
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

A clue

Ray's father, who was one of the great heroes of South Korea, had a bad relationship with a hero named 'The Sword God'. He knew he was associated with an evil group called 'Tank '. But for the lack of evidence, he couldn't take further steps. But when he heard the name of an aura-less hero killing all the suspects of the Tank, he understood that he was so far away from capturing them. 

He had high hopes for the villain who was slowly killing the Tank but when he saw he killed some innocent civilians, he gave up on him and took the case into his own hands. 

For 3 years, he chased the aura-less hero but he failed. He was like a slimy fish that slips away the moment you capture it.

He almost gave up on him but when he was killed by the sword god, he felt relieved.

After searching out his hideout, he found something that he never imagined in his life. He killed nobody out of the tank gang and those three innocent civilians were also a part of the tank and they were the most dangerous tank members after all. The aura-less villain was never a bad guy who tortured an innocent person. 

He was the hero who wanted to wipe out the corruption of the country but failed to do so.

After he searched his hideout well, he found every hero's biography, his hidden businesses and all the crimes they committed. There was also his name and information about his personal life. The way he treated the citizens and the way he treated his aura-less sons. But it wasn't a serious crime so he was out of his killing list.

He was surprised to see his information-collecting skills so he thought his talents were such a waste. He could've done better if he was in the hero association. 

He could've been a great partner of his if he were still alive.

He shook his head and looked at his son's face. He thought, 'It's a coincidence that my son's name is also Ray and an aura-less person. But there's no connection between us as a father and son like Ray said. We don't really have any deep bond between us. He's on his own taking care of everything.'

"How long are you going to keep looking at me?" Ray asked.

"Oh…I was just looking at your arm. Is that arm healed?"

"No, it will take more than a week. Thank you for your concern. Aren't you gonna go back to your office? You're also away from your business for doing hero work."

Ray looked back to his comic book and started reading. 

"Yes, handling two different jobs at a time is a bit difficult. But my son comes first." 

Ray again turned the page of his comic book and said, "The youngest will throw a tantrum if he hears that you came here to spend time with me. He's a child that needs more care, you know."

    Why isn't this handsome shit not leaving!! How long is he going to stay here!!!

Ray's father smiled and said, "Well, it's better if we don't just tell him." He stopped talking for a second and said, "Ray, do you want to change your school?"

Ray stopped reading and quickly answered, "If that's possible, I want to go to Sun H. Middle school."

Ray's father knew why he chose the furthest school from his home. It was near his grandma's home who likes Ray even though he doesn't have any aura inside his body. She's the oy person in the family who adores Ray. 

But it also made his heart throb in pain because he was leaving the main family for discrimination. He wasn't loved by anyone inside the house and talking with one's own for a day doesn't make you a good loving father. The way Ray was having a conversation with him was like he was talking with a respected elder. Not a father. 

"Why do you want to leave Goyang si?" The father asked.

"Because I don't like this city. I want to live with grandma as long as she's alive. I believe I'll turn into an adult by then."

  [The host has overcome his body's overflowing emotions.]

[The system has unlocked a new passive skill, 'Calm mind(E).]

"Newly gained skill has the ability to keep the user's emotion in control no matter how bad the situation is.]

He glanced at the red scene that popped in front of him. And then he looked at his new father's face.

"Why do you want to leave the house?" His father asked.

"Because grandma's home is more peaceful and comfortable. And she's always alone so what's the issue? At least she will have me to have a little chat."

His father hesitated at first to say that he could go. But when he thought about the condition of the house, had no choice but to let him go. 

"Okay, but you have to visit us once a month."

"How about visiting us? Grandma is an old person. How can you ask her to come over? You should come and visit us."

His father answered yes without any hesitation this time. 

    This is a great development. If this good development keeps increasing, I can go back to Incheon and secure my secret hideout.

It was a wise decision to make multiple hideouts and keep my money and guns in the safest one. I checked them all and found out nobody had managed to find them. My personal belongings are all safe. 

Ray closed the comic book and said, "I'll go somewhere else now. Now please don't follow me because I am not going back home."

"Where are you going?" Ray's father asked.

"To a bookstore crossed the street." He paid for the book and the coffee to the store owner and left for another store. But his father was still following him.

But he didn't care and simply went to the bookstore to search for the book he was looking for. 

"What are you looking for? '' His father asked.

"Introduction to mythology." He answered obediently. 

     After I came back to earth, the concept of the afterlife became a new interest of mine. So I searched about monsters, the devil, hell and countless things that I've seen inside the hell and found out they were all passed down as myth in so many story books and religious books. 

They all have a great definition of Lucifer but sadly, none of them matched the real one. So I thought he was never an earthling and that's why his existence wasn't briefly mentioned. 

But if he never was an earthling, how do people know about him? And why the hell monsters' pictures were drawn so perfectly in an ancient book?

Does that mean there was a person who came back to earth after staying inside hell? If that actually happened, he'd be dead already. 

He thought about it for some moment and asked,  'System, do you know anyone besides me who came back to earth after the second reincarnation?'

The system kept quiet for a minute and finally popped a red screen up. 

[The host has triggered a hidden clue about the birth of the world. The information will be saved on the system server for the host.] 

Ray looked at the black screen and frowned a little. 'Just answer the damn question.'

[Yes, there was another person who came to earth after hell's infinite punishment. The host needs to figure out more clues to get access to further information about this matter.]

'And how exactly am I going to do that?' Ray asked him from his mind and the system said, 

[The host needs to study more about hell in order to know more.]

  Well, I guess this is as far as the system can give me today. I guess I need to study more.

He looked above and saw another book called, 'The history of the goodness of war'.

So he took the book and looked at his father. "Are you still going to follow me?"

"I'm your father so I can follow you no matter where you go."

    Hah… I am being guarded by a kid right now. A damn ignorant kid.

Well, at least he's doing his best to make a good relationship with his middle son but sadly, he's already dead. And I am too tired to form a family and live a happy, peaceful life after all the things that have happened to me.

I can't sit idle and let them live a good life. I can't let them. smile happily when I'm the one who spent millions of years in hell.

I want them to feel the burn and pain as well. 

Ray smirked a little and took the books inside his bag after buying them. His father was also interested so he also wanted to read his books. 

But Ray didn't even let him touch those books 

   They are all mine-_-. 

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