
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

A new feature

That day, Adam Li followed Ray everywhere no matter where he went. From the arcade to a bookstore, old candy shops and so much more that the clock turned 10 PM. 

Ray was still walking with his father guarding him from behind. 

      Is he having fun following me? I'm dying here looking for old books all over the city and this punk is having fun. I guess I have to go home now. It's already 10:20.

Ray changed his path and started to walk towards his home quietly. His father was still following him without speaking or showing any sign of disturbance.

     I collected 7 books from old shops. Luckily, 5 of them are French so I won't have any problem reading them in front of anyone. I heard from the old bookstore that they are the one and only copies and they don't have any internet books. So father must be super curious but I'm not an idiot. 

I will just burn those books after I'm done reading. Since I can't keep them somewhere even though it's super safe. 

[The host has access to his inventory.]

[The host needs to say 'open inventory' to activate the feature given by the system itself.]

[ Current area capacity: 7m³.]

Ray glared at the red screen that popped in front of him in surprise. He knew what an inventory is called but it was hard for him to believe it.

'Inventory? You mean those dimension pockets a game character has? I got one too?'

[The host can also store food and it will stay the same.]


The host can't store any living or dead human body. 

The host can't store liquids without putting them into a safe jar or bottle. 

The host can't get inside the inventory. ]

'I don't care about the restrictions because I would never have done those even if the system didn't put any restrictions. But the fact that I can use a game-like feature in real life is pretty exciting. I can't wait to try them.'

Suddenly, his father said, "Ray, how about going to a private school in Seoul? I can visit you from time to time."

Ray kept walking forward without looking back and said, "I miss grandma. I want to live with her." 

"You're turning 14 this month, how about throwing a party then? You might change your decision after that."

      He's trying his best to stop me from going but I can never stay in that house and continue my mission. 

"Just give me that money instead of throwing a party," Ray replied. 

At that time, they reached the main gate of the house and when they entered the house, the mistress of the house was sitting on the sofa, waiting for both of them. 

She was vexed. 

"Where have you been, Ray? You missed the curfew." 

But Ray, who didn't have any emotions to express, answered her question pretty quickly. "Since when did you start to think about me and my daily routine?" 

Ray walked past her but she, who was on the verge of going berserk, grabbed his hand with aura and unfortunately, it broke. 

Adam Li was shocked to see her actions towards her aura-less son who went through a traumatic incident this morning. 

"You pathetic piece of shit!! Do you know how my baby was asking for his father since this morning?!! And you dare to walk around him casually all over the city!!! I will show you what real punishment is called …"


[Warning!!! The host has reached a critical health condition.]

Adam Li, who was too shocked to see his son's arm dislocated from his shoulder, ran quickly and kicked Ena away from him. He was more traumatised to see his son keeping his face straight while his hand was displaced from his shoulder. He stood there like a doll who had no feelings on his body or whatsoever.

"R..Ray.. are you okay.. l..let's go to the hospital and treat your arm."

Ray, who went through hellish punishment for millions of years, made his heart and mind so strong that his broken arm's pain didn't cause him any irritation.

He was alright. 

That time, Ena stood up and said, "How can you think about that lowly creature over our precious son! Can't you see his face? Why do you have to think about him when you have my baby!!! Aaahhhh!!!!"

Adam Li who also reached his limit kneed in front of Ray and held his broken arm. "Son, let's go to your grandma's house. You miss her, don't you?"

[Congratulations on levelling up.]

[For experiencing pain that a normal human can't endure.]

[Current level: 2.]

  I suddenly feel like my body has gotten a little stronger. My senses also became sharp and the healing process also increased. At this rate, it will take only a week to recover. 

He grabbed his right arm and quickly bent it in the opposite direction. His father was so shocked that he tried to stop him but when he saw he put his arm back in the right place on his own, he was out of words.

"I can finally feel my hand now. Anyway, I am going back to my room."

Ena started to scream at Adam but this time, Adam's expression changed. A cold wave of aura began to rush outside from his body and made his surroundings frozen. Ena became terrified because it was the first time Adam was acting like that. 

"Ena, you crossed the boundary."

"W..what are you talking about? All I did was to teach him a little lesson. If he was an aura user, his arm wouldn't break, right?" 

"Ena, I am sending him to my mother's house. And you, you are going back to your house for 6 months. I am complaining to your father about today's incident. You crossed the line even after I warned you."

Her face became pale after hearing about her father. Then she said, "You, you're joking right? You're sending me back to that house just because I didn't give birth to a good aura user."

Adam threw an ice spear that flew so close to her head and smashed the picture frame on the wall. "No, you're mistaken about something. I never blamed you for giving birth to those two. I am disappointed because you don't see them as your son or a normal human. To you, Aura is more important than a family. That's why you're going back to your house for 6 months."

"No.. you .. you can't do this to me!! Noo!!! Aaaaahhh!!!"

Adam walked away leaving her crying on her knees. At that time, Adam called his father-in-law about the situation of the house and how his aura-less sons were being treated by his prideful daughter. 

The father-in-law was so shocked and furious that he came over to the house on his own right after 10 minutes and dragged her back to his home by her hair. 

She began to beg by licking his father's shoes but her father didn't care about that. That night, Ena was back inside her father's home and put into the discipline room. 

Ray's POV: 

'The commission seems to be over outside. I locked the door and now I can finally test the inventory of my system.'

"Open Inventory."

A blank red screen popped in front of him with empty row numbers. A small cube-looking thing was displayed so he thought, 'This might be the Inventory that my system talked about. But how should I put objects into this?'

"It says that it has space big enough to fit a small room's furniture. 7 meter cube area is big enough to carry 4-5 human bodies but it's not allowed inside. So I can fit the same amount of things inside. If that's true, this feature will be really convenient."

He took a book that he bought and held it closer to the screen and then, it turned into glowing pixels. The pixels went inside the screen and the first empty row showed the information about the book. 

[Item has been successfully stored inside the inventory.]

[Item name:The history of the goddess of war.

Item type : Book. (Normal)

Item manual instruction : Normal book to read.]

Ray's eyes were full of excitement. So he again pulled the book in and out and after continuing this for a minute, he opened his drawer and took out the old laptop junk inside it. 

"These things might look super useless but to me, they are treasures. And I need to secure as much as I can from this house." 

He suddenly realised something and an unsettling smile appeared on his face. 'Well, I will have no problem carrying all my guns and money with me all the time. Looks like I have to visit my hideout soon.'


Ray looked at the clock and saw it was nearly 1 am. His sharp instinct guaranteed him that everyone in the house was alseep. So he took a small knife inside his pocket and wore a black mask on his face along with a full black outfit. 

He opened the window and said, "System. Turn on Dark assassin(F) with 300 KP.

[Skill : Dark assassin(F) has successfully initiated. ] 

[Skill duration: 2:59:58] 

  "Let's harvest some tasty organs."

He jumped off the window and vanished by using invisibility skill. 

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