
Keys To My Heart

One night I was walking home a call diverted my attention. It was from home. Apparently they need more money which I don't have right now. I didn't notice I stopped in front of a musician. He is more like a dirty homeless guy with overgrown beard with a guitar. His music didn't really attracted me. But still it looks like I disrupted his business by standing right in front of him so I searched for some coins on my pocket and dropped it on his guitar holder. I continued walking while talking on the phone I live close to that place. When I get home I can't find my keys. Shit where is it. That's the turning point of my life when a homeless guy appeared in front of me holding my keys. With that favor this man had given me. He asked so much more in return.

Harljane · Thành thị
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29 Chs

Rainy Days

I haven't seen the man again for almost a week. It gives me peace that he hasn't visit since the last time he showed up. I didn't see him on the corner he usually busk. The weather is changing it's getting cold, today is raining too. I bought a hotdog wrapped by bread to eat on my way home but a kid snatched it away the moment I seated on a benched. He immidiately take a big bite. I pitied the kid so I decided not to take it back anymore. I walked home thinking of what to eat. Fried succini with cheese probably good idea to eat tonight. I'm happy no homeless guy is in front of my door I peacefully open my door and lock it automatically after going inside.

I fried my succini, I opened the window so the house won't smell like fried. The rain is strong. I need umbrella when I go to work tomorrow. I cleaned the dishes after eating showered, dry my hair then go to sleep right away tomorrow is another day to work. This is my life here in europe. I manage to get a job as an accountant. I found this job online, they took me since I accepted the lower rate compared to the other european. But that money is big enough for my family already. I'm supporting my Mom at home and my brother together with his 5 kids and a wife. They are staying in the land my father left. In the province the salary is so low so my brother decided to just take care of the land. He asked for a tractor so he can plant crops easily. That's what I am saving for, that tractor. That means I need to stay here far from my family for 2 years. I spent 6 months already, 1 and a half more then I can go home. I woke up in the morning, ready to work again. I slept so good because of the cold wind brought by the rain. I opened the door happily. I'm so surprised to see the man again in fron of my door sleeping. He is so soaked from the rain. I locked the door slowly scared to wake him up. He might asked favor from me again. The sound of the doorlock clicking woke him up. He stood up and greet me with a smile. I ignored him and walk away. The whole day it rained. I wonder where the homeless stay during this time. But they are not my responsibility. I can't drag down my life with their troubles. I went back home to see the guy still in front of my door. he is laying down my doorstep like a dog waiting for his owner to comeback. This time I kicked him lightly to wake him up. I can't cross the door if he is there. He didn't responded I shook him with my foot even more. He is wet. He is shaking and unresponsive. I stoop down to check on him. He is so hot, he probably got sick from the nonstop rain.

I shook him even harder now out of my concern. "Get up and dry yourself inside." He manage to open his eyes. "I can't carry you so you have to walk by yourself." He walked in, so scared to wet my stuff. I gave him a dry towel. Then asked him to change inside my room using my biggest pijama. I offered him hot instant noodles that he consumed without question. I gave him fever medicine too before leading him to the couch where he can sleep. I didn't ask him any question. So did he ask anything from me as well. I lock my door room to protect myself from the strange man on the living room. The next day I prepared myself going to work silently. The food is ready, I left him medicine on the table too. He woke up before I left.

"Thank you for letting me stay for a night. I will leave as soon I get better." He promised embarassed of his situation.

"Eat the food on the table. I left you medicine too. I washed your clothes so you can leave with dry clothes tomorrow." That's all I said before I left home.