
Karma Corpse System Omniversal

Who doesn't want power to change their destiny? Join our Main character's adventure towards greatness through death. All characters and stories used are created, produced, and owned by other people except the OC, please support the official release. This is my first try at a story so any corrections/advice is appreciated.

Goldenswiftreader · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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24 Chs

Chapter 11 A Series of Fortunate Events Prevail

Once everybody was rested Quigley asked Judith to be his guardian as well. Apparently the children had spent some of the night going over their experiences together and had convinced Quigley that Judith was trustworthy. After agreeing to be his guardian Judith brought up the fact that Quigley was presumed to have perished in the fire and that in order to bring him back into the public eye they would have to capture the fire-starters. Upon hearing that the children were elated that he was now part of the new family and saddened that they were still in danger and renewed their efforts to decode the V.F.D. documentation. Quigley quickly finds out about the Snicket File and how it might help with evidence to convict the fire-starting bigwigs of V.F.D. The file had been sent to Heimlich Hospital's library of records room for safe keeping. Hearing this the children began to plan their outing to get this file. Before they go the Baudelaires, Quagmire triplet, Judith celebrate Klaus' 13th birthday with some cake and stories of their parents.

On the way to Heimlich Hospital Judith warned the children that Count Olaf was being held there while he recovers from his injuries,so they needed to be careful. They agree while looking grim and proceed to plan with Judith the best way to gain access to the record room. Once they arrived, it was a simple matter for Judge Strauss to meet the administrator of the hospital to gain access to tour the facility. The administrator had been frustrated at his lack of progress in securing funding to complete the hospital's construction, with guarantees of support he hands the children and Judge Strauss access passes and orders Hal the record-keeper of the Library of Records to take them on a tour of the building. Figuring that Hal would be proudest to show them the record room Judith proceeds to request that he start by showing them those rooms first. Klaus immediately brightens up at the opportunity to see a library. Hal was delighted to show them his place of passion.

Hal led them to his pride and joy announcing that this is where files from all over the world are sent to and stored. The library has two rooms, with a small antechamber preceding the large filing room, which itself was filled with rows of locked filing cabinets. The ceiling was low and each aisle of cabinets was only big enough to walk single file. Records were deposited through a chute into the room and to be filed away by the record-keeper. Expressing satisfaction at his explanation Judge Strauss requested that Hal show her the rest of the facilities of the hospital and to let her wards assist in sorting the paperwork that appeared to be piling up, so that he wouldn't fall behind on his work. The children in understanding the hint expressed interest in sorting the files that were slowly piling up from the chute. Hal expressed that since he was getting on in years, he was losing his eyesight, so he agreed and the children began sorting the files as Hal and Judge Strauss left.

The finished half of Heimlich Hospital was a beautiful building that contained every commodity an average hospital contains. It was where many of the licensed doctors, nurses, surgeons, and other staff employed at the hospital performed their duties. Although the ward names were weird making it confusing to navigate, example names; Plague Ward, Sore Throat Ward, Broken Neck Ward, Ward for People with Nasty Rashes, Pneumonia Ward, Surgical Ward, Ear Ward, Stubbed Toe Ward, Accidentally Swallowed Something You Shouldn't Have Ward and etc. While walking through the wards Hal and Judge Strauss kept hearing about various people needing help here and there on the intercom system, showing that the hospital was in good working order even while being incomplete. The Unfinished Half of Heimlich Hospital is nothing more than a metallic frame with some construction materials here and there, it didn't look as though construction was going to resume anytime soon. Judge Strauss spent some time talking to Hal about the times changing and the importance of good filing.

While the adults were touring, Isadora, Duncan, and Sunny began to sort the piling the papers in the way that Hal had explained to them before taking Strauss on the tour. Quigley, Klaus and Violet proceeded to head to the filing cabinets labeled B for Baudelaire,Q for Quagemire, and V for V.F.D. where Violet began to use her skills with tools to pick the locks since Hal hadn't given them the keys to open any of the cabinets. Once opened Klaus and Quigley began to sort through each cabinet to find any V.F.D. files and found a roll of film labeled the Snicket files. Grabbing anything else that looked important Klaus and Quigley, sorted the information, handed the pile to Violet and began to put everything else back. They would read it later for now they had to look like progress was made. Violet put the small pile of files into the empty handbags that they had brought with them for this very purpose. Meanwhile Isadora, Duncan, and Sunny had sorted most of the paperwork and were starting the process of laying each pile in front of each appropriately labeled cabinet. They made it just in time for when Hal laughing at something Judge Strauss had said opened the door and saw that the paperwork that had come down the shoot had been sorted like he had instructed. Noticing these piles he thanked them for the assistance in making his job easier he sent them on their way.

Having gained the Snicket file and extra V.F.D. paperwork they headed back to the safehouse. Once there everyone congratulated each other on their work and proceeded to examine the Snicket File. It revealed who the masterminds of the fire-starting side were and some of their more heinous crimes. The evidence points to Count Olaf, the Man With a Beard But No Hair, and the Woman With Hair But No Beard. Surprisingly the files revealed that there might have been a survivor from the fires. Realizing that it might just be talking about Quigley the children weren't all that hopeful on that part. The other documents pointed to alternative V.F.D. safe-house locations and showed the children's parents earlier lives as trainees of V.F.D. Happy to learn more about their parents the children take some time to go through their findings and feelings. They now have a list of locations to check out. The next V.F.D. safe-house location that might have the possible survivor is the Valley of the Four Drafts located in the Mortmain Mountains.

After a bit Judith declares that she will be taking the evidence to ensure the capture and imprisonment of the fire-starters. That way they can prevent them from harming anyone else and make finding the other V.F.D. locations safer. Judith inquires whether the children want to come with her to catch the crooks or stay at the safe-house. Explaining that they would be in danger in any other situation Judith just wants them to be safe. Hearing this the children spend some time debating whether to come or not, then upon who should go and who should stay, until they decided. Everyone, but Duncan would stay, he would use his interest and knowledge in journalism to record what happens, also it would be easier for Judith to protect one of them, than the whole group. Violet would prepare some inventions for the trip to the mountains, Isadora would make sonnets of all the adventures they had, Quigley would decode the rest of the document, Klaus would read the documents and compile a thorough list of locations to search for V.F.D. remnants, and Sunny would help them all while chewing on things.

After embracing the children Judith and Duncan grabbed the gathered evidence and supplies before heading back to the city. Once there Judge Strauss began the process of arresting the Man With a Beard But No Hair and the Woman With Hair But No Beard. While doing so she included the arrest of the three detectives she had discovered through Esme Squalor who were assisting the fire-starters escape justice. They had been Detective Smith, Detective Jones and Detective Smithjones who had been giving false information to The Daily Punctilio newspaper for years and helping any fire-starters escape capture. It was relatively easy to get Esme to point out the detectives and get them arrested, it seems that they had been misusing their position for years and used their connections with the corrupt High Judges to escape justice. Once cornered the Man With a Beard But No Hair and the Woman With Hair But No Beard attempted to use a little silver whistle to call something, but had been immediately knocked out before they could. This attempt was used as evidence in their trial that had to be held in another city.

The Daily Punctilio the main newspaper that operates in the City and is often sold and read in its surrounding areas such as the Hinterlands. It is wildly popular regardless of its often erroneous and misleading information. Making use of it's popularity Duncan Quagmire submitted the information about the discovery that of two of the three High Court Judges were secretly criminals and that three detectives had been their lapdogs. This led to a public outcry for the politicians to shape up or be thrown out forcing the city officials to speedily throw the caught criminals into prison, while their cases would be handled in another city as to make everything legal. With the reveal that two Judges had been corrupt it led to Judge Strauss needing to go over the cases that the previous Judges had handled. Needing help she brought in the rest of the children to assist her, interrupting the plans that they had made earlier. It came to light, that the Man With a Beard But No Hair, the Woman With Hair But No Beard, Detective Smith, Detective Jones and Detective Smithjones had committed many heinous miscarriages of justice that it took almost a year to correct all their crimes. Leading to many victims of injustice being released and many actual criminals to have their sentences reduced. It was a hectic time and in the process everyone grew closer.

Count Olaf's former troupe had been given amnesty in exchange for turning in evidence and acting as witnesses of the crimes committed by Count Olaf and the other 5 fire-starting criminals. Esme Squalor had become an infamous Fashion designer who was often in the Fashion list as either the most in or the most out. It was found out that Dr. Georgina Orwell now ran a respectable business that taught social niceties. Jerome Squalor and Charles were a happy couple, while Sir had escaped criminal charges. Josephine Anwhistle was still in hiding. Montgomery Montgomery was still in Peru. The village of V.F.D. was still the same, while Prufrock Preparatory School had a change in leadership and funding that led students learning things in the better run classes. The Heimlich Hospital was now almost completely built and a place where many patients survived their injuries/sicknesses. Mr. Poe stayed a financial banker never to rise in the ranks ever again, his sister lost her position as the Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Punctilio, with Jacques Snicket taking her place. The Baudelaires and Quagmire's had gained a better understanding of the adult world and their bonds were better than ever. They still had enthusiasm for their personal interests in fact their mastery had improved. Finally two new people had been brought in to become High Court Judges to replace the vacant seats. Having finally caught up on the course they moved back to the safe-house to continue where that left off a year and some change ago.

'System have I derailed the plot yet?'

[Not quite yet, there is still more storyline left that doesn't involve the villains that have been captured or changed. Will need to continue with the mopping up of V.F.D. remnants to complete derailing.]

'Makes sense I haven't gotten the children closure yet, but at least I made sure that the next parts will be safer. You'd think that the firefighting side of V.F.D. would surface though.'

[Ding for saving the Heimlich Hospital and it's Library of Records from burning down improve medicine skill and gain perk Eidetic Memory allows user to recall an image from memory with high precision for a brief period after seeing it only once, and without using a mnemonic device, and increases learning mental activity speed by 5%, +100 Karma. For assistance in capturing the head fire-starters before they could wreak havoc on everything, gain skills Taming I and Fire Resistance I, +50 Karma. For reforming the former members of Count Olaf's troupe gain Leadership Perk +5 in Chr. and whenever in a leadership position 5% increase in followers stats, gain the ability Rally, when used gives members under you a temporary 30% boost in all stats for 30 minutes. Afterwards everyone will suffer a 30% reduction in stats while recovering. +40 Karma]

'Nice status'

Age 62 Level 39 (exp 22300/39000)

Condition: Normal


Strength 39H

Dexterity 60H

Constitution 80H

Intelligence 61H>62H

Wisdom 57H>58H

Charisma 22H>23H


Acting G, Basic Languages D+, Body Language E, Camouflage F, Car Mechanics H, Cartography I+ Cleaning G, Cold Resistance F+, Cooking G, Cryptology I+, Digging F, Dive D, Driving G, Enhanced Hearing D, Enhanced Smell C, Enhanced Swimming C, Enhanced Touch F, Enhanced Vision E, Fist Fighting F, Gem Craft I, Heat Resistance G, Herpetology G, Hypnotism H, Night Vision H, Maintenance G+, Mathematics F, Marine Martial Arts H, Medicine H+>F, Parallel Thinking G+, Shooting H+, Surgery H, Teaching I, Volleyball G, Woodcraft I, Writing I, New Skills (Taming I, Fire Resistance I)


Eidetic Memory, Entomorph: (Fall Armyworm), Fashion Sense, Fungalmorph: (Mushroom), Jurisprudence, Lachrymose Leech, Leadership, Plantamorph: (Elm, Evergreen) Pupa, Stoic, Uncommon Physical Growth, Zoomorph: (Anchovy, Bass, Blue Wildebeest, Camel, Carp, Chicken, Crow, Cow, Crab, Deer, Eel, Goat, Goose, Hare, Horse, Impala, Kangaroo, Llama, Lobster, Mackerel, Mole, Mouse, Mussel, Octopus, Oyster, Pig, Pigeon, Possom, Prawn, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Reindeer, Salmon, Sardine, Seagull, Sheep, Shrimp, Squid, Trout, Tuna, Turkey, Vole, Zebra), World Compass

Corpse Absorption Progress

Ant (.07928), Aphid (.00254), Bedbug (.00072), Bee (.00503), Centipede (.00011), Cockroach (.00722), Dandelion (.00027), Earwigs (.00083), Flea (.00044), Fly (.11808), Ivy (.069), Jellyfish (.00022), Lice (.00054), Mosquito (.07901), Moth (.00166), Pill Bug (.00186), Slug (.000501), Spider (.00056), Wasp (.03208), Worm (.00062)

Abilities:Tutorial Pocket. Sealed (Diagnose H+, Flight G, Ink Squirt, Rally, Photosynthesis)

Achievements: Family Man, For The Family!, Globetrotter, Survivor

Karma: 526 Total Positive