
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Her death

The sun came up pretty quickly after he fell asleep at 3 am. His exhaustion was all healed because of his skills but mentally, he was still exhausted.

He took his phone and left the room. His grandmother was still asleep.

'That's good then, I can check on her and probably let her go. I am way too busy to deal with her right now. I have to level up as soon as possible. 

He went inside her room and dragged the heavy furniture in front of the secret cabin door. The room was already filthy but her sweat and pee made it dirtier. 

"Ugh… did you shit yourself here?" Ray asked her but she didn't reply to his words. She was half asleep.

"Oi, can you hear me?"

Then he saw that she was mumbling something. 'Let me go..let me go…'

"I will let you go. But there's a condition. Cut ties with your boss and work for me. Or else, die."

She looked into his eyes and said, "You're a monster. There's…no way I will work…for you. Go to the place where you came from…go away!!"

He grinned upon hearing her answer and said, "Well said. Now. Go and have a fine chat with your fellow hell buddies. I guess we will see each other soon."

[Active Skill : Hell's Authorization has been activated.]

[Brach skill: Puppet Thread has applied on the target's body.]

In just a matter of seconds, her head falls from her head. The golden thread sliced her head like butter. 

"Tsk… I forgot that I didn't buy any bleach to clean these blood stains. Now, what am I going to do? This will start to smell after a few hours."

[A soul point has been collected due to Hell's Authorization skill. The host has levelled up.]

[Skill duration: 15 minutes/5000 KP]

'Soul point?' He mumbled and glared at the red floating screen in front of him. He asked, "What's a soul point?"

[Soul point is the fuel to the host's levelling up. The more soul Host collects, the more he will level up as well as his skills.]

[Soul point can be also used as the currency to hell door. The more soul point you possess, the higher hell gate you can enter]

[Host can also use Soul points to participate in the Babilous Game]

'That escalated really quickly. I need to ask the system one by one now. Or my head will buffer the whole day.'

"Ahem, tell me about the hell gates first."

[The host is an underworld civilian. So, he also has the authority to enter hell as a hell watcher. The more Soul point the host has, the higher gate he can enter.]

"So hell watchers are people from the underworld just like humans from earth."


"Okay, then. Now, what is Babilous game?"

[Babilous game, also known as the solo game is a game that is participated by underworld demons every year. It's a game where the winner gets to become the administrator of hell floors and other dungeons in different dimensions.]

"So that means Lucifer also claimed his position by participating in the Babilious game."


"Which means, I also can participate in the game and eat and break his bones?"

"Haha…hahahaha…this is so interesting!!!"

He looked at the headless body and started to clean it. The blood was all over the small cabin so they weren't leaking out. At that moment, he sensed his grandmother waking up.

"Tsk… looks like I'll have to do this after school. I need to cook now."

Since the inventory he achieved from the system doesn't accept a whole human body, he couldn't get her inside to hide. Moreover, his weak old grandmother was searching all over the house for him so he had to leave the body inside the cabin and lock the door. 

"Grandma, you wake up pretty soon. Did you get a nice sleep?"

She put a bright smile on her face and said, "Aha.. Isn't it my lovely grandson Ray? You are also awake pretty early. It's only 7 am."

She put her walking cane beside the table and took a seat to drink her morning medicines. "It's been only 3 days since you came here. And you're already taking care of the house. I wonder when the housekeeper is going to come back. I feel bad that you have to do all the house courses right after you come here. Hah, looks like I need to hire a new housekeeper."

Ray started to chop tomatoes to make a salad and then broke two eggs to make his favourite dish. He heard the old lady talking about a new housekeeper and said, "Grandma, what about that lady?"

"Oh, she worked here for more than 10 years. I guess it's time to change her since you came here. I'll talk with my daughter about this."

Ray served her breakfast on the table and both of them started to eat. The warm creamy eggs melted into her mouth so she said, "Ray is a great cook. It reminds me of your grandfather who also used to cook eggs just like this. You must be his reincarnated soul who came here to take care of me at my death's door."

"Grandma, what are you even talking about? You're not going to die soon so don't worry. You're not even 70."

"Hohoho… I wonder about that."

   'Why does she talk about that old fart in front of me when she tastes my food? I learned to cook on my own with the help of the internet. It's not like I practised for years, I'm just a genius who learns everything quickly without any flaws.' 

He packed his books and egg fried rice for school lunch and left home after talking with his elder neighbour. They were the ones who took care of her when Ray was in school. 

At school at nearly 9 am.

Ray took his seat and put his head on the desk to rest. He didn't get enough sleep so he wasn't feeling good.

He turned on his phone and saw the CCTV footage of the secret cabin inside the house to look after the body.

In case someone enters the house to look for her, he prepared a trap that would cause an explosion to erase the dead body inside it. 

He knew there wasn't anyone who'd check the house but the possibilities were never zero. 

"Hey, what are you watching on your phone?" The boy in front of his desk asked him. He looked at his phone and saw he was seeing a live stream of something. So he again asked, "Is this something popular these days? What's the topic about?"

Ray raised his head to look at him and then, the boy in front of him noticed something. He touched a hair on Ray's head and found something slippery. 

It was blood. 

"Ray, what is this? Is this blood?" 

Ray looked at his hand and saw a small blood stain on his fingers. He made sure not to leave any blood on his body while killing her but he forgot to check his hair. 

Fortunately, there wasn't any blood stain left so he said, "Oh, I was busy preparing chicken today. Looks like it made its way on my hair."

"Eww!!! Chicken blood!! Ugh!! I need to go to the washroom now."

He ran out of the room and then, the homeroom teacher entered the room. He was the student running out of the room saying that it was chicken blood, but he knew what kind of blood it was better than anyone just by smelling it. 

It was human blood. 

He then listened to someone talking that Ray chopped a chicken today and he got some blood on his hair. The teacher's eyes became frozen because of what he just heard. He was lost in deep thought. 

He gazed at Ray but he was looking elsewhere outside. Then he remembered that he said 'maybe I have aura, or not, who knows?' 

But this time, he became sure that he had an aura and a terrifying one.

   'Why is he looking at me like that? Did he notice something? He might be a teacher, but he's still an aura user that uses wind as his main attribute. I also met his son yesterday who also uses wind attribute. But he isn't a hero, not a villain. So does his father who works as a teacher in this school. I don't have any intention of harming them but if they cross the line, I'm afraid that I might have to bury them alive.'

Ray then looked at his teacher and Kangsu was startled a little bit. He was staring at him but he didn't expect Ray to turn in gaze at him like a predator. 

He was a child. But his way of speaking, thinking and intentions were never like his age. He was a sleeping lion who was hiding his claws. 

He was a villain without being a villain from the very beginning.