

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Võ hiệp
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 19 : Soul Incompatibility

"Sorry for causing you children so much trouble." said Professor Graham as he moved to the centre of the group ,"I was merely assessing your capabilities and I must say I am happy . Your teamwork was remarkable." he clapped his hands.

"Wonderful." he said "But...we have much work to do."

"Certainly." said Zakiyye as his eyes shifted towards Bow, who averted her own.

"You are all too reliant on your weapons. Not only that but you are also estranged to them." he sat down on the ground ,tapping his hand on the ground as a sign for everyone to do the same.

The team sat down on the grass.

"I am not sure how aware you are of your own talents." said Professor Graham , "All of you possess an immeasureable amount of power and you are merely using ten percent of it."

"Thats insanely...."


said Josh as he completed Samuel's sentence.

"To draw your true power , what I need all of you kids to understand is that,

'The power of the weapon is dependant on the one weilding it.'

and in your case , that is LITERALLY the case .The greater the amount of power you draw from your souls, the stronger your weapons will be."

"Our soul...the red crystal embedded in us?"said Samuel in a sharp attempt to obtain valuable and possibly classified information. His attempt succeeded.

Professor Graham's expression changed for a slight second, that could easily be missed by an amateur's eye. Zakiyye , Samuel and Batuhan both caught on to it.They had gotten their answer. Graham quickly recovered like the pro he was and replied,

"I am not really sure of what you might be talking about but , giving it a visual image will certainly help you ."

with that he got up,

"Thats it for today. Think about what I said and Samuel-" he suddenly appeared behind Samuel, leaned in and whispered into his ear,

"Becareful my boy.The world is a dangerous place."

he rubbed Sam's hair and snapped his fingers.


"What was that all about?" Jun asked Samuel.

"Well ..its not like we are going to keep it a secret from you guys but we need some time to be a bit more sure before we can declare anything."said Batuhan.

"Sure of what?" Josh asked.

"Well ..we have a hypothesis..." said Samuel.

"Which is?" Aleena came closer.

"That our powers are not natural, their source is an artificial one." Zakiyye said with a poker face.

"....Thats not possible..." said Bow , joining in on the conversation.

"Why not?" said Batuhan.

"This world's environment wouldn't allow it." she said.

"Reason?" Zakiyye said with sharp eyes.

"Soul incompatibility. Only natural species can survive here. Yoseis and BlackWings are both natural beings, they are born with the resilience and system to survive here . Us too. Our talents HAVE to be from a natural source because if they are not, we wouldn't be able to breath this air without our lungs bursting." she finished , not noticing the shocked (almost terrified) looks from her teammates.

As she looked up she saw

"Whats wrong with you guys?" she asked.

"You ..you never told us you were actually SMART!!." said Samuel , not sugarcoating a single word. His expression, pure horror.

"I too...am in sheer disbelief." Zakiyye shook his head.

"Bow I am so happy for you!" Aleena almost cried .

"...." Josh,speechless.

"Amazing." Jun clapped his hands.

"You guys are overreacting. I always knew she was a genius. Yay Bow! You go tell em!"said Batuhan rooting for Bow.

"I seriously want to shoot holes in the lot of you ...." Bow said with a disgusted look." My father is a researcher...I read his studies...Sheesh."

"BOW!!!!!" all of them cried.

"STOP!!!!!!!!" Bow dug her red face in her hands.

"Hahahahhahaha!!!" they all laughed.

Zakiyye stepped back, lost in thought.

Samuel saw him and went over.

"Told ya." he said leaning over Zakiyye's shoulder.

"Hmph." Zakiyye replied with not much joy but his red cheeks and small grin gave away his happiness for receiving this valuable information.

Samuel smiled .

"HAAAA!! It feels good to be right!"
