
chapter 10; Mine

The CEO, vice CEO and secretary went back to the CEO'S office "miss mei I'll like you to create a report or file which will help in your presentation. Make it convincing I want Jade's cooperations to see why the business agreement will be beneficial for the two companies, also add that we will grant them legal security too, make it appealing that they can't deny the offer, then you'll look through your email I've sent you a number of untouched projects and investment offers from different companies, go through it and see which one we will accept and in the projects analyse them and see what to add or remove. I want a detailed report on why we should or shouldn't accept those offers and if there are changes in the projects. You may leave now" he instructed and dismissed her 'sheesh he likes to talk a lot blah blah blah this is gonna take me all day' she ranted as she went out of the office.

After she was gone Jin Lan who had been literally drooling over her quickly turned to his best friend "dude I've gotta commend you where did you find such a dazzling goddess I don't know it feels like I've seen her before but not exactly her anyway not a problem since you hate women I'll try to woo her for myself right" "who said I hate her" Mi Rue cut sharply "oh my gosh bro don't tell me you want to take her as one of your flings she's too gorgeous for that listen she needs someone who would love her not someone who only cares about fucking her" Jin Lan said with a sad expression "who said she's a fling she's MINE ok,MY WOMAN" he emphasized.

Jin Lan was so confused "dude when did you start caring about women" just then Mi Rue brought out a picture from his phone and stared at it lovingly, peeking at it Jin Lan gasped "now I remember where I saw her she's that your former love right the one who broke my poor bro's heart wait! didn't you swear never to see her or have any relationship with her now you're boss and employee dude you're soft" Jin Lan ranted. A paper weight sent him dodging "dude what the heck I was just stating the fact that you're so soft I mean you said no relationship yet you hired her to be both secretary and PA and please don't hit me again I'm tender okay" Jin Lan complained. Mi Rue eyed him and sighed in defeat "yeah you're right I'm so soft I couldn't even stop myself from kissing her" he said sadly. Jin Lan who had peacefully gotten a glass of water when Mi Rue was talking and was drinking it was so stupified that his glass fell to the floor with his mouth agape he just stared at Mi Rue, no coherent word wanting to form from his mouth.