
Kenta's Talent

Follow Kenta and the people he meets that help him fulfill his goal and find a way to get revenge on the man who took everything from him.

AXLProductions_1 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs


 As he rushed through the never-ending steps an unknown force pushed Kenta up against the wall. While attempting to catch his breath a sharp wave of pain began to flow from his side, ignoring the pain he quickly stood back up prepared to face the enemy. However as quickly as the first time he was once again swept away and thrusted against the wall. This time he quickly caught his breath and prepared a counterattack, while being patient wasn't his strong suit, he knew he only had one chance, he wasn't about to waste it. A gust of wind quickly became a roaring storm, as Kenta observed his surroundings, he spotted a shadow moving across the wall. It seemed to be bouncing off at a tremendous speed. "His speed is unfathomable, in that case....", a huge burst of wind enveloped the entire area. The shadowy figure slowly disappeared, and the sunlight's gleam gave way to warm embers.