

At night Merlin, Melinda and Michael are discussing, Michael asked," that kid Hirito did he really killed a demon bear that a whole squadron needs to be dispatched to ", Merlin nodded while Melinda glared at Merlin.

Merlin who saw her gaze shrunk back melinda suppressed her anger and looked at Merlin then began to shake him with his collar and ask in low voice not to wake the two up but they didn't know a bot is secretly hearing their words.

Melinda is shaking merkin and asking," is that waht you should teach the kids who aren't even 10 years. Fighting demons at such age. If anything would've to happen to one of them then", she looked into Merlin's eyes.

But then sighed, and spoke," forget it, the two kids are troublemakers sooner or later this would've happened. But now what should we do to atleast make them not do dangerous things".

Michael at this time spoke," myabe increase their training so they can be too tired after that. Their strength can also I crease with this. We can increase their training to another level".

Melinda thought and nodded while Merlin spike," it works for shin. But what about Hirito. That kid is good at sword and magic. He can stand toe to toe with you until you're both exhuasted even a year ago".

Michael sighed at this it's true, he didn't meet a prodigy like Hirito. On the first day he started to train them in sword Hirito immediately do the moves he taught perfectly and started to spar with him in just a week.

Since then Michael felt whenever he fought with Hirito he is fighting a copy of himself and also a nemesis. If it isn't for the sworrd training and experience of battlefield coupled with his own experience in fighting he would've been defeated.

Hirito copied Michael's sword movements and style as soon as he saw them using his divine reflection, and practiced everyday with shin and battled the wild animals along with demon beasts he could find in these years.

In addition to it he even practiced the Jedi arts and improved his swordsmanship as for a jedi the lightsaber is also a part of power and the swordsmanship is part of the strength.

So he practiced it serous in these few years. Hirito after he felt no one is awake he packed his things and left a note at the table with a few words and opened a gate to the farthest place he found in these years and took out a book.

The book contains details about the nations in this continent. After thinking hard Hirito chose Els nation of commerce.

Because it is a place which is peaceful and has business all over the country along with adventure guild and surrounded by forests and a dessert.

At first he thought about bluesphere empire but he heard it's a bad nation and decided against it, the holy nation of ys can be a good place but it has religion mainly and Hirito wants to learn new things about commerce so he chose Els nation.

After choosing his target he immediately activated the flight magic he created and moved towards the els nation of commerce. He wants to establish a false identity as an adventure with another name.

Yeah, he wants to use another identity so he can do a few things in secret, first he needs to become strong and second he needs to establish an organisation to sell some things from his world.

Hirito made his choice now and he don't want to turn back, he'll join the adventurer association first to kill some beasts and make some money, then he'll look for some subordinates to build an organisation. Even if they don have much strength he'll train them himself.

Hirito turned back one last time to see the house he is in all these days in a diatnce and then he flew away with a sigh, he don't want to made them panic but he wants to see the outside world, it's fine with shin as he is maniac when it comes to magic research and stayed for hours until it succeeded or close to success.

Hirito on the other hand is very different, he only thinks magic as imagination unlike shin who uses science and everything Hirito only uses his imagination, it's not that he didn't use the previous world knowledge but he only uses it after creating his own trick then use it to improve in a way.

Shin on the other hand is very different, he uses magic combined science from the start which leads to failures most time. The next morning shin woke up and goes downstairs after washing himself and be prepared for breakfast he goes to the dining table.