
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

A familier face

Ray entered through the door of a classroom full of kids and walked in front of everyone. 

"Hello everyone. I am Ray Li. Let's get along." 

Everyone in the classroom stared at him with a curious set of minds and said, "Hello."

Ray saw everyone was mannered so he became a little relieved. He was happy that the classroom was quiet and peaceful. 

The homeroom teacher asked, "Is that all? Tell us about your hobby and what you want to be in the future."

Ray thought about it for a second and said, "My hobby is observing. And I want to become a doctor."

A girl laughed a little and said, "What kind of hobby is observing?" 

"Now, now. Don't laugh at his hobby. I am sure he enjoys it a lot. Now Ray, take a seat in the middle of the middle row. There are only three empty seats so you can also choose that."

  'There's no way I am taking the seat of a protagonist of a story besides the window unless I want to get sniped out by a professional sniper. That's the worst seat. I will sit in the middle because there is a 50/50 chance of survival. If you sit too close to the door, an intruder can capture you first. If you sit near a window, you'll get sniped or worse, bombed. So the middle seat is the best.'

Ray walked closer to the middle seat and unknowingly, he sat in the middle of three school bullies. So, everyone who was excited to talk with him immediately forgot about his existence in the class. They knew he was about to become an errand boy.

  'I can feel those three pairs of eyes drilling a hole in my face. They are school bullies who're waiting to bite my neck without anticipating the aftermath.'

He then looked at the board to pretend to be attentive in his class when he was actually busy reading all the candidate's identities. There were 99 of them.

'There are a lot. And the fun fact about it is all of them are from South Korea and they were all aura users. Only Ray had a poisoned aura core. And the system happened to pick him.'

He then looked through all their information and found out their circumstances weren't good and only Ray had the opportunity to change his future. The system isn't something that selects an unworthy person. It was all well organised. So he thanked the system and suddenly, the bell rang. 

The first class was over.

"Oi. Ray Li, I heard you don't have any aura despite having a hero family." The boy who was sitting behind him put his legs on Ray's seat. 

"Bold of you to assume that I don't have any aura," Ray replied immediately. 

"Hm? But the teacher said you don't have any. Are you lying to save your ass? I hate pretenders. Go and sit in the corner. You deserve that seat just like trash cans suit well in the corner."

'And here I thought that I'm going to have a peaceful school life until I graduate.'

Ray took his bag and went to the last seat. He was exhausted so he took the last seat even though it wasn't his favourite. He closed the window curtains and put his head on the table to sleep. The student in front of him who was an introvert turned around and said, "You did the right thing. If you annoyed them a little, they'd slap your teeth out of your jaw."

Ray lifted his head and saw a boy with dark hair and dark brown eyes. He was just like the other ordinary kids but he had something different deep inside his soul that Ray noticed.

His instincts never lie.

So he asked, "Are you also one of his victims?"

The boy nodded his head and turned back again. He whispered, "Be careful. They aren't good and they have connections with a drug dealer in a villain alley. They are dangerous."

Ray looked at the thugs and saw they were all controlling the class. The dyed-haired boy with a lollipop in his mouth was trying to flirt with a girl beside his seat but she also seemed to be that type. She was the kitty cat of thugs who play along because it was fun.  

She was also that type of beauty with thrones. 

 'Isn't she quite the pretender?'

That time, a teacher came inside with a notebook in her hand and slammed it on the table. She looked quite familiar to Ray so he stared at her.

"Good morning class. Now sit down. I can see a new face in the class. I assume you're the son of the hero. That's fascinating but without aura, you're just a normal kid like the rest of us."

'I finally recognised her.'

A few years ago in mokpo…

Ray Park, who was known as the auraless villain, was working in a bar in disguise trying to look for a woman named Himi. She was supposed to be a police officer but her real identity was a team leader of a small group of tank members. She was in charge of smuggling young girls and delivering them out of the city to North Korea.  

She was the next target of Ray.

Just like any other day in a peaceful bar, a woman named Himi walked in and Ray found her. To kill her, he put drugs in his drink and made her go wild.

This was the perfect chance to kill her but her mother who spotted her in the middle of the street also followed her into the bar. She wasn't happy to see her daughter who's supposed to be a good policeman going into a (19+)LGBTQ  bar. She was also worried for her. 

Ray on the other hand already took her inside a room to separate her from her team members but sadly, they saw her going inside a VIP room. They all cornered Ray but sadly, they were all shot dead in the room.

At that moment, her mother found her inside a room full of dead bodies and a man wiping his gun with a white handkerchief. He smiled at her and said, "I'm sorry to show you this bloody room, customer. Please wait for 30 minutes and I will prepare a new room for you."

He shot her on her thigh to stop her from running away and said, "It will be good if you choose to shut up or else you will also lose your pretty life."

"Why…why did you kill Himi!! Why!!! Aaahh!!!"

Ray was quite surprised because it was her mother who went inside the room. So he laughed a little and said, "Look miss, Your daughter isn't a saint. And I won't let anyone go who killed mine. Do you feel sad? Depressed? Frustrated to see that face?"

Ray grabbed her hair and pointed her head at her daughter's dead body. "Do you feel it? This is what I felt when they killed my family. I am avenging them. So don't hold any grudges. Or else, I will take your life too." 

Ray smashed her head on the wall to knock her out and leave. Because someone had already called the police because they heard a gunshot. "Goodbye."

'I wonder how deep that bullet hole was on her thigh.' 

Ray looked at the teacher that he shot in a bar. She was a beautiful woman with a great figure despite her age. But after her only daughter's death, she became a cold woman who loves to torture the students. The wound in her heart was so deep that she forgot about humanity. She became a heavy drinker after that bloody incident. 

'I never thought I'd see her in this classroom. I'm even surprised my luck will cross paths with her again.' 

Ray looked at her and saw her also looking back at him. "You're Ray Li. What a coincidence. Someone also named Ray fu*ek with my life a few years ago. It's also a coincidence that you have no aura. Are you related to Ray Park?"

"Ray Park? That auraless villain? What makes you think that?" Ray asked.

"I was just asking. And also I am surprised to see both of you talk similarly. Stand up for the entire class because you pissed me off."

Ray stood up and marinated that position for 40 minutes without saying anything. The bullies in the class were laughing.

'It was a mistake to keep her alive back then. I want to blow her skull right now.'

The class wasn't long for him because he was busy reading the listed people on the red screen. They were all in Seoul but it was a coincidence that most of their bodies weren't found later. There were multiple missing cases on the same day but sadly, the cases were closed because there was no lead. Most of their bodies disappear like smoke.

  'System, what happened to their bodies?'

[The candidates have vanished deep inside the realm of darkness.]

   'What's a realm of darkness?'

[System error. Failed to find the information.]

  'So you don't have any access to that.'


  'You're making me more curious about it now.'

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