
I will

The life is just so big, and sometimes so boring, nothing to do. Well That was the thinking of Young Rico. The year was 1000 AC, Rico lives in the forest named mount Icicle with his family.

He has three siblings, one brother, and two sisters, brother's name was Ryan, and one sister's name was Ellie and other's is Celine. His father John was a farmer and his mother Lily was a housewife.

Well they were living happily in the forest, they also sold some charcoal in town once a month. John is very caring, hardworking and a strong man who would do anything for his family. Rico is not

as hardworking as his father and he was not as brave too. Ryan is the youngest, he was just 7 years old, whereas Ellie was 10 and Celine was 12. Rico was the elder child, he was 14 years old. There family

had lived in the forest for years.


One day at night, after eating dinner, when everyone was going to sleep, Little Ryan insisted to his father to tell him the stories about Ghouls. Ryan loved those stories about ghouls, but Rico didn't

like them because after listening to those stories he wouldn't be able to sleep at night because he is afraid of ghouls. So he told everyone that he is feeling sleepy, he doesn't want to listen. John knew

the reason for that and he never liked that, that his son is afraid of something which is just a myth. He told him that ghouls aren't real but Rico went to his room anyway. So John started to tell the stories

to the kids, they were holding each other as they were also afraid but they also liked the stories. John started the story " It was a dark night, everything was silent, a young traveler who was travelling through

the darkhills mountain, suddenly heard a voice, it was coming from somewhere from the right, So he started to walk towards that direction to see what it was" As John was telling the story Ryan interrupted

"Daddy Why did the traveler went in that direction if he knew something was there, Wasn't he afraid". " Well Ryan this is my story and he went in that direction because he wasn't a coward" John replied. " He was stupid,

to go in the direction of ghoul" Ryan said. John continued the story as he ignored Ryan " He was going towards the sound, as close he was getting to it, the sound was getting more clearer, It was the sound of a woman wailing,

But then the sound suddenly stopped coming but he didn't stop moving in that direction and reached at the a lake. The lake was beautiful at the night, the moon's reflection on the water was so beautiful, so he just sat there to look at

the beautiful sight. he then got to the shore to drink the water, but when he bent down to drink the water, he saw something very scary in the water's reflection, A woman with sharp claws and teeth which had seven snakes on her head in spite of hairs

her eyes were read and she was hungry for blood. The traveler was so scared after looking at that he couldn't even move his body, he was so scared, he was shaking, he didn't dare to look back either. But then she grabbed his neck and lifted him up in the air,

he started to cry for help but there was no one anywhere. She first took his eyeballs out with her snake hairs and then she broke his neck and then fed on his heart, as he". " Hey don't tell kids stories like this" Lily said to John. " But we want to hear" kids

said. " So kids the story is over, let's go to bed you all" John ordered the kids. Kids went to there rooms, and everyone went to sleep.


It was midnight everyone was asleep. But then suddenly someone knocked on the door, Lily woke up by the sound and John too, kids were still in the sleep. They were wondering who would be on the doorstep in the midnight. But Lily without thinking much stood up

and went to see who was on the door, John was still in the bed. Lily opened the door, and a very handsome guy was there, he was tall, with chiseled jawline and long beautiful hairs with blue eyes. A type of guy she had never seen before, she couldn't get her eyes off of him

John on the other hand got little worried so he also went towards the doorstep and the moment he reached there, he saw Lily letting a handsome man come in and he said "no". He got scared like hell, John's father told him once not to let a man with the same body features like him,

because that man had killed many people for centuries in that region and he liked the woman's blood so much. First he also never believed it but the facial features matched so accurately as his father told him, it made him so scared and the moment the man came in, he in just a second broke

Lily's neck and devoured her mercilessly, he ripped her apart. Seeing his beloved wife killed in front of him was soul breaking for him but then he remembered about the kids and ran towards his room to make the kids run away to save their life but the man was so fast as reached the place before

John could, Rico also woke up by the noise and he was still in sleep and walking towards his parents room to see what was happening but then seeing his mother ripped apart in front of him made his heart stop for a second, he felt a shiver down his spine. On the other hand John grabbed an axe and

ran towards the man with full force, but The man dodged the strike and ripped John's head off in just one punch, and poor Rico saw it all, and then that man killed Rico's sisters too and only thing Rico could do was running away to the woods, he was running and running constantly but then Rico felt

that man chasing him and then he felt a force from behind which pushed him with so much pace as he crashed to the tree in front of him. It was the man who killed his whole family, It was a ghoul. Rico's nose started bleeding after the clash. And he had already given up, he was thinking that the life

he felt was so big was just so short after all, and now he also had nothing to live for, his whole family was dead, what could he do. Rico looked at the ghoul " This is how I die" He said in a disappointment from his life. And when he thought it was all over and when the ghoul was ready to kill him,

Rico closed his eyes but suddenly he felt a very strong wind, he opened his eyes and he couldn't believe his eyes the Ghoul's head was ripped apart and was in in the air. What happened, Rico couldn't process what just happened. he moved his head left and right nobody was there, and then he looked up

and there was someone on the tree, in the night it was all dark so Rico wasn't able to see his face. " Who are you boy" That man asked. " I am Rico". " Do you have a family or a place where you can go" he asked again. " No, he killed them all, he killed them all" Rico replied as he was crying. " I am sorry for you loss"

he said. " What was that, how was he so fast and strong" Rico asked him. " It was a ghoul", " But ghouls are just a myth, they aren't real" Rico said in denial. " They are real and they killed your family, Now you have two choices live with the regret ,fear of them or take revenge" That man said. " But you already killed him"

Rico replied, " That was just a one there are thousands of them, you kill one and how much families you will save" The man said. " But how can I, I don't know anything, how to fight? Rico said. " Go to the village Rahi in mount Hina, there you will find a man

named Wick, He will tell you what to do", " Look kid now you have no family, no attachments, so now live for others, fight for who needs help, be strong and take revenge for your family and other's too, It's all on you, you can choose whatever you want, but if you choose it then you will have to do it" The man said.

Rico was still crying but those word from the man gave him a hope, gave him a motivation, gave him a hope of life after this too, that he can also save people that he can also fight with the darkness, Rico wasn't afraid anymore, he had already lost what he loved the most so he agreed and said

" I will".

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Thefallen_creators' thoughts