

"Had fun?" A strong arm wrapped her stomach and pulled her to him. She rested her back on him as he held her arms and hands, wrapping them around her body as he did.

He had a wide smile and he leaned down to kiss her lips. "Jealous?"

She shrugged. "A little."

Cauis' eyes brightened at this, and rewarded her good answer with a wet kiss on the cheek.

This was when Cauis noticed something unusual. Her eyes were glazed—not in lust but due to an actual daze—as if she was really thinking of something worrying.

"What's wrong?" He asked, turning her to him. When he saw she just stared at him, he bent down to carry her to the sofa.

She naturally hugged him as she was lifted, inhaling his natural sandalwood scent. She remained sitting on his thigh as they settled down on the sofa.

He gently caressed the side of her thigh, but it wasn't to seduce, but to comfort. "Tell me."