
Kill la Kill: Path of Power

A not so normal teen wakes up in the body of the boy who stole a Goku Uniform... Suzuki, read on as he rises to the top driven by the thirst of power

God_Of_Degeneracy · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Starting a club

So class was really boring, they taught us nothing and no one would of listened even if they did teach us something, but anyway me, Ryo and Tatsuo are currently wandering around school looking for the office where you can join a club.

"Do you even know where we are going?" asks Ryo and I just shake my head before answering, "Well kinda they did give directions but this place is just huge, and I think we took a wrong turn somewhere", and they just grumble at that.

"And why are we even going today?" Tatsuo asks, he probably wants ogle some people, "Well because most people are probably gonna join a club at a later date so I want to create a club now so its there when the first years decide to join one"

""That makes sense I guess"" They respond in sync.


It took us awhile but we managed to find the office, and submitted a request to start a Sojutsu club and lucky we needed 3 people for it to be considered a club,

and the lady said we can start gathering equipment for now since the club will probably be approved, and it was kinda disappointing that they don't fund new clubs but I guess that makes sense.

So now we have the problem of needing equipment, making proper practice spears is harder then you would think so we went to look for a carver in Honno city.

We did find an old man that was willing to make us some shafts and since I do have some money from bea- ahem 'educating' thugs I could pay for them we will be getting them in 2 days.

"So now we have the shafts secured but now we need the false spear ends" Ryo said while holding his chin.

"Well we could just get real ones there aren't any rules that say we cant, it will be kinda like the kendo club that uses real swords" I say knowing finding a real spear heads will be easier then finding someone who has false ones.

"Yeah I guess but wont people get hurt alot?" Tatsuo asks, "Well yes but the treat of injury will make them work harder just look at us we have scars absolutely everywhere and you 2 got good really fast and you only started last month"

"Plus I just like watching people bleed" I say under my breath but they hear me and say nothing.


We where able to find some young guy working as a blacksmith and he agreed to make us some simple spear heads and he will get 10 of them ready in about 3 days which is nice, he even gave us a discount since he is a new blacksmith and he needs the business.

After that we went home and spent the rest of the day sparring before heading to sleep.

The next day we walked back to school instead of taking the cart since its just free exercise and arrived in class.

Aikurō walked in and started teaching us about some random stuff that I didn't bother to listen to and as I was leaving the classroom to go eat the crap they call lunch in the cafeteria Aikurō told me my request for forming a club was approved and they will bring someone to test if I'm even good enough to be a club president tomorrow.

So instead of going to lunch I went to our new club room with Ryo and Tatsuo, well it isn't even a room it is outdoors at the back of the school and I actually really like it, I even took of my bandages to get a good look at it.

The Kendo club is right next to ours so I assume the put most weapon clubs outside and the rest inside which makes sense I guess.

I also got a really thick book explaining a bunch of rules I have to follow and if I break them I can get my presidency revoked which sucks, and it even told me I can get a Goku uniform when the club has alot more members like alot more, they didn't say a specific number so I asked the kendo president who already has one and she said she got hers after he club had 500 members which is just crazy.

Oh and Uzu Sanageyama doesn't run this club even though his main weapon is a shinai but he does regulate every athletic club meaning he will be coming to test me soon.

And apparently the fighting clubs need a lower number of members to get a uniform then clubs that don't involve fighting since fighting isn't easy and people are just that lazy.

Oh and something cool I found out is that 2 star uniforms can actually transform they turn from a normal uniform with 2 stars and you can get a custom trigger for it and when you activate it it turns into whatever you wanted your uniform to look like, for example the current boxing president(its not Takaharu Fukuroda from cannon he isn't the president yet) has a normal uniform with 2 stars and a glove trigger he can use to turn it into a uniform that looks alot like what Takaharu Fukuroda used when fighting Ryuko.

Which is cool cus It wouldn't be fun to walk around with gloves the size of your own body, and speaking of uniforms the 2 co founders of a club get a 1 star if the club reaches the number required for the president to get theirs which is nice.

That is the only way I know of to get a 1 star I think to get one and not be part of a club you need to be apart of the disciplinary committee since all of the members I've seen have one.

And I was wrong the student council already has all the members in it for some reason I don't know why but its whatever didn't want to be apart of it anyway.



Author here Hope you enjoy the chapter I will post another in the next 2 hours, so pls give me your stone and leave a review I really want a rating on this, thank you! Oh and who would you like as the Female lead?