
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Pay back

Somewhere in a restricted residential area or rich people. 

It was past 1 am at midnight so the streets were almost empty. The cold wind was blowing through the trees.

The security guard was smoking a red-looking cigarette when his eyes caught a sudden movement on his left. He turned on his flashlight and pointed in that direction but there was nothing but a cat.

"Eh… Looks like I'm getting scared over a cat these days. I'm finally getting old." 

The security guard again leaned back in his chair and started singing an old song to pass his time. Little did he know that Ray who was using incivility skills was looking straight into his eyes from very close. 

  'Looks like smoke can't wear off my invisibility. I need to level this up as fast as I can.'

He looked at the paper he was carrying and looked above at the building top. It was an apartment complex where his classmate Rokang lived. 

  'I am coming to get you, my beautiful money.'

After his level-up, his every skill became more effective and powerful. For that, he was able to move so fast and jump from this building to that solely relying on his KP and skills. He became invisible after one increase in his level. But from his calculation, he was still weak to fight a C-class aura user in hand-to-hand combat. 

What he needed was experience in fighting with the same or higher level than him. It was essential for him to bury the Tank under his feet.

   'That punk lives on the 13th-floor apartment no 1303D. I think it's best to use the stairs and then the window.'

He threw a pebble at the door which made the security guard alert. The poor man walked inside the building to check what was going on and Ray just took the golden chance to see the code number and went in without any issue.

   'Even though I am jacked with energy, I still hate the idea of climbing 13 floors on foot.'

He bent his knee in the gap between the round staircase and jumped so high using his assassin's skills. He reached the 5th floor in one jump and continued to do it 3 more times to reach his destination in just 10 seconds.

He reached the 13th floor.

The hallway was shining with light so Ray found his apartment pretty quickly and used shadow steps to get inside his apartment.

   'This is more luxurious than I thought. I knew he was a rich brat who loves to snatch money from others but I didn't think his family would be this rich. 

He's provided with everything from a young age and still, he acts like that. 

What a spoiled brat…

He walked inside Rokang's room and saw he was asleep in front of his computer. Ray looked at the screen and saw he was online gambling. So he thought, 'Gambling at this age? I am also a pretty good gambler but I'd never recommend a child to play this.'

'Now, how do I perform the organ harvesting?'

A red screen appeared in front of him. 

[The host must fix his broken bones first to perform an organ harvesting process.]

[The host has 17,000 KP left. 

Active skill Regeneration(S) will cost 5,000 KP.

Active skill Organ Harvesting(S) will cost 5,000 KP ]

[The host will have 7,000 KP left until the next KP reset.]

   'Okay then, use Regeneration skill.'

[Active Skills: Regeneration(S) has taken its effects. All injuries will be healed in 3..2..1… Regeneration succeeded. Now the host can use other (S) class skills.]

   'I need to know how long it's going to take to harvest an organ, and how am I supposed to store it? My dumb @** forgot to bring an ice box to carry organs.'

[The host can store human 'body parts' inside his inventory forever and it will stay fresh as newly harvested. The harvesting process will take only 5 minutes. So the host can only use the skill four times a day. ]

   'That is more than enough. Now use that skill on this punk's half of his liver. But, I still can't understand how my hands are supposed to work that fast. Or something magical would happen if I use the skill?

He took a deep breath and said, "Use organs harvest(S) on the target."

[Command accepted. The host will go through motion sickness because of using the skill for the first time. Please take a seat after the harvest is over.]

Suddenly, his body started to act on its own. A golden thread came out of his hands along with other golden magical surgical equipment. A huge amount of knowledge went inside his brain and he immediately knew what was going on. So he proceeded with the operation while the target was still sleeping on the chair. 

  'You won't feel anything so don't worry. After gaining this information, I am sure I can even fix a separated hand. This mere organ is nothing but a play for me.'

His hands went inside his back as if it was butter. Rokang couldn't feel anything because of the effect and he kept sleeping throughout the entire time. On the other hand, Ray targeted his left kidney and plugged it out like he was plugging fruit off a tree. 

The warm kidney was on his hand. 

   'A familiar smell.'

[Congratulations on harvesting your first organ. You've levelled up for using two (S) class skills at a time.]

[All your stats will be increased] 

[Current physical stats of the host: 

Name: Ray Li.

Age: 13.(M)

Level: 3

ST: 3

HP: 6

DF: 3


IQ: 6

KP: 20,000]

Without waiting for a second, he immediately put the organ inside his inventory and looked at Rokang's back. There was no sign of any cuts or scratches.

   I'm still surprised to see I can use this kind of skill. It would normally take hours to complete this kind of surgery but with the new skill of mine, it took only 5 minutes.

'Should I start my own business?'

Ray walked closer to the window and opened it. The breeze went inside the room and blew the curtains. Rokang noticed the sudden change of air in his sleep so he woke up and saw a figure sitting at the window.

He became frightened so he screamed a little but when he blinked, it was gone. 

"Huh? What was that??" 

A sharp pain went all over his back and he quickly ran into the bathroom. He was feeling sick.

   'I will sell your pretty organ in the black market for a high price. For now, I'll just go back to my house. I got my money back.'

He jumped off the window with his invisibility skill and landed on the next one. Because of his sudden increase, his skills became stronger, so jumping around like a real aura user became easier. 

'I feel like I'm floating around. I am feeling happy after a very long time.'

Back to his home…


[Warning! The host's right arm is fractured by a powerful blow. Please use Regeneration(S) skill to heal the bones]

"No, let my passive skill heal it slowly. I still can't walk around showing that my hand healed on its own overnight. This will create a huge gossip. I need to keep this wound for at least another week or two. Then I can open the bandages."

The system went off after hearing his opinion.

   'Ha…. Finally a peaceful time. Let's see what will happen inside the house tomorrow. I can't wait to see the younger's reaction.'

He went to bed after taking a warm shower.

The next day…

'What is this deja vu…'

Ray opened his eyes and saw the young child of the house staring at him with teary eyes. 

  'So this was the deja vu feeling I was getting in my sleep. Why is he here this early morning?'

"Ray… it was you who kicked mommy out of the house." The young boy said.

"Oi, is this how you address your big brother?" Ray asked.

"Who cares! You're not even an aura user. I can turn you into an ice cube if I want to right now."

    'Is all the young kids from the hero's family this stupid?'

"Shin Li, come here right now."

An unknown woman entered the room and again said, "That damn sister of mine has messed with her young son's head at this young age. What was she even thinking!"

Ray looked at her face and some old memories came into his head. It was Ray's aunt from his mother's side, Aunt Bella. The kindest and the hero who claimed up to the top ten in just 2 years after joining the hero association. 

    'This is the only hero that I found pure and kind. In my eyes, she's the perfect example of how a hero should be. And in this life, she's my aunt. What a stroke of luck!'

'But still, candles have shadow underneath.'

She looked at Ray and asked, "I heard Ena broke your shoulder yesterday. Also, you are injured. Let me examine your body."

She took a seat beside Ray and took his hand to perform healing magic. A green wave of light entered his body and she said, "You still don't have any mana but your body has gotten really strong. Do you work out a lot?"

   'So she can't detect my dark mana. As expected of the dark realm mother. Even an S-class healer can't detect any powers in my body. 

Ray nodded his head and said, "Are you going to heal me?"

"Yes. Your hand is badly injured. I am surprised that you're not screaming. This degree of injury can make a person faint for days."

    Well, if you spend millions of years in hell, this type of pain becomes a paper cut. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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