
Kenshin Tanaka: The Summoned Hero of Brighthold

Kenshin Tanaka, a college student with dreams of wealth, is unexpectedly summoned to the kingdom of Brighthold, where he must navigate a dire situation to save the realm from impending doom.

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15 Chs

The Plan in Motion

Kenshin sat at his desk, his brow furrowed in concentration as he finalized the notes on the latest draft of his financial plan. The flickering light of the candle cast long shadows on the walls, but he hardly noticed. He was too absorbed in his work, ensuring that every detail was perfect. With a final stroke of his pen, he leaned back in his chair and allowed himself a brief moment of satisfaction.

"It's complete," he murmured to himself, the weight of the task lifting from his shoulders. He carefully gathered the papers into a neat stack and called out to one of the courtiers stationed outside his office.

A young man, no older than twenty, entered the room with a bow. "Yes, Sir Kenshin?"

Kenshin handed him the stack of documents. "Take me to the Prime Minister's chamber immediately. I need to discuss these plans with him."

The courtier nodded, taking the documents and leading Kenshin through the labyrinthine corridors of the palace. As they walked, Kenshin's thoughts raced. He had managed to devise a plan that not only addressed the kingdom's current financial crisis but also laid the groundwork for future stability. "Let's see what the Prime Minister has to say about this," he thought, a determined smile playing on his lips.

The courtier eventually led Kenshin to a grand set of doors, intricately carved and polished to a shine. With a respectful bow, the courtier pushed the doors open, revealing an opulent room that took Kenshin's breath away.

The chamber was lavishly decorated, with walls adorned in rich tapestries and golden accents. A massive chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the plush furnishings and ornate wooden desk at the room's center. The entire setting was a picture of power and wealth, surpassing even Kenshin's own office, which he had thought was the pinnacle of luxury. As he took in the grandeur, he couldn't help but wonder how much more impressive the king's office must be.

"Ah, Kenshin!" a voice called out, pulling him from his thoughts. The Prime Minister, an older man with sharp features and an air of authority, stood behind the desk, gesturing for Kenshin to enter. "Welcome. What brings you to my humble office?"

Kenshin suppressed a smirk at the Prime Minister's use of the word "humble" and approached the desk, placing the documents down. "I have resolved the kingdom's money problem, Prime Minister. The plan I've devised will not only stabilize our current situation but also ensure the kingdom's financial security for the future. However, I need a meeting with the king to get his approval."

The Prime Minister raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "A bold claim, Kenshin. But I'm afraid the king is currently away. He's at a meeting with the three dukedoms—Duke Varrick of Brighthold, Duke Alaric of Valtoria, and Duke Lionel of Westreach."

Kenshin nodded, filing away the names of the dukes in his mind. "I see. The plan I have is a bit... unconventional, and it will require the support of the nobility as well. I was hoping to present it to the king directly."

The Prime Minister stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Unconventional, you say? You've piqued my curiosity, Kenshin. What exactly are you proposing?"

Kenshin leaned in slightly, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Let's just say it involves redistributing certain assets in a way that will... motivate the nobility to support our cause. But I'll need their approval—and the king's blessing—to proceed."

The Prime Minister's eyes narrowed slightly as he considered Kenshin's words. "Redistribution, you say? That could ruffle some feathers, but it might also be just what we need to pull through this crisis." He paused, then nodded decisively. "Very well. I'll send one of the knights to Duke Varrick's territory tonight to inform the king of your arrival. You should be able to meet with him and the dukes tomorrow."

Kenshin felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of finally putting his plan into action. "Thank you, Prime Minister. I'll prepare to leave at first light tomorrow. General Elara will accompany me."

The Prime Minister gave a curt nod. "Understood. I'll make sure the knight leaves immediately." He glanced down at the documents Kenshin had left on his desk. "I'll review these plans tonight and ensure a copy is sent to the king. It's essential that he's fully informed before your arrival."

Kenshin bowed slightly in gratitude. "I appreciate it, Prime Minister. We're on the cusp of something significant, and with the king's approval, we can begin to turn the tide."

The Prime Minister gave him a rare smile, one that hinted at approval and a shared sense of purpose. "I look forward to seeing how your plan unfolds, Kenshin. Go now, and rest. You'll need your strength for the days ahead."

Kenshin took his leave, the sense of urgency still thrumming in his veins. As he walked back through the palace corridors, his mind was already racing ahead, plotting the next steps. The meeting with the king and the dukes would be critical. If they supported his plan, the kingdom's future could be secured.

When he reached his office, Kenshin couldn't resist glancing out the window at the darkening sky. The night was falling, and soon enough, the knight would be on his way to Duke Varrick's territory, carrying the message that could change everything.

Kenshin sat down at his desk, allowing himself a moment to breathe. He had come a long way from the simple life he once led. Now, he was deep in the heart of a kingdom's power struggles, playing a game where the stakes couldn't be higher.

As the night deepened, Kenshin couldn't help but feel the weight of the responsibility he had taken on. But there was no turning back now. The kingdom needed him, and he was determined to see this through.

The next morning, Kenshin was up before dawn. He had dressed in his finest clothes, the fabric stiff and unfamiliar against his skin, but he knew the importance of appearances. Today, he wasn't just a strategist or a warrior; he was a representative of the kingdom's future.

General Elara met him at the palace gates, already mounted and ready. She gave him a once-over, a faint smile of approval on her lips. "You clean up nicely, Kenshin."

He chuckled, adjusting the collar of his tunic. "Don't get used to it. This isn't exactly my preferred attire."

Elara shook her head, still smiling. "Well, you'll do just fine. Ready to face the dukes?"

Kenshin nodded, his expression turning serious. "Ready as I'll ever be."

With that, they set off, the sound of hooves clattering against the cobblestones echoing in the crisp morning air. The ride to Duke Varrick's territory was long, but Kenshin welcomed the time to clear his mind and focus on the task ahead. He knew that once he arrived, there would be no room for hesitation or doubt. He would have to present his plan with conviction and ensure that it was seen as the only viable path forward.

As they rode through the countryside, the sun rose higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over the fields and forests. The land was beautiful, a reminder of what was at stake. Kenshin couldn't allow it to fall into ruin. He wouldn't.

By the time they reached Duke Varrick's stronghold, the sun was high in the sky, and Kenshin's nerves were taut. But as he dismounted and straightened his tunic, he pushed those feelings aside. He was here to do a job, and he would see it through.

The guards at the gate recognized General Elara and quickly let them in, directing them to the main hall where the king and the dukes were meeting. As they approached the grand doors, Kenshin took a deep breath, his mind focused and clear. This was it—the moment he had been preparing for.

The doors opened, and Kenshin stepped inside, the eyes of the king, the dukes, and the assembled nobility all turning to him. He met their gazes evenly, his heart steady.

"Your Majesty, my lords," he began, his voice strong and unwavering. "I've come with a plan that will secure our kingdom's future."