
Karitori: Kuragari

In this world there are Monsters, Cryptids, Demons whatever you seek to call them... But there are those who hunt these monsters and protect humanity; they are Reapers! Using their Scythes to cut through these beast like a wheat field! And Samuel Reyes is the newest one! Join Sam and his friends on this... adventure Karitori. NOTHING IS EVER AS IT SEEMS... Honestly you- ya just... skip Part 0 if you want to, it's not the best... and I mean... I am going to someday rewrite and fix this.

Raymond_Jensen · Kỳ huyễn
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84 Chs

Part 1 Epilogue: Changed World

Arc 7: Changed World.

(Two Weeks after Helena Fukai's speech revealing the truth of monsters to the entire world. Many still believe that it's a hoax, to cover up the fall of the RoundTable Towers. While others have accepted that fact that they are not alone. Some Demi-humans have come out of hiding, while others are still staying in the shadows fearing that they will never be accepted in the world)

(Able is sitting at a café, the right sleeve of his red coat is rolled up and his hair is unkempt and long, he is also sporting a stubble)

(Evelyn sits down across from him and gives Able a cup of coffee)

Evelyn: How are you feeling?

Able: I'm... fine. A bit of phantom pain, but further I'm fine.

Evelyn: So... what do you want to talk about?

Able: I don't know. The world has always been like this... but it feels more undiscovered than normal now.

Evelyn: That's what happens with sudden change... things you once understood clearly, get blinded by fog.

Able: Yeah... maybe we're just monsters in world, that acts like it accepts us.

Evelyn: (She holds onto his left hand) Don't say that, Able.

(A woman wearing a sun hat and a black shirt with white jeans walks into the cafe. Keeping her head low she walks over to the cashier area and starts ordering her coffee)

(A man walks over to her and she ducks her head even lower)

The man: You know... it's overcast outside and we're expecting rain... so madam why are you wearing a sun hat of all things?

The woman: (She has a look of embarrassment on her face) I... thought it would be stylish...

The man: Really...?

(He pulls off the woman's hat, revealing that she is in fact a Demi-human with Ginger colored cat ears, that stand in beautiful contrast with her black hair, she looks around 29 years old)

The man: Just like I thought... another "Demi-human"! Why don't you just go back to the stupid anime you came from?! Better yet... while you're here, why don't you explain what animal your daddy had to fuck in order for you to be born?!

Able: Hey! Jackass! (He sucker punches the man, knocking him clean out) Anyone else got a problem?! Because apparently no one in this world can be civil anymore!


(Kane is inside Amelia's penthouse suite, looking out the window)

Amelia: (She walks over and stands next to Kane) You know... there ARE other rooms in this hotel, right?

Kane: I'm staying in the penthouse that's final.

Amelia: Fine! But you're contributing to the monthly payment!

Kane: This... isn't over with Sam.

Amelia: Yeah I know that.

Kane: We're gonna need allies... Dracula. He'll help us...

Amelia: Dracula?! Shit... Sam owes me 50 bucks now!!!

Kane: Yeah... but it can wait. If it's a war he wants, then we'll give him hell itself.

(Later that day, around 18:00)

(Kuragari is sitting next to Annah who is still unconscious, she has been out for 3 weeks)

Kuragari: Annah... I don't know if you can hear me. But understand that all I did in these last few weeks, I did to... protect you all. Even if doesn't seem like it right now, I DO love you all. I hope with everything I have left, that you wake up soon. But right now... I got something I need to do real quick. I'll be back soon.

(Kuragari drives to an abandoned factory and walks inside)

(He walks to center of the factory, where a man is chained to a chair)

Kuragari: (He takes off the cloth that's covering the face of the man) Hey there... Renny boy.

Ren: (He looks starved and tired) Reyes...

Kuragari: Oh, I'm sorry but he's dead. The name's Kuragari...

Ren: What...?

Kuragari: Anyways pal, now you need to get out of that chair. I'm expecting some guests... (He picks Ren up and carries him) Ally-oop. (Ren coughs up blood on Kuragari's shirt) Aww... you're like a puppy. A sick, abandoned and poorly fed puppy.

(Kuragari puts Ren in a secluded room and puts duck tape over Ren's mouth)

(Kuragari puts the cloth over his own head and ties himself to the chair)

(An eerie calmness fall over the factory. When suddenly the windows break and Seven soldiers dressed in all black move inside from different positions, clearly here to find Kuragari)

(They all make their way to the center, with two others guarding from the catwalks)

(They are the Seven Heavenly Virtues top-ranking soldiers of the RoundTable Organization, a mini-militia by all accounts. The exact number of successful mission they've had is unknown, but it is believed to be over 500)

(Humility the leader of the group orders the rest to stand behind, as he takes off the cloth)

Kuragari: (He sticks his tongue out as he turns his head) Baa!!!

(Kuragari in the blink of an eye, manages to cut himself free with the Black Scythe and he drives it straight into Humility's neck)

(Kuragari pulls the Scythe out and Suterusu Smoke surrounds him)

(Suddenly "We Didn't Start The Fire" by Billy Joel starts playing out of thin air)

Kuragari: (While hiding in the shadows as the Virtues search for him) (Thinking to himself) Only six of them? Let's see if they're really made up to be that strong...

(Kuragari sneaks up behind Gratitude and without hesitation cuts him in half, diagonally from the left shoulder downwards)

(He sneaks up on Temperance and Diligence who are standing back to back with each other. Suddenly both of Temperance's legs get chopped off and she falls to the floor, her gun still firing wildly. Before he can even react, Diligence's throat is deeply slit)

(Charity runs over to where the gunshots came from, suddenly his helmet flies off and he looks around confused and frustrated. Kuragari stands behind him and knocks him to his knees. He forces Charity's mouth wide open and throws a small pocket knife down his mouth, he falls down to the floor and starts choking and spitting up blood)

Kuragari: Shit... even I admit that's brutal.

(Chastity out of blind rage runs up to Kuragari firing her weapon at him, but misses every single shot)

Kuragari: (He picks Chastity up by the throat and slowly turns his head to him) My dude!!! That was point-blank range!!! How in all hell did you miss EVERY shot?!!! At this point it's a mercy killin'!!! (He uses Reaper Enhance and literally squeeze Chastity's neck so hard, his head comes flying off) (He starts counting the dead bodies) 1... 2... eenie meenie miney mo!!!

(Kuragari catches Patience who was jumping at him from above)

(Kuragari grinds Patience's face on the floor, the front part of the skull breaks in and he throws Patience against a pole splitting his head in two)

Kuragari: Well... that was fun... oh right, Ren!!! (He goes into the room where Ren was kept and picks him up) I got a plan to take care of you, boy. (He walks outside and throws Ren in the car)

(He drives out to an open grass field far from civilization)

Kuragari: (He throws Ren inside an open coffin next to a dug out hole) Well Renny this where your road ends... inside this coffin is a bit of food and water, just enough to keep you going for a month or so. As well as several oxygen tanks attached to it... if I were you, I'd constantly shift positions bed sores are terrible. (Ren starts intensely shaking his head and Kuragari starts nodding) Game... over.

(Kuragari slams the coffin shut)

(End of Chapter 52)