
chapter 3; Right prey

Nisha took the file and after reading it smiled in satisfaction "are you sure he's the best choice" she asked Sheila. "yes Arya... sorry boss I've conducted a thorough check on him he's rumoured to be the devil himself and that any woman who tries to get close to him dies, he's the CEO of Yvesta enterprises who is currently on par and competing with Jade's cooperations. So I think he's powerful and heartless enough for the job" Sheila concluded her report. "Yvesta enterprises you mean the one that has a law firm and business branch both combined. I think the CEO'S name is ehm Xue Mi Rue right I've heard about him" Nisha said. "yes that's him he's perfect because he'll never fall in love with you" Sheila told her. "ive already sent out the request to be his secretary, I used the name Mei Arya and I also sent him your bio and guess what he hired you not only as a secretary also as his PA"she added. "are you serious, this is good thank goodness you didn't use mei Nisha, Mei Nisha will come out again after her revenge wait what did you write in the bio" Nisha asked "well I said that you're a resident of this city and that you recently worked with Jade's cooperations a until a few months ago don't worry even if he tries to research about Mei Arya that's the only thing he'll see I had all other information blocked from everyone not even elite people"sheila told her. "wow Lin Ai thanks so much what could I do without you" Nisha squealed calling Sheila by her native name which she normally did when she was happy with her or trying to get something out of her.

"the plan is simple I'll become his secretary, befriend him and use him to get revenge but don't worry he'll know I'm using him that's why I needed a heartless person for the job you know someone who won't fall in love with me because it involves pretending to be dating in the public and also pda which is why I said I'll befriend him" Nisha explained "but Arya you're terrible at making friends why do you think I'm your only friend till now and also why go through this can't you just destroy them as jade the icy queen then later reveal you're identity simple"Sheila asked her but what she earned was a hearty laughter from Nisha "you call it simple but I told you they didn't hurt jade but Nisha so it's Nisha that needs revenge and with his help I'll get that revenge I have it all planned; as they're falling they'll want to know who's responsible for that and then I will show myself and tell them that I did it with the help of my boyfriend my revenge is two fold; to pay them back and show 'him' I have moved on after the revenge my revelation as CEO Jade will be another big blow to them" Nisha told her with dark cold eyes and a chilly aura showing how angry she was reminiscing the past. "okay okay girl but we need to work on your attitude if you want to befriend him try to act like when you're with me and stop being so cold for goddamnit sake smile always no wonder I was the only friend you made in your life geez" Sheila whined "well elder sister Lin Ai will You teach me how to make friends" Nisha cooed and pouted.

They got into work and after a long time Nisha finally learned the basics such as smiling, being nice and approachable, suppressing her cold aura and not being too domineering and others "and remember this time you're not the boss but a worker so act like one and also don't pretend your friendship with him should be from the heart so that after the whole revenge thing you can have an additional friend okay Arya" Sheila advised "thanks elder sister Lin Ai" Nisha replied "so that the way you call me elder sister Lin Ai you may even call him my Mi Rue" Sheila blurted. Just then Nisha had a flash in her mind which was fast and painful, she looked at Sheila who was covering her mouth and asked "do I know him"