shouting

Erasa << die !!!!!>> erasa hit Galaad in the chest and the djin continued to split Galaad the two blades by forcing Galaad end up touching each other and an immense light formed in Galaad's body which made him shouted

Galaad << cursed demon aaaaaaarrrggg!!!!!>> then he exploded creating a wave of waves that completely destroyed reality and space the djin took zémira in his huge hands to protect her from the explosion as for erasa during the explosion she saw a luminous form of Gilead watching her. The situation was getting intense erasa observed this silhouette of Gilead watching him and said

Erasa << no but do you ever die? What can I do to eliminate you permanently??? >>

The silhouette of Gilead << I am dying... now I thank you demon >> the look of the silhouette of Gilead showed a smile but who wanted to hide a sadness erasa had noticed it and said

Erasa << I'm sorry to do this to you but you shouldn't blame Boaz >>

The silhouette of Gilead << I saved Boaz from this world where he had suffered so much to reincarnate him in the real world now Boaz is newborn >>

Erasa "What?! >>

Silhouette of Gilead << over time I became attached to Boaz and I took him as my son it was I who had raised him, taught him... and seeing how he loved you made me....hum ..a little jealous so i decided that neither me nor you will have him so i killed him, erased him from his memories and such, then i reincarnated him in the real world i kept watching him you know since he was an embryo in the womb of his new mother and now that I am dying he is being born elsewhere hihihi what an irony >> the silhouette of Gilead closed his eyes with a magnificent smile

Erasa << I feel bad all of a sudden... I didn't know you were that good actually.... >> Erasa approached him and put both hands on his cheeks and said

Erasa << don't go away please we can clear things up and thus ally !!!>> Gilead's silhouette began to crumble like dust and he said

Galaad << there is nothing more to do ... the sword you attacked me with leaves no chance of survival it destroys everything, it could destroy my being and my infinite roots on my different bodies of any countered, currently they are all disappearing. My original body which is the one you see now did not escape it so for me things stop there...for good !! >> Being is what makes the 4 essential sets of an individual's existence, what makes him what he is and what without, he is nothing. Being is made up of (body, mind, soul and source). Erasa looked below with a saddened face

Gilead << don't be sad if you hadn't killed me, I would have killed you... just promise me to watch Boaz in the real world. his new mother comes from him named immediately by the same name "Boaz" watch over him erasa i can entrust him to you i know it seeing how you faced me for him let me know that with you he is between good hands... i may have played the comedy until my last breath but good too bad to god Demon erasa!! >> and Gilead disappeared completely and the Chao sounded the djin seized erasa and created a dimension in which they entered to escape from the combat zone against Gilead. The combat zone disappeared like a sudden extinction. The djin appeared in a planet like the earth certainly a land far away from the one they know zemira fell abruptly due to the sudden arrival the djin merged with erasa leaving the appearance of only erasa who was sitting on the high grasses looking at the ground. Erasa was pensive and told himself that maybe he hadn't really talked to Gilead like that. That maybe it was allucinations so from his fictional world erasa decided to project his vision into the real world while trying to locate Boaz and within seconds erasa could see him. Boaz was newborn he was just a few hours of birth about 2 hours. Seeing this, erasa from his fictional world began to flow a few tears which represented sadness, joy at the same time erasa said

Erasa << gosh... I don't believe it... how is it possible? >> The joy of seeing this ends up dominating erasa who threw herself on the ground and lay down to stare at the sky which was rather orange in color for lack of the setting sun. Zémira stood up and said

Zémira << holala... I have a headache.. >> then she saw erasa lying on the ground thinking that he might be dead. Zémira ran towards erasa shouting

Zémira << erasa !!!! .. don't tell me that .. uh >> she stopped her speech when she saw erasa alive and well with a smile on her face. Erasa says

Erasa << zémira!.. Boaz he is alive Galaad was not mean in fact he told me that he had reincarnated Boaz in the real world >> Zémira looked at erasa in a worried way and asks

Zémira << uh... are you okay erasa? When did you face Gilead when did he tell you? >>

Erasa << just when there was this huge explosion.. I don't really know in what form he spoke to me a soul maybe but no it's not logical the gods don't have a soul they don't don't need it so what was it? Anyway it was wonderful I'm so happy >> erasa took zémira and hugged her

Zémira << hey... haha ​​calm down your joy please!!>>

Erasa << ok.. ok.. I will heal you right away my sweet >> Erasa healed Zémira of her wounds

Zémira << I don't need to thank you since you are my friend >> Zémira says it with a wink

Erasa << it's me who thanks you hoooo!!! I'm so happy >> erasa took zémira in her arms and hugged her with great strength

Zémira << if.... if you continue I will die of suffocation....>> erasa let go of Zémira and said

Erasa << oops... sorry >>

Zémira << So erasa we're going home? >>

Erasa << Hum... in the world of myths or that of hell? >>

Zémira << no .. no .. not those I speak of the one where your people are >>

Erasa << haaaa yes ... of course we'll go back there but this world I want it more I want what's best for my people and especially for you >> Zémira began to blush and said while looking at the ground

Zémira << Hmm... so good talker >> Erasa got up and took Zémira on her neck

Erasa << gone now we go back there >> erasa disappeared and appeared in the chronology where the planet of his people was the people of erasa saw erasa with clothes torn a little everywhere and understood by seeing erasa standing there that he had won the battle and there cries of joy were heard joy reigned by pronouncing the name of erasa several times which now represented the symbol of victory

Jerome and Nehemi also came and saw Erasa seeing his people dancing with joy

Jerome rushed to erasa and gave her a hug

Erasa << Hmm... Jerome?? >>

Jérôme << I was so afraid for you, you can't even imagine >>

Zémira<< Hum... awkward >>

Erasa << I still have a little thing to do >>

Jerome << what thing? >>

Erasa took the apple away from his hand and said "eradication" everyone mysteriously disappeared (except Nehemi) all the multiverses present in the Giant dimension too. the Giant dimension was completely emptied of its multiverses and all that it had

Frightened Nehemia cried out

Nehemi << what did you do erasa? To your own people, your friends, so you wanted to do all this to kill them later? But what do you really want then demon >> erasa looked at Nehemi with a disapproving look without saying a word

Nehémi <<answer me! How can you do such a horrible thing you erased them from existence and you're here as a bastard you're really a... >> erased the interrupted to say

Erasa << yes I erased them from existence but they will not disappear because they are all saved in my soul I will bring them back but in a better world >>

Nehemi "What?? So why did you let me live? Are you planning to get rid of me for good? >>

Erasa << no .. you I have something to show you >> erasa disappeared with zémira and appeared in the real world with outfits adapted to this world erasa and zémira just looked like two women a teenager and a tall girl

Erasa in view of her body looked like a teenager and Nehémi in view of her body also more developed than Erasa with a big chest looked like a big girl

Nehémi << where are we? >>

Erasa << in the real world >>

Nehemi "What? So the world we live in is what world? >>

Erasa << Hum... a fictional world yes but no also our world is centered on a novel which is fictional but our existence is far beyond so we live in this novel but while being foreign to fiction >>

Néhémi << I am beyond fiction too? >>

Erasa << Hmm... not really but also yes I will make you become beyond completely>>

Nehemi << how can a being like you interact with us? You are like Gilead in real life >>

Erasa << I can interact with you because I want it myself yes Galaad and I are in an existential plane raised to you so we have the choice either to interact with you to create representations of us in a kind of clones which will represent us with an existential plan capable of not damaging you either we clearly decide to live with you without damaging you also it is we who decide in this kind of case >>

Nehemi << I see... and what are we doing here? >> erasa pointed to where a newborn was and said

Erasa << with your powers and your perception you could easily recognize this baby, right? >> Nehemi looked at the baby more deeply and said

Néhémi << I dream where... Boaz here? And why is he a baby what is he doing in the real world? >>

Erasa << it was Galaad who reincarnated him here to give him the normal life he always wanted I thank him very much >>

Nehemi << So Gilead was not bad or?? >>

Erasa << in short I will explain everything to you later now we are going you can come and see Boaz whenever you want >> Erasa and Nehemi disappeared again and found themselves in a nothingness

Néhémi << where are we? >>

Erasa << we are above the real world indeed I rose from it during my first visit and all that it contains including our novel... now I must create this famous paradise >> erasa mit Néhémi in a shield with full energy and in his hand, erasa threw a tiny fragment of energy that exploded and created the same uncountable number of multiverses that had disappeared from dimension G

Erasa << I will shape my world in my own way there source of energy will be called "hastou" whoever does not master this energy could affect anyone this energy will circulate in the veins of my people and all those who have chosen me to entrust their lives you Nehemi you are now the holder of the hastou you are officially part of my world >> Nehemi felt an energy that gave her happiness and good feeling in her and said

Nehémi << wow the hastou is magnificent >> erasa smiled and appeared in the planet where his people were who were in joy always celebrating the victory of erasa on Gilead >>

Nehemi whispered to erasa

Nehémi << do they know that they have been erased from existence? >>

Erasa << not at all for them they don't even know that they left the place where we were >>

Nehemi << wow... I think I'm crazy >> Nehemi went down on one knee Right hand on his chest and bowed his head in front of erasa and said

Nehemi << lord erasa .. I would like to dedicate my life no

.. my existence to serve you indefinitely please accept my request which will make me the greatest happiness >> erasa smiled and said

Erasa << it is understood, from now on you will be like Jerome you would be my henchmen eternally you can get up >> Néhémi gets up and hugs Erasa. Zémira pulled on erasa's pants and said

Zémira << I hope I'm not disturbing you? Come on erasa, let's eat what your people cooked for you. You are in for a treat >> then erasa was heading to this banquet and a huge party continued erasa felt like a god but did he know what he will face later