
The Start of an Unusual Day

The Story begins as an Ambient sound that seems to have a tumultuous screech lingers onto the depths of the forsaken forest, The Character of the story proceeds to wake up from the peculiar dream, He proceeds to leave his bed and went straight towards his bathroom, and opens his faucet in a counter-clockwise way, he proceeds to wash his visage with the water that generates from the faucet and proceeds to dry his visage with a towel,He continues to contemplate further as to what just happened in his evocative nightmare, He Hears the bathroom door creaked open, A short Shadow figure can be seen reflecting the bathroom floors, As he's eyes descry the shadow figure seeming to be quite overwhelmed as to who may be lurking outside of the bathroom door, He slowly grasp at the bathroom door knob, he discovered it was just his little sister! Her name is Kaori she's a healthy and cultivated mind of a girl, despite her age she kept moving forward to reach her extremity feat.

Kaori: Brother Keith! What are you doing here? It's 4 AM!

The Character of the story goes by the name of Keith, Keith is known to be frail and much of a dummkopf, due to these disadvantages, his grades in P.E and pretty much in other subjects seems to be quite mediocre, Despite all of that Keith spends his leisure time on reading fantasy stories and any other stories that deviates from the concept of reality, Keith's notion revolves around supertittious beliefs, he believes that the concept of the outer space is just some sort of simulation that's operated by an Enigmatic Entity, He believes that all of the conflicts that surfaced around came from those "Enigmatic Entities", he can't fathom as to why these Enigmatic entities or what he likes to call as the Brobdingnagian Deities, contrives these conflicts to disturb the peace and harmony the sentient humans once had, and I'd assume from your perspective you would think he would be some sort of delirious human that's absence to the touch of reality, Although Keith would say the contrary of your perspective, he still thinks that the existence of these entities and the conflicts that has transpired was real, he's a sophomore student in an institution that is renowned to be masterclass, although he manage to surmount his way to enroll at such a prestigious institution, moreover Kaori is in the freshman year of the institution, although she seems to be way more sophisticated than her elder counterpart which would indicate a superiority in terms of intelligence.

Keith: Catch me some slack, Kaori. I'm just trying to cleanse my grubby visage, after all we went through a vacation with our family in the forest.

Kaori: I highly doubt that that's the reason you're here in this bathroom! Let me guess you had one of those silly nightmares again! I remember how you went to mother and father's bedroom to hide from the supposed "MONSTER" she hysterically giggles.

Keith's visage became quite florid the extent of where he hurls the damp towel towards his little sister's face.

Kaori: What was that for! Whatever I'll get my revenge somehow just you wait big brother!

Kaori storms out of the bathroom area and proceeds to go to her secluded bedroom.

Keith felt relieved about the revelation of his sister deviating away from the bathroom, although Keith felt overwhelmed at the revelation of his sister planning to take revenge, Keith commence to go back to his secluded bedroom and locks the door, He isolates himself from the surroundings as he sprints towards his bedroom and coats himself into a soft blanket, he somewhat feels nostalgic when he proceeds to cover himself with the blanket, and he feels like his surroundings is just the depths of darkness, the only thing that is captivating him is that soft blanket, suddenly the depths of darkness that was in his surroundings was cut short as he heard an Ambient rustling sound coming from the Bush, he slowly gets up and place his blanket to his bed and went straight towards his window, Keith felt hesitant to open the window, as he had this gut feeling that there may be some sort of depraved entity lurking by that Bush, as he was about to open the door a wild vulpine was running away from the Bush, Keith felt startled and overwhelmed he thought that maybe an Entity called the "scavenger minuscules" was hunting that vulpine, Keith could recalled that these "Scavenger Minuscules" tend to have the same resemblance as an atom if the aspect was about the size, although the appearance of these "Scavenger Minuscules" are far beyond the appearance of an atom, as these "Scavenger Minuscules" are pitched black entities that's sphere shape spreads trajectories of a lethal Venom that is not known of it's origins which would imply that the Venom itself has an alternative multitudes of Venoms, it would be quite intricated to tackle about, especially when it's an arbitrary Venom, Keith was petrified that this might be the case of what might be lurking in the Bush, although to his surprised it was a Wild Black bear that was going to prey onto that frail vulpine, Keith's mind was somewhat overwhelmed and somewhat relieved to the revelation, despite him being in an awe state he still believes the existence of these "Scavenger Minuscules", there is one thing that has been currently bugging his mind, and that is the fact that the frail vulpine couldn't be able to fight back due to it's different size and also it's hapless welfare, this managed to clicked onto Keith's mind as he realized that the same frail vulpine manages to corresponds with his own self aspects, the resemblance, the embodiment, manages to correlate with Keith's life asset, this evoked a pathos into his memory as he remembers all of the taunting that he quo when he was in middle school, he remembered that he couldn't physically do anything about it as he was frail and was quite more of an imbecile as he was than his current state, Keith decided to try and cope with the heaps of negative memory by Keith goes through his kitchen as he is holding his laptop, and proceeds to take a seat onto the chair which he then places his laptop into the table, he proceeds to make himself a cup of coffee along the way to imbibe, and to make his negative thoughts occupied with positive thoughts, he opens his laptop and scrolls onto the internet and saw a large portion of documents that's stating the existence of the "Enigmatic Entities" also known as "Brobdingnagian Deities", he felt intruiged to see a forum of where people exchange sentiments towards this subject, some of these remarks tend to be negative while some are positive. Keith kept scrolling further and saw an Internet propaganda that's promoting a Cult called Surreptitious Cult, And it is quite renowned for spreading tidings towards the specific subjects especially these entities, they also claim to do an orchestrated ritual every once in a while to summon the "Callous Entity" that is known to be in the state of slumber before the concept of life has been existing, He is known to be the second strongest Entity known along side with the Brobdingnagian Deities which is The Council of Entities of where they would select the fate of each individual of Entities, they play a crucial role in the world of Ad infinitum, which is the milieu environment of the existing Entities, the strongest one of them all is Abberant Spiral, which he could gain control and influence amongst the entire Entities, he tends to have trouble gaining control over Callous Entity, Due to the fact that they're on par in terms of strength, although Callous Entity lacks the knowledge of Strategy and intelligence which is a crucial disadvantage, People think that it's all just hoax and that they don't actually exist although some say other wise especially Keith, Keith kept scrolling further to the Forums and all of the stories that people claim that they have seen with their two petrified eyes The entities, although they don't have enough proof to Substantiate, which would be quite difficult to actually believe, since Keith is too credulous he believed all of the things that these people have claimed, which I assume you as the reader would think that he's an actual idiot and that he should understand the concept of "do not believe something that a person claims when they don't have an actual solid proof to back up their claim", Although that's not the end of the story, Keith feels overwhelmed to this revelation as he saw how many people claimed that they have seen these "Entities" Also Keith doesn't understand the concept of "Sarcasm", which is why he believed these remarks, Keith proceeds to close his laptop and proceeds to stand up out of his seat, as he needs to prepare for High School, especially when it's currently 6:55 AM for Keith, Keith remembers that his stomach is empty as he only had coffee for breakfast, so he decides to make a simple meal to give him some Rejuvenating energy, Keith Grabs two toasted bread and Grabs a Windsor butter knife which is a metal material that's main objective is to spread the condiments inside the toast, and it is also use for other different things, Keith proceeds to grab a ketchup condiment and butters the surface of the two toasted bread to add extra flavor, Keith proceeds to go through his fridge and finds the leftover sausages from yesterday, which would play a crucial role to the meal that's he's going to make, he proceeds to chop the sausages and continues to align the chopped sausages onto the surface of the toasted bread, he then proceeds consume the meal that he has created and goes to the kitchen sink he proceeds to open the faucet and Grabs a bar of soap, he proceeds to cleanse his grubby hand from the faucet that generates water, he Grabs a pair of towel and dries his hand, as he was cleaning his hand he avert his eyes onto the window trying to reassure that a specific Entity named "Stalking Entity" wasn't lurking by his window, "Stalking Entity" is Renowned to trap people's innocent souls, so the "Stalking Entity" could send these souls to the supreme omnipotent which is Aberrant Spiral, Keith was heavily breathing trying to remain his composure as he finds out that there was no Entity there, he proceeds to call for his sister so they could go to the masterclass institution.

Kaori: Ugh, I still hate you for what you did two hours ago! I can't wait to get my revenge on you once we go to school..

Keith: keep talking, there's no way you would do such a thing to hurt your big brother, you're too sentimental especially when you see me get hurt.


Keith: I'll buy you ice cream if you stop acting like this just for once.

Kaori: fine, you're lucky you bribed me with such a delicious bestow of a dessert!

Keith and Kaori heads to the masterclass institution where they proceed to go to their each individual classes, as the time went by Keith was assigned to deliver a stack of document papers to a secluded room, as Keith was trekking around the institution's premises he stumbled across a random student getting taunted by an absolute douchebag, he proceeds to place the stack of document papers to the secluded room, and he approaches the douchebag to confront him, Keith stares at the petrified student that was getting taunted then proceeds to avert his eyes towards the douchebag, The school douchebag's goes by the name of Greg, Greg is known to hurt other of his fellow classmates and is quite an insolent, he's the embodiment of a douchebag basically, Keith proceeds to stare at Greg in a revolted and abhor way, Greg felt quite intimidated by this action of his and proceeds to smite Keith into the stomach, Keith fell down on his knees with tears that generates from his two puny eyes and he commence to place his two hands onto his stomach trying to ease the pain as he's in a state of agony, as Greg is about to batter Keith badly, an unknown Force creates a barrier which targeted Greg, due to the strong force he was tranquilled to a state of a very long slumber, Keith was petrified and baffled he averts his eyes behind him and saw a figure standing, the figure looked like a human that had brown hair, and a formal outfit choice, Keith was still heavily in pain so all he could do is take small glimpse onto that white haired guy, The white haired guy introduces himself as Caliban, and Caliban is apparently a Senior student in this masterclass institution which would make sense as to why he seldom been seen onto this established vicinity.

Caliban: Are you alright, Random student.

Keith: who are you? And how did you do that?

Caliban whispers: It's too late for me to deceive you, well first and foremost I go by the name of Caliban, and I'm a Shapeshifting Entity that's ranked as a Special Entity in the Council and also I'm associated with the Ad infinitum World, a World where the entities existence was manifested by the Supreme Omnipotent Abberant Spiral, I piqued interest onto this World as I find it quite unique, and I assume you're one of those Entity theory bookworms that waste their times reading some tidings that may not be valid, although some of them are quite accurate.

Keith's eyes dilated and he slowly stands up, he tried to poke the Shapeshifting Entity that was in a form of a sentient being, and he proceeds to feel a slight sting as he does it, Keith tooked notice that Caliban also known as Shapeshifting Entity, has dark orbs that goes counter-clockwise, he realized that these black spheres is called the Royal Orb, which is known to garner immense power from the other existing Entities, The Royal Orb can be attain when the Supreme Omnipotent Aberrant Spiral cast it towards the special Entity, Keith was aware that this unknown Entity might be way more powerful than the "Enigmatic Entities" also known as "Brobdingnagian Deities", Keith commence to speculate that Caliban might be an "Astra Heel" Which is a high level rank that even Callous Entity had difficulty conquering, Keith proceeds to speculate that he might have been in the presence of such a powerful entity, he felt intimidated and felt like he's in trouble, Keith proceeds to run away deviating away from Caliban and the random victim that was taunted by the douchebag, Keith proceeds to run even further away from the established premises, and accidentally trips onto a small rock which made he fall down the hills of a forsaken forest, Keith felt like he had dreamed about this earlier and that he thinks he is having a deja vu, Keith's right leg was maimed due to the impact, Keith goes through his backpack that he had been wearing as he was handling with the stack of papers, Keith proceeds to find his pair of hoodie, and proceeds to grab his cold water bottle, he pours the cold water onto his injured leg and utilize the water bottle to apply some pressure onto his leg, he continues to wrap his hoodie around the injured leg so it could atleast stop the bleeding, Keith kept averting his eyes and finds out that he might be disoriented at the forsaken forest, he grabbed a random stick and utilize it as a cane, he kept walking further onto the forest until he stumbled across a river of water that has fish swimming around, he thought that maybe he could garner more of these fish to consume, and he Grabs his sharp wooden cane and tries to hunt the fishes, but to no avail he failed doing what he was doing, he proceeds to have a seat and inhaled the fresh air that lingers, he felt like it's useless to even try and that he should just stop propelling, until a random memory from hours ago evoked, he remembered that a random vulpine didn't give up on running to get away from the black bear, this became a determination to him and he proceeds to keep propelling, as he was walking he stumbled across a random chicken that was trekking around, he hurls the wooden cane onto the chicken, which led to the chicken's Unfortunate demise, he commence to gather up some small and big size sticks and piles them up into heaps, he remembers that using friction could formulate heat if you rubbed both of your hands as fast as you can, something must have clicked onto his mind as he proceeds to Grab a stick and places it in the middle of his palm, he proceeds to rub the stick as fast as he can and he successfully combusted the sticks, he proceeds to violently ripped the feathers of the chicken and other things, and he continues by piercing the chicken and cooks slowly rolls the chicken counter-clockwise so it could the other parts of it could get cooked, he proceeds to consume the meal after it was done cooking, It was almost night time so he begins to trek his way to try and find shelter, he stumbled across a very eerie looking house from the forsaken forest, he kept staring at it feeling quite skeptical if he should go in, although Keith was in a state of despair getting quite desperate to find shelter, so he could find his way back home tomorrow, As he heads onto the eerie shelter he stumbled across some spider webs which made him even more terrified, he proceeds to keep trekking around the Eerie shelter trying to make sure he eschews the rusty old nails and broken wooden floor planks that left a huge pit of hole, he kept walking onto this Eerie Shelter and as he was walking he came across a cauldron that was covered to the extent of dust, he felt even more baffled and scared as he thought that he may be under the Witch Entities domain, The Witch Entities were the first figures that was made to cause havoc towards the sentient humans, they're known to be centuries old and have caused the other existing existence trouble, for no apparent reason, due to that reason the Supreme Omnipotent Abberant Spiral Decided to condemn the Witch Entities into a "Mortem Punishment" which is basically the same as "Capital Punishment" although they have a very distinctive way of Punishing these Subconscious Witch Entities, which not only made the Witch Entities livid as they were getting executed but they couldn't physically do anything against it as it was Abberant Spiral's order, there's only a few multitude of existing Witch Entities and they're almost at the pinnacle of extincting, which is why they decided to low their guards down, these Witch Entities couldn't be described as they didn't have the concept of being a figure, they were just shadows that reflects onto things although the unique part with these shadows is that they have Witch hats, these Witch hats is where they gained their immeasurable power but it takes away their consent which is why they're not only called "Witch Entities" but "Subconcious Entities", Keith was quite fully aware of this revelation which ignited even more flames to his self-esteem, he felt that maybe he wouldn't be able to make it out alive now that he has stepped inside the dominion of one of the Witch Entities, Keith continues to walk around the eerie shelter and comes across a cauldron that is covered to the extent of dust, Keith knew that the Witch Entities might have been performing some sort of witch-craft potion, he hesitantly walks towards the dusty cauldron, and proceeds to look inside of the cauldron to find any some sort of liquid fluid to imbibe, as he wasted the water from his bottle, when he's leg was injured and had to cleanse his wound, The poignant stimulated in his mind and he regrets wasting the last source of water material he once had, he commence to put his entire head trying to look for any liquid, but to no avail it only had spider webs and also a Sapphire crystal, Keith felt baffled to this revelation of finding such material and he was trying to scrutinize as to what it was, and he's eyes dilated as wide as it can when he realized that it was not just a Sapphire Crystal but it was a rare souvenir from the Ad infinitum World that was contrived by Callous Entity himself, which would make this a Precious asset to attain, Keith without any hesitation deliberately grasped onto the Sapphire Crystal, although to no avail their was some sort of force barrier that was stopping him from attaining it, Everything went black in Keith's eyes as when he kept trying to attain the Sapphire Crystal a Shadow Cylinder captured him, Keith felt baffled as he was not aware of where this Shadow Cylinder came from, Keith was stucked in an endless loop and he thought to himself that maybe there is no possibility of him able to make it out alive, Keith slowly wides his eyes and saw a figure that had white hair and he then realized that he was at the presence of Caliban, Keith was in a state of awe and somewhat felt fortunate to be save by Caliban.

Caliban: It must be one of those Witch Entities, that applied the Shadow Cylinder trap, it was meant to capture one of the Pantheons from The Ad infinitum World, Although you were quite unfortunate enough to stumble across that trap. Keith felt grateful to not only be in the presence of the one that saved him, but it was a Special Entity that's an "Astra Heel" Rank, Keith didn't know how to accentuate his gratitude towards the succor that he has quo, although it didn't cease him from appreciating his help.

Keith: thank you, I didn't know what I was thinking.. the Crystal material made my mind stimulate greed, which is why I couldn't control myself from attaining such Souvenir, it felt like I was in a Subconcious manner.

Caliban: You don't have to incriminate yourself, that Sapphire Crystal had a spell which is to incentivized the opposing target to make them subconcious, also why are you even in this dominion anyways?

Keith felt a little startled to the fact that Caliban would actually care about his well being, he didn't expect an "Astra Heel" Entity to do such thing.

Keith: I was a bit disoriented after I accidentally stumbled across the forsaken forest, when I tried to run away from you, and honestly I absolutely regret doing it I didnt know you were this kind, Caliban, Keith thought's were just filled with a heaps of things as he wonders that maybe Caliban could guide him into the right path, Keith averting his eyes while taking some small glimpse of Caliban, Keith wanted to alleviate the tension and didn't want to make things between them awkward, Keith's peripheral vision catches a glimpse of something that was in his own wrist, Keith tried to wipe off the words that is engraved into his wrist, he realized that he might have to decipher it to able to fathom as to what the words were that's engraved in his wrist, Caliban tooked notice of the mark that was engraved in Keith's wrist, Caliban translates the words "الفن يقلد الحياة" and it says "Art imitates Life" which Caliban already knew what that meant, Keith felt worried and baffled as he has absolutely no idea as to what it means.

Caliban: The world we live in was built with an immeasurable amount of atoms, That all changed after Supreme Omnipotent Abberant Spiral, Divided the Sphere Atom into Different Divisions, Our world coexist with the other worlds that's existing, the mark that is engraved in your wrist is an elusive type of curse spell which would only be expunged if it was given to a doppelganger of yours, although you don't have to worry I have the "Reverse Card" once we go through the Mimesis World then we could find a way to surmount it, as the things that coexist also transpires the same way as it is currently, Keith was aware of this revelation as he read a specific book about this topic, he knew that the world that was made with atoms, and was split into smithereens by the Supreme Omnipotent Abberant Spiral, to formulate a multitude of existing Worlds, Caliban proceeds to summon an Aviator Orb, The Aviator Orb is known to be a compass that would indicate as where it's suppose to go, it is also tend to be utilize for the User to locate Entities and also to pinpoint the multitude of worlds that were in atoms, Keith was Dumbfounded, as he realized that this Aviator Orb would be assisting him on his journey, Keith kept touching it and was staring at it in an intruiged way, the Aviator Orb tooked notice and felt quite offended, The Aviator Orb proceeds to collision with Keith's head, Keith fell to the ground gaining a headache along the way, Keith also came to the point of realizing that this Sphere shape Aviator can actually sense a sentient beings actions or emotions, Keith kept staring at the Sphere shape Aviator and had a jargogled emotions, he didn't know how to react nor how to feel, as things just kept circulating way too quickly, Caliban approaches Keith and Grabs the palm of his hand which Keith then felt startled from this occurring gesture, Keith kept averting his eyes towards the Aviator Orb and Caliban, Keith took a slight notice of Caliban's charming smile as he approaches The Aviator Orb and fed the Aviator Orb with some delicious treats that is called "Bestow Lilliputian" which is a very renowned snack treat that's small but quite Rejuvenating, it says that these could only be attained if they went through The Capital of Ad infinitum, Before Keith was able to approach both of them, Keith felt something that made both of his legs to be either tranquilled or paralyzed, Keith fell onto the ground, which Caliban took notice of and proceeds to run as fast as he can towards Keith to see if he's alright, The Aviator Orb continues to follow Caliban as it awaits for it's order, Caliban looks behind the back side of Keith's legs and saw A "Miniscule Arrow", Caliban's eyes dilated widely and was baffled, what could cause this trajectory to be aimed at Keith? Caliban continues scrutinizing the wound to make sure that the Venom from the "Minuscule Arrow" does not take affect, Caliban knew that this might have came from the "Scavenger Minuscules", Although Caliban knew that these "Scavenger Minuscules" would tend to prey on vulpines or any other Mother nature's animals, so he felt Quite baffled as to why they would target a sentient being like Keith, as they seldom target these sentient beings, as these "Scavenger Minuscules" purpose is to eliminate the existing animals, so they could be utilize to formulate a souvenir, Caliban proceeds to summon a "Shadow Verge" to create a Sphere barrier to protect them from any further lurking threats that may transpire, Caliban sents The Aviator orb to pinpoint as to where these trajectories were transpiring, The Aviator Orb didn't hesitate on following the orders as the Aviator Orb wanders around the forsaken forest as it elevates, The Aviator Orb kept wandering around the forsaken forest and stumbled across a minority of people lurking by the forsaken forest, The Aviator Orb continues to observe and realized that these "individuals" didn't look like humans, instead they had a red complexion with dark pitched eyes, The Aviator Orb speculates that they must be sent by the "Surreptitious Cult", as these red beings looked like they were from "Generation Devils", "Generation Devils" is a renowned group of people that were unfortunate enough to be cursed by The "Callous Entity", and these "Generation Devils" people has wielded the power to control the "Scavenger Minuscules" and any other Entities that were basically weak, "Generation Devils" were basically sycophants that would follow the orders of "Callous Entity" just so it could boost up their power even more, The Aviator Orb commence to speculate that these people were trying to target Keith, although The Aviator Orb wasn't really sure as to what they needed from Keith to the extent of them doing such thing, The Aviator Orb had the urge to retaliate although The Aviator Orb needs to keep his guard down as The Aviator Orb was assigned to detect if there was any threats lurking by, The Aviator Orb elevates back to the "Shadow Verge" to spread the tidings and proceeds to enter inside of the "Shadow Verge, Caliban and Keith were waiting for The Aviator Orb, After the Aviator Orb arrives, The Aviator went straight towards Caliban and murmurs the words "تم الكشف عن الأعداء", Keith eavesdrop onto the Conversation and was quite perplexed as to what The Aviator Orb was trying to say, Caliban slightly looks towards Keith with a slight hint of smile and concern, Caliban translates the words so that Keith could understand what it meant.

Caliban: The Aviator Orb was basically telling me that the "Enemies were detected", we should really get going before they discovered this "Shadow Verge" they might summon the "Mutant Eldritch", Keith was in a state of awe due to this revelation, if he could somewhat recall the "Mutant Eldritch" was a forbidden entity, it was said that this "Mutant Eldritch" was casted into the "Shadow Cylinder" to keep it away from the other existing Entities, The "Mutant Eldritch" feeds off the entities and eliminates them in a violent way, It was said that this specific "Mutant Eldritch" went against the presence of the "Enigmatic Entities" also known as "Brobdingnagian Deities", this "Mutant Eldritch" caused trouble in the "The Council realm of Ad infinitum", "The Council Realm of Ad infinitum" is a renowned court that the "Brobdingnagian Deities" would operate to judge of which fate the entities would receive, it was also known to be the first established Council by the "Brobdingnagian Deities", "The Council Realm of Ad infinitum" has some sort of special spell that disables the existing power that the entities would have, although "Mutant Eldritch" defys that concept as he's immense power called "Forbidden force" is quite immeasurable, Keith realized that they need to get out of the forsaken forest or else they might be the next victim of the "Generation Devils", Caliban proceeds to Expunged the "Shadow Verge", Caliban casted a spell called "Elevation Barrier" towards Kieth which would make Kieth defy the concept of gravity, in other words he can basically walk in thin air without falling down, Kieth Proceeds to slowly walk in thin air as he thought that maybe if he wasn't careful enough the "Elevation Barrier" would cut short and would end in his demise, although Caliban tooked notice of this actions of his and proceeds to comfort Kieth reassuring that there is nothing to be afraid about, well except for the "Generation Devils" that's trying to target Kieth down with no apparent reason, or maybe there is a reason although they aren't both sure if that's the case, The Aviator Orb guides them to the exit pathway of the forsaken forest, until a group of minority "Generation Devils" Gathered around blocking their only way of exiting, The "Generation Devils" had a slight hint of depraved smirk trying to intimidate the three of them, Kieth's legs were still heavily injured and weakened from the "Minuscule Arrow", Caliban took a slight notice of this and uses the "Reverse Card" to transmit it to one of the "Generation Devils", One of the them felt startled and begins to feel the affect taking in, as the Venom slowly goes through that person's Bloodstream, the lethal Venom instantly eliminated his longevity which led to his death, The other remaining "Generation Devils" felt intimidated and they proceed to summon the "Mutant Eldritch", The "Mutant Eldritch" had quite a distinctive features, it's appearance seems to be screaming bloodshed, it's covered in chains and it's build seems to be firm and made out of crystals, it's eyes had horns sticking out if it, and it sent chills down to Kieth's spine, Caliban stands in a position and summons an Entity called "Mutant Astray" which is renowned to be doppelganger of "Mutant Eldritch" they were supposedly both the same, until they were split to formulate two of them, although they have a very distinctive demeanor, they manage to maintain such characteristics that makes them stand out from all of the low rank Entities, The "Mutant Eldritch" had a tumultuous screech as it saw it's counterpart, Keith's mind somewhat clicked With the memories he had from the evocative nightmare yesterday, he commence to feel a deja vu feeling due to this revelation as he realized that the unknown tumultuous screech that lingers in his dream had the same resemblance as with his dream, Kieth fell down to his knees feeling weak and sick he doesn't know what to do about this fact, Caliban approaches Keith proximity so he could protect him, Keith hold tight onto Caliban's waist feeling petrified and feeling relieved that Caliban would be protecting him, "Caliban proceeds to order the "Mutant Astray" to launch an attack called "Crystal Trajectories", which "Mutant Astray complied and utilize it's attacks, The "Mutant Eldritch" tries to parry the Trajectories but got hitted by one of those in it's body, "Mutant Eldritch" became quite livid to the extent of tackling "Mutant Astray", absolutely losing it's control due to "Mutant Eldritch's" angry slowly eating his mind up, "Mutant Astray" uses this as an advantage and grasped onto the grappling "Mutant Eldritch's" head onto the ground, which "Mutant Eldritch" got caught on and went unconcious for a couple of seconds until getting up and looking way livid than before, The Minority of the "Generation Devils" proceeds to summon "Scavenger Minuscules" to assist "Mutant Eldritch", Caliban proceeds to hex a special spell called "Mutant Evolution" which modified "Mutant Astray" to the extent of it being quite gigantic amassing Sixty feet tall of height, The "Mutant Eldritch" on the other hand is thirty feet tall of height, The "Mutant Astray" proceeds to utilize it's new power aspects and grasped onto a tree which he proceeded to hurl towards "Mutant Eldritch" which "Mutant Eldritch" proceeds to dodge and parry, "Mutant Eldritch" proceeds to charge at "Mutant Astray" Grappling "Mutant Astray","Mutant Eldritch" kept fighting back while the "Scavenger Minuscules" tries to assist "Mutant Eldritch", Out of spite "Mutant Astray" utilize a move called "Absorb Ton" which Absorbed all of the existing "Scavenger Minuscules" and utilizing the powers that those "Scavenger Minuscules" which is "Venom transmission", "Mutant Astray" seems to be quite captivated going against it's enemy that "Mutant Astray" completely disobey the attack orders from Caliban, Caliban knew that if this kept on going that the forsaken forest would be absolutely obliterated into Smithereens, "Mutant Astray" proceeds to pick up "Mutant Eldritch" and proceeds to to throw him towards the "Generation Devils", which led to them absolutely being crushed to death, "Mutant Astray" finishes the brawl as he smite the ground which led to a massive earthquake, the ground starts to cracks open and it engraved a massive creak, and this massive creak exudes some sort of toxic gas that kept growing more and more further to the extent of it forming a toxic gas cloud, Keith and Caliban realized that "Mutant Astray" might have just opened the domain of the wasteland, Caliban knew that it would be too lethal for him to try and patch the unconcealed cracks with a basic level spell, so he proceeds to utilize a technique by summoning a technique called "Fragile webs", The "Fragile webs" is a spell that intacts any sort of open area and anything that exudes or lurks inside of that open area would be absorbed by the "Fragile webs" although it may be quite Fragile, but it's a vital asset that any distinguished Entities have adapt, it has also have been utilized as a decoration from the occuring occasional event in the Mimesis World, Keith has heard tales about this specific cast spell he seemed to be quite intruiged of the use of this spell and has also heard that it was the string that Supreme Omnipotent Abberant Spiral used to split the constituent Sphere atom to form a multitude of existing Worlds, as caliban commence to summon this type of spell, somehow the intacted "Fragile webs" were proceeded to be destroyed and the tension turns into zero as the ground begins to be torn apart.