

"he hurt you, rooki." "yeah, but he's a keeper." no matter what he did, no matter how much he hurt him, he still loved him. he couldn't let him go, so he kept running back. now he can't get away. unless he did something that he can't take back.

jkguapo · Hiện thực
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6 Chs


/I told myself every day that nothing could stop you from loving me. i reminded myself about what you said that night on the sidewalk. how you'll always love me. I reminded myself even on our darkest days.../

There was stuff everywhere, broken glass and torn up paper. rooki crying on the sofa while wara yells.

"So what i came home late? what's it to you how long i stay out? Huh?! What, you don't trust me? you think im out fuckin' some other guy?" wara stood in the middle of the living room watching rooki shake his head and wiping his tears.

"No wara, i don't want to think that. but what am i supposed to do when you're out til five o'clock in the morning?! you tell me to stay home because you'll only be out for an hour or so. but then what? you stay out til the crack of dawn leaving me worried about you!" rooki exclaims, voice cracking from the sobs.

wara shook his head and snickered, "all you do is worry worry worry. you never get off my back, it's always "tell me this", "tell me that." can't you just chill the hell out? no wonder everyone treated you like shit in the past, you do nothing but pester them!"

"Fuck you wara!" Tears fell down rooki's face, remembering every relationship where he's been cheated on and lied to. a glass flew past him and shattered into the wall, rooki gasped. "Fuck you too! im leaving." wara huffed and muttered on his way out the door, leaving rooki in the trashed and broken home.


/ You know wara, even when it got down to this, i still cleaned up your mess and wiped my tears away knowing you told me you'd never stop loving me. why would you lie about that? I told myself, "Maybe i should be less tense about him being out so long, he's allowed to be out with other people sometimes." because i never wanted to upset you, so i apologized. and you would forgive me every time. /

wara didn't return til the evening of that day, and he called out for rooki who was laying in bed, trying to sleep to take his mind off of everything. "rooki? are you awake?" he whispered when he found rooki wrapped up in their bed. The older rolled over, eyes puffy from crying so hard. wara smiled softly, "hey baby. come here." he opened his arms to rooki. he sat up and threw his arms around wara holding him tightly, one final tear streaming down his red cheeks.

"im sorry, wara. i know i can be suffocating sometimes, i just worry about you. i won't do it anymore." rooki sniffed. wara rubbed the back of his head to comfort him.

"it's okay, i shouldn't have said those things. you probably hate me now." wara sighed, rooki looked at him tears in both of their eyes. "i don't hate you! i never meant for it to seem that way, i just-" wara interrupted him, "it's okay. don't worry about it." he got up on the bed and guided yoongi to lay with him. rooki couldn't help but feel bad, he didn't mean to sound so harsh before. after a while they both fell asleep in each other's arms, like nothing ever happened.

/ there's a lot i didn't realize back then, all because you meant the world to me and i'd go through anything to keep you. i was blinded by my love for you. i felt bad for things that maybe i shouldn't have. but did you ever feel bad, wara? did you worry about how upset i may have gotten when we fought? or was i really the problem all along? /