
The Rescue Mission

[From Ken's Perspective]

As Ken walks through the door, as expected the door slams shut behind him. Before him was a man that seemed to be in a storage facility filled with boxes. This man was really strange, he was tall but yet lean. His facial expressions seemed as if he just didn't care about anything and he was calm.

"Whoever you are, could you go back to where you came from…the thing is, I don't like fighting so I try as much as possible to avoid fighting…you see, my rule is if I don't have to fight I won't but if I don't have a choice, I will," said the man.

"May I ask of your name?" asked Ken.

"That won't be necessary…just call me Trace," said the man.

They both stood there for a while looking at each other in silence awkwardly. Ken asks, "So are we going to fight or not," then the expression of Trace changed.

"Do you want to do this?" Trace asked.

"I have to defeat you so that I can save my friend's sister," Ken responded.

Suddenly, Ken charges towards him but still Trace stood there as if nothing was happening. Ken shortened the distance between them in a flash, he holds his fist up getting ready to deliver a punch then he shouts out, "Force punch," Suddenly, it seemed as if Ken's attack was stopped without even touching Trace.

"Wait!... Is this a force field?... it's like there is an invincible wall," said Ken.

"It is a glass barrier that can reflect attacks," said Trace.

Ken tries to attack again but it produced the same results. "You are just wasting your time….it's impenetrable," said Trace. Ken takes a couple of steps back to analyze the situation but at that very moment, Trace launches mini barriers in the shape of squares straight at Ken. Ken notices the barriers approaching him then he stretches his arm, makes a fist then he throws his fist shouting, "Mist punch," which is the first special technique he learnt.

After Ken's attack, Trace's facial expression changed. From his expression, he was amazed since Ken's attack was something that he has never seen before. But just as Ken launches his attack, surprisingly his attack was nullified by the mini barriers.

"Wait…But how?... That was my strongest technique so far and he stopped it," Ken whispered to himself.

"Yeah…I almost forgot…My barriers also absorb the zen from attacks, leaving the attack non-effective," said Trace.

After Trace's explanation, Ken began to think long and hard about his options to defeat Trace. Suddenly, something came to mind,

"Wait!...usually when something absorbs too much of a thing, it may lead to some sort of overload," Ken whispered to himself.

Ken knew that this idea of his was really risky and could backfire easily but he did not lose faith. Ken took a huge leap backwards and charged towards Trace then he jumps into the air, preparing to lunch another mist punch,

"You still don't get, don't you," said Trace.

But then, this time instead of a single attack of his mist punch, he delivers multiple attacks. One by one, he delivered a sequence of punches but with several of them stopped by Trace.

"Why do you continue to attack with the same technique?" asked Trace. Suddenly, they both heard a cracking sound.

"This can't be…I guess you figured it out… at this stage, my ability to store zen energy is not that effective with opponents that possess huge amounts of zen force,"

With that, the barrier began to crack like a piece of glass shattering. Still attacking, Ken noticed that his zen energy is draining at a high pace so he decided to put in more energy to the next punch. He prepares his fist and shouts out, "Mist punch," but this time it felt different. This attack had determination and malice behind that attack and Trace felt it.

Ken's attack this time shattered the barrier and also had direct contact with Trace, throwing him across the room and hitting the wall. Trace was knocked out cold or one could say unconscious on the floor and it was clear that Ken was the victor of this fight. Ken looks around the storage room and finds a door which he opened and walked through leading to a long hallway.


After Connor and Ethan defeated their opponents, they both found a door at the end of their rooms to exit. They both opened their doors and walked through then they noticed that the doors lead to a long hallway with multiple doors with a huge door at the end of this hallway.

[In the hallway]

Coincidentally, all three friends come out from different doors leading to the same hallway. After seeing themselves, there was a sense of relief, that they were all alive.

"Wow! I really did not think that you would have made it, Ethan," said Connor in a condescending way.

"That's really funny…..its sure nice to see that you are acting like you usual self," said Ethan sarcastically.

"Nice katana thou…where did you get it from?" asked Connor.

"Thanks…it was a gift from my opponent," Ethan responded.

"Hey Ken!...You look like you have been through a lot and drained of some zen," said Connor.

"Yeah!...I lost a little zen energy during my fight but that's nothing to worry about," said Ken with a smile across his face. They notice the huge door at the end of the hallway.

"Alright guys!...I know we have been through a lot with our fights but then at this moment our target is Pyro…Through those huge doors we can already sense his zen force which shows how tough he is going to be…now, let's go and defeat him and rescue Connor's sister," said Ken in an inspirational and uplifting way.

With that, they head off towards the door. On their way, Ethan asks, "Ken are you sure you are alright?" then Ken replied, "Don't worry I am alright," Within a short period, they were right in front of the door then they took a deep breath and opened the door. Before them, was a huge room that resembled an office and standing in the middle of the room was Pyro, a six-foot-seven thick tall man.

"Welcome gentlemen, I have been waiting for you…I was surprised with you three defeating my best soldiers which I have to say was entertaining…I guess now I have to take care of everything myself…and also if you are looking for Connor's sister, she is here actually…,"

Then Pyro walks towards the wall on his left then pulled a weird object, surprisingly a trap door opened and in this door was a jail cell with Connor's sister locked up with her hands chained.

"Rachel!!!..are you alright?.....don't worry I am here to save you," shouted Conner.

"Don't make promises that you can't keep, Connor…..I am also intrigued with your friends and their unique abilities," said Pyro.

Then in a rage, Connor uses his ice abilities to form a Bo staff which is something we have not seen him use before then he jumps into the air getting ready to release a new attack.