
She's the Contraceptive Girl

Alexander POV

I heard the door opened and closes after I asked her to come in. I didn't look up, my eyes were glued to the content of the program on my table. Gosh!.. A lot on my neck!

'Good morning, sir" She greeted politely, and I just gave a nod, still not looking up.

'Yeah, morning, so you're here to…" I trailed off as soon as I recognized the face.


Was I imagining things?

No, no, of course this was real!

She was the same contraceptive girl.

She was the only slut I ever recognized.

Had she resigned as a prostitute?

I gulped down nothing and opened my mouth to talk again.

'You…" I couldn't complete my sentence again, and she slowly looked at my face, and her eyes bulged immediately her eyes came in contact with mine.

We held each other's gazes, she was not breaking the eyes contact, neither was I.

After what seems like forever, I unlocked my gaze from hers and let out a discreet cough.

This would be so much fun!

'Sit" I ordered while I adjusted on my seat.